Xianwu star

Chapter 510 Martial Dao Primordial Spirit

Chapter 510 Martial Dao Primordial Spirit
To practice the Sacred Heart Jue step by step, the speed is absolutely tortoise speed.

In the original book, Di Shitian also possessed a hundred martial arts, and he devoured all the martial arts to the Sacred Heart Art, which made the Sacred Heart Art soar!

It can be said that the core of the Sacred Heart Art is assimilation and devouring. Once there is no other true energy to devour, the speed of step-by-step practice is too slow.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that there are fewer Tiancaidibao in Fengyunzhong.

Fortunately, the most important thing Wang Zheng lacked was natural materials and earthly treasures. After a huge amount of resources were consumed, the cultivation speed of the Sacred Heart Art could be said to be on the loose.

In addition, Wang Zheng's own understanding of martial arts is sufficient, what is lacking is the transparency and mellowness of martial arts spirit.

This point is just made up for by the magical effect of Tiancaidibao and the Sacred Heart Art!
Therefore, on the day of Li Yang's arrival, in fact, Wang Zheng also has the capital to challenge the Heavenly Tribulation!
And once the catastrophe is over, the martial arts monks can take advantage of the good fortune after the destruction of the thunder catastrophe to take the opportunity to open up the inner world and gather the martial arts primordial spirit!
At this time, Wang Zheng raised his head. In his spiritual perception, it seemed that there was no emotion at all, but a will full of destructive aura was staring at him.

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Wang Zheng chuckled, and glanced at Li Yang who was also ready on the opposite side.

Sensing Wang Zheng's gaze, Li Yang smiled brightly: "Then let's compare?"


The next moment, a terrifying thunderbolt descended from the sky, directly hitting the top of Li Yang's head, and the cyan demon sword came out from Li Yang's waist, and the cold and strange sword energy burst out, and he won towards the heavenly catastrophe.

The terrifying sword light directly chopped Tianlei to pieces!Li Yang even found time to wink at Wang Zheng!

Seeing this, Wang Zheng shook his head and smiled lightly. Facing the thunder that was also approaching, Wang Zheng stomped his feet, and the infinite ice blade shot up into the sky, colliding with the fierce thunder!
Wanren pierces the clouds, turns ice into a blade, soars straight into the sky, and can come out through the clouds.

Under Wang Zheng's full urging, the thick ice blades stabbed towards Jieyun, and Jieyun seemed to be enraged by Wang Zheng, a surge, thunder exploded, and the ice blades all over the sky turned into flying Gray, even more black and purple thunder struck towards the top of Wang Zheng's head!

Facing the terrifying thunder, Wang Zheng was not afraid at all. He glanced at Li Yang who was rushing towards Jieyun against the thunder. The target is inside the Jieyun!

You must know that there is great destruction in the robbery cloud, but there is also great good fortune.After overcoming the destructive power, he will naturally be able to obtain the vitality after the thunder!

And if you want to maximize your benefits, there is no better way to directly enter the robbery cloud and bear the baptism of thunder robbery!

Wang Zheng and Li Yang rushed towards the thunder disaster almost at the same time.

The dark clouds all over the sky were dark and oppressive, embracing a palpitating terror. The figures of Wang Zheng and Li Yang looked so insignificant under the robbery clouds.

But the aura of the two is unprecedentedly strong!Compared with that thunder cloud, it is not much inferior!

The thunder exploded, and Tian Jie seemed to be angry at being provoked like this!Terrifying thunders exploded inside Jieyun one after another!

But in a blink of an eye, Wang Zheng and Li Yang each occupied half of the sky, using tyrannical martial arts methods to forcefully shake the terrifying Heavenly Tribulation!

One is the Sacred Heart Jue that devours and assimilates everything, and the other is the Martial Emperor Jue that governs martial arts in the world.When the two of them fight together, it can be regarded as two living martial arts encyclopedias!
All kinds of different martial arts, with the exquisite combination of powerful and unconstrained style, were brought out by the two in actual combat. The Heavenly Tribulation, which ordinary people talk about, turned pale, but they couldn't do anything to these two people at all.

In the tribulation cloud, after each catastrophe is shattered, there will be a mysterious aura of good fortune pouring into Wang Zheng's altar and physical body.

With the continuous influx of good fortune energy, a terrifying power began to brew in Wang Zheng's dantian, and in his altar, the will of martial arts had already turned into a vague human form!

"Not enough! Heavenly Tribulation! Is this all you can do?"

Feeling the speed of changes in his body, Wang Zheng let out a loud shout, his whole body surged with demon energy, and using his palm as a knife, he slashed towards Jieyun!

A thunderbolt that was almost purple and black flashed across, shattering Wang Zheng's magic saber energy at once, and then, as if enraged, it turned into a thick electric dragon and struck towards Wang Zheng!
Wang Zheng let out a long roar, unexpectedly he did not dodge or dodge, using his physical body tempered by the three scriptures and the Sacred Heart Art, he used his indestructible golden body to resist the terrifying thunder!

The thunder struck, even though Wang Zheng's physical body was astonishing, it was still burnt instantly, and his flesh and blood turned upside down as if rolling around on a chopping board!
But the self-healing ability of the Sacred Heart Art and the aura of good fortune in the catastrophe made Wang Zheng's body recover quickly!
It was another ocean of lightning, the lightning surged down, the thunder was like a tide, shattering everything, it was extremely blazing, and the sky and the earth were a vast expanse of purple.


The sound of thunder almost pierced people's ear drums and shattered people's souls, connecting the heavens and the earth.

The void has been blown up and dilapidated, but it will soon be submerged, because the lightning is too blazing, and the dazzling lightning fills every inch of space.


The thunder is shocking, the purple lightning is like a tide, and it is surging. This is a world of thunder and lightning, which can destroy everything, and people are frightened and horrified.

In the sea of ​​thunder, Wang Zheng and Li Yang each occupied half of the sky, happy and fearless!

Even if viewed from a distance, it was so terrifying, it was hard for people to imagine what kind of disaster Li Yang and Wang Zheng were going through in the purple sea, so they tried their best to watch.

The sea of ​​purple thunder flooded the heaven and the earth, representing the will of the heaven and the earth, which can obliterate all living beings in the world, making one's soul tremble uncontrollably.

Wang Zheng was in the purple sea, his skin was torn apart, his body was scorched black, with bright red blood flowing, and he suffered unimaginable injuries.

Although he was severely injured, he was full of energy and blood, without a trace of defeat, instead he raised his head to the sky and fought hard.

Everyone was horrified, Wang Zheng's physical body was too terrifying, it was vaguely comparable to a divine beast!If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that a thunderbolt would turn into ashes, but he was fighting in a purple ocean.


There was another wave of thunder, extremely blazing, and Wang Zheng was buried below. I don't know how many thunderbolts struck him, his blood splashed everywhere, and his bones creaked.

"This is terrible, all living things will be smashed"

"This old man is so old, it's the first time I've seen someone go through a catastrophe like this. Tianjiao is just different from us ordinary people."

"That's right, look at how much martial arts Li Yang has used in such a short period of time. As expected of the youngest son of Emperor Wu, martial arts are readily available."

"Wang Zheng is not bad either. If I read correctly, Wang Zheng must be practicing Di Shitian's Sacred Heart Art. According to Wang Zheng's explanation in Fengyun, the Sacred Heart Art is comparable to Emperor Wu to a certain extent. The best of the city."

"Look, Lei Jie has changed!"

"Oh my god! The form of thunder! This is the legendary supreme catastrophe!"


The thunder landed down, this time it was not the sea of ​​thunder, but just nine phantoms, intertwined with lightning, like nine gods!
"What is that, how can there be creatures in the thunder?"

Everyone was stunned. The nine figures were formed by thunder and lightning. Some of them looked like human bodies, some of them looked like real dragons, and some of them looked like birds, beasts, fish and insects. They were all different.

"The heaven and the earth really failed to achieve their will, and an immortal god was born?!" Many monks were shocked!
"They are not gods, they are just intertwined by the power of thunder and lightning, which is a kind of terrible catastrophe. But... this thing has never been heard of before the ancient times, and it suddenly existed after the ancient times." You Qiang The speaker opened his mouth and spoke calmly.

Various ancient books have different opinions. The ancient sages believed that the thunder catastrophe was caused by the induction of heaven and man, and it was closely related to the person who experienced the catastrophe.


While everyone was discussing, Wang Zheng had already fallen into a greater ordeal, entangled with one of the phantoms, almost in a war.

Daogang and Jianguang flickered in the void, and that phantom also burst out with terrifying power!As the battle progressed, the qi of good fortune entered the body, and the power bred in Wang Zheng's dantian was even greater, and Wang Zheng's spiritual sense became more and more transparent.

The first figure was finally shattered, but the second loud noise came again, it was a divine phoenix, swooping down with scarlet thunder.

The thunder and lightning that turned into living beings has unimaginable power, far more terrifying than Lei Hai!
Wang Zheng was crushed by the divine phoenix, and the thunderous phoenix emitted a blazing beam of light, almost burning. He was in excruciating pain, but he endured it.

The third way, the fourth way...

Figures like gods rush forward one after another, and there will be nine calamities. Wang Zheng's physical body and spiritual thoughts will go through the calamities at the same time. god.

If you can't resist it, you will be wiped out forever.


With a loud sound at the end, the ninth figure like a fairy king rushed down, hitting Wang Zheng and flying out, and then he was caught up again, and the endless thunder and lightning drowned him.

The Immortal King covered the sky with one hand, and the terrifying power almost made Wang Zheng unable to resist. Even after grabbing Wang Zheng, the Immortal King swallowed Wang Zheng in one gulp.

Wang Zheng was swallowed by the Immortal King, causing everyone to exclaim and pay attention nervously.


Under everyone's horrified gazes, the Immortal King was cut open, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the world became peaceful again. Wang Zheng's eyebrows were like a round of golden sun, extremely blazing.

After undergoing the baptism of Thunder Tribulation, his spiritual sense was obviously different, and he had an aura close to the gods.

Wang Zheng realized in his heart that at this moment, his martial arts will finally transformed into a martial arts primordial spirit under tremendous pressure and aura of good fortune!

(End of this chapter)

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