Xianwu star

Chapter 505 Black Whistle?

Chapter 505 Black Whistle?

Xuanming City is certainly a marginalized city, but with Zhongzhou's huge population base and unprecedented cultivation civilization, the city is still full of busy traffic.

In such a huge city, a young man wearing an ice mask COSPLAY Di Shitian walks on the streets of Xuanming City.

And for such a young man wearing an ice mask, passers-by will not have any other reactions after just taking a look.

After all, today's Fengyun II can be said to be a phenomenon-level TV work, and it is normal to affect the appearance of the characters in young people's cosplay.

In fact, not to mention the whole of Zhongzhou, but in Xuanming City, the number of people who own the same ice mask as Di Shitian's is in the double digits.

Therefore, passers-by do not actually have much novelty about the attire of the young man walking on the street.

But what they don't know is, where is this COSPLAY?That ice mask is obviously the one worn by the old monster Di Shitian in Fengyun.

An ice mask carved with the coldest heart in the entire situation!
Of course, the so-called cathode generates yang, and Di Shitian's ice mask worn on his face not only does not have that biting cold feeling, but is warm as spring, and it also has the characteristics of a frozen face.

And there is obviously only one person in this world who can possess such a mask, and that is Wang Zheng!
The reason why Wang Zheng came to Xuanming City, which is not well-known in Zhongzhou, is mainly because he learned from Wanbao Pavilion that the Feixian Cup qualifiers here are in full swing. As the next key program, Wang Zheng has nothing to do. Naturally moved my mind.

But with Wang Zheng's popularity, it is estimated that he will be surrounded by a large number of fans as soon as he shows up in Xuanming City, so he chose this method of hiding his identity.

"Go quickly, if you go late, there will be no room."

"Which team do you like? One is the dark horse civilian team, and the other is the alliance team organized by the family."

"Enter the dragon! Although the members of the big families have high cultivation on average, they will bring props to suppress their cultivation in the competition. The competition is all about physical fitness and skills.

Although the civilian team's cultivation base is not high, the methods they have learned through hard work are very easy to use.And unlike the family alliance, each one is proud and arrogant, the cooperation of those commoners is really good. "

"Hey, someone has already opened the market, and I overwhelmed the family alliance team."

"I don't know which team can become the representative team of our Xuanming City."

Walking towards the football field opened by Wanbao Pavilion, Wang Zheng heard all about football routines along the way.This made Wang Zheng's face under the ice mask reveal an unexpected expression.

He thought that the time when football really became popular was when every team represented a region or the honor of a faction, but he didn't expect that the representative team of Xuanming City hadn't been selected yet. It's so hot.

Curious in his heart, Wang Zheng subconsciously quickened his pace.

Beginners practiced the Zongyi Immortal Steps, Wang Zheng seemed to be understating and graceful, but in fact, one step was more than ten feet, and this was the result of Wang Zheng suppressing his cultivation and controlling his speed.

If the full firepower of Zongyi Immortal Steps is used, although Wang Zheng can't be almost a teleporting ghost like Di Shitian, it will definitely make ordinary people unable to keep up with his speed.

It has to be said that stepping on the fairy step freely is definitely a trick created by the old monster Di Shitian. Obviously, the sight and even the perception can't keep up with the user's speed, but at a glance, you can see the user's body. The posture of flying like a fairy.

Haste and floating, two postures that can't be visually presented at the same time, are unexpectedly fused together by this free step.It is not an exaggeration to say that Zongyi Stepping on the Immortal Step is the MAX version of Lingbo Weibu.

As he unfolded his immortal steps, Wang Zheng's movements immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

But obviously that graceful figure was clearly visible, but when I wanted to take a closer look, that figure had already moved a long distance.

After a while, Wang Zheng who performed lightness kung fu appeared outside the football field. After paying a small entry fee, Wang Zheng got his wish and came to the interior of the football field.

"Good guy, this is not a small skill."

Under the ice mask, Wang Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at the football field, which was big enough to accommodate 10 people, and opened his mouth to praise.

But the admiration is the admiration, Wang Zheng still did not stop his steps, and with his extraordinary strength, he found a seat easily.

Well, it's the kind of ordinary audience seats, not VIP seats.After all, if you want to make waves, you must pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to have a chance to pretend...

Sitting casually, Wang Zheng watched with relish the match that was about to determine the name of the Xuanming City team with the others.

As the game started, all the audience shouted, Wang Zheng listened carefully, well, it's similar to the previous life, and there are supporters for any team.

Even at the very beginning, there was a small scolding battle across the football field.

As for the ongoing competition, Wang Zheng also enjoyed watching it with great interest. He could tell that although the average cultivation level of the Clan Alliance team was higher, their physical fitness was stronger than that of the other commoner team.

But everyone in the civilian team surpassed the family alliance team in skill, and what's even more commendable was that their cooperation with each other was really beautiful.

"Beautiful pass!"

"Duan Liangchen is amazing! Another one passed! Damn! He can control the ball well after jumping so high, his skills are amazing!"

"Fuck! Not good, the opposite side is attacking!"

"A false alarm, a false alarm, Duan Liangchen passed the ball at a critical moment."

"The ball has returned to Duan Liangchen's feet!"

Not far from Wang Zheng, a martial artist dressed as a commoner shouted like an amateur commentator while dancing, and around him, a large group of people followed him and exclaimed in fear.

Seeing this scene, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Wang Zheng's mouth: "It seems that football is a sport for men, even in the world of high martial arts, there are tricks."

However, at this moment, there was a sharp whistle on the football field.

"Damn it! What's going on? It's obvious that someone pushed someone from the other side, so you're blowing the whistle?" Before Wang Zheng could take a closer look, the martial artist not far away from him was cursing.

Wang Zheng looked down intently, and saw a referee pushing the excited Duan Liangchen, and gave him a red card with a blank face!
"Red card? Did you make a mistake!"

"CNMD, black whistle, right? When will the referee of Wanbao Pavilion be bribed?"

A small half of the audience was suddenly unhappy, and the civilian team on the field was even more excited.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zheng frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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