Xianwu star

Chapter 519

Chapter 519

With Wang Zheng's current cultivation level, even if he is a martial artist, it still seems easy and pleasant to bully a rookie in the Qi refining period under the martial arts primordial spirit.

Needless to say, Wang Zheng is not an ordinary warrior, whether it is the Sacred Heart Art's Constructing the Illusion of the Immortal Palace, Bu Jingyun's Stunning Crossing, Pojun's Heart Seal...

These martial arts have made Wang Zheng's spirit extremely strong, and he also has powerful skills in using them.

Therefore, the power of the soul of the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit burst out, and Wang Zheng transformed into an old beggar in Liu Jianquan's eyes with ease and joy.

Well, exactly like the old beggar in Kung Fu.

The difference was that what they sold was Tathagata God's Palm, but what Wang Zheng gave was a novel, the one with only one hundred chapters.

It stands to reason that ordinary people must be on guard against such a strange person who broke into the sect without knowing why, but for some reason, Liu Jianquan only felt that there was infinite temptation in Wang Zheng's voice, and he couldn't help it. So he focused his eyes on that piece of jade slip.

It was too easy for Wang Zheng to charm people's hearts, at least the hearts of a chicken in the Qi refining period.

In fact, Wang Zheng just magnified Liu Jianquan's thoughts on the jade slip infinitely.

Looking at the jade slip, Liu Jianquan had only one thought in his mind, everything in front of him is definitely the master and peerless inheritance described in the biography!

Yes!Only an expert would appear in the elixir garden without anyone noticing, and would dress up and act so chicly!


Liu Jianquan swallowed hard, looked at the jade slip in Wang Zheng's hand, his heart was pounding, and he opened his chapped lips: "Senior, this is..."

Facing Liu Jianquan's question, the old beggar in his eyes smiled mysteriously: "This is something that can change your life. Seeing your skeleton is so strange, plus you and I are destined, I will give it to you."

Said, the old beggar threw the jade slip in his hand towards Liu Jianquan, Liu Jianquan caught it subconsciously, and when he looked again, the old beggar had disappeared, as if he had never existed at all.

However, the gentle jade slip in Liu Jianquan's hand told him that all this is true!
"Fortunate luck! I, Liu Jianquan, can also meet the same fate as the protagonist of the biography!"

Liu Jianquan yelled in his heart, then counted the time, and looked around, finally he let out a breath, walked out of the elixir garden as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the outer gate area.

The pace along the way was obviously a lot faster. After returning to the outer door area, Liu Jianquan resisted the urge to go back directly to the residence, and greeted his colleagues warmly as usual.

"Everything must not arouse anyone's suspicion. Everyone is innocent and guilty! Although the brothers and sisters of the same school are good people, the human heart is the most unpredictable thing..."

Liu Jianquan kept telling himself this in his heart, and after a lot of suffering, he returned to the room.

Back in the room, the kind smile on Liu Jianquan's face disappeared in an instant, and he carefully looked at everything in the room like a killer. Then he quietly closed the doors and windows, sat cross-legged on the bed, and took a deep breath. After taking a deep breath, he printed the jade slip between his eyebrows.

In the shadows in the corner of the room, Wang Zheng saw this scene with a meaningful smile on his face.

At this moment, Liu Jianquan, as soon as he printed the jade slip between his eyebrows and touched it with his spiritual sense, he felt a wave of information flooding into his mind.

At this moment, an image appeared in Liu Jianquan's mind, a young man in a green shirt with an ordinary but resolute face.The young man's clothes moved with the wind, and his black hair swayed like catkins.

He has a firm look and a cold look in his eyes...

And below the young man, there are several large characters that are obviously improved in art - The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals!

Such a cover shape is definitely an epic skin special effect in the glory of the king...

In order for the right hand of the gods to be able to cooperate with the mortal legend of cultivating immortals, Wang Zheng also worked hard...

"The Legend of Mortal Cultivation?"

Liu Jianquan, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looked at the name, and subconsciously frowned, a bad feeling rose in his heart.

At the same time, he directly skipped the content of the cover and began to perceive the next content.

"Chapter 1: A Small Village by the Mountain"

"Er Lianzi opened his eyes wide and looked straight at the black roof made of thatch and mud. The old quilt covered his body was already dark yellow, and he couldn't see his original face. Musty smell."

"Er Lengzi's surname is Han Mingli. His parents couldn't come up with such a decent name. This is his father's name for a steamed bun made from two coarse grains, and he asked the old Uncle Zhang in the village to give him the name."

A stream of information was slowly digested by Liu Jianquan under the fixed settings of the jade slips, and at the same time, an angry expression appeared on Liu Jianquan's face.

He suddenly opened his eyes, with an angry and helpless expression on his face: "What! It turned out to be a biography! Damn it! Where did the old beggar come from to deceive me!"

"Hehe, Liu Jianquan, Liu Jianquan, do you really think you can get a great fortune?"

"Hey, I guess some inner sect senior brother is playing tricks on me. Now I'm going to be ashamed! And I'm going to be ashamed!"

Liu Jianquan's expression changed again and again, from anger to wry smile, and from wry smile to worry.

But no matter what, Liu Jianquan's blood has cooled down.

It's against the heavens, but it's because I have too many thoughts.

Doesn't exist... doesn't exist at all...

Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Jianquan put the jade slips on the table and stopped looking at him. Instead, he returned to the bed and made plates, intending to strengthen his cultivation.

In fact, replacing sleep with practice every day has been a habit that Liu Jianquan has maintained over the years.

Looking at Liu Jianquan's performance, Wang Zheng in the shadows was not worried, because he knew that the book of mortals didn't show much excitement in the early stage.

Only after the appearance of the mysterious vial, as a cultivator and as a mortal pretense, did she start to get better and better, and later on, it was even more addictive!
"So, if you don't read on, how can I verify the market?"

Wang Zheng muttered, his voice could not be heard by Liu Jianquan at all under the barrier of true energy.Then, Wang Zheng flicked his fingers, and a mysterious wave enveloped Liu Jianquan in an instant.

At this time, Liu Jianquan, who had just entered the state of cultivation, suddenly felt disturbed and unable to enter meditation practice.

In desperation, Liu Jianquan opened his eyes again.

Distraught, Liu Jianquan glanced at the jade slip inadvertently, and a thought came to his mind: "It's nothing to do, or just read this biography to relieve boredom?"

After thinking about it, Liu Jianquan immediately put it into action, and once again printed the jade slip on his forehead.

After a while, Liu Jianquan's voice suddenly sounded in the room.


Wang Zheng, who was in the shadow of the corner, also showed a triumphant smile.

(End of this chapter)

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