Xianwu star

Chapter 521 Trivia

Chapter 521 Trivia
Back in the entertainment industry, Wang Zheng no longer had any psychological burden, completely relaxed, and began to write a complete version of the biography of mortals cultivating immortals with spiritual thoughts.

Don't think that plagiarism is a very simple matter, after all, Wang Zheng's Biography of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals is a magic-reformed e-book version of Biography of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals.

All the illustrations and pictures in it require Wang Zheng to design the composition.

Important people, magical treasures and elixir, secrets of exercises, puppet organs, treasures of heaven and earth...etc!
These things not only need to conform to the description in the book when readers see them, but also need to conform to some things that exist in reality.

As a martial artist, even a fourth-tier grand master, Wang Zheng had to acquire a lot of knowledge for these illustrations.

After all, Wang Zheng didn't need to collect weapon-making materials and obtain treasures in exchange for resources like others along the way, so Wang Zheng only heard the name of many existences, but never saw the specific appearance.

Fortunately, there is Wanbao Pavilion, and Wang Zheng solved most of the troubles by borrowing the product catalog of Wanbao Pavilion.

Even, not only the illustrations, but also some details in the book, such as the realm of cultivation, the names of powerful people, etc., Wang Zheng also had to make revisions to make them conform to the universal cognition of the world.

At least, it must conform to the age characteristics of the ancient era, when cultivation did not exist and warriors were at a loss.

Adding pictures and descriptions, etc., there are nearly ten million words scattered, even if it is plagiarism, it took Wang Zheng more than ten days!

Looking at the piles of jade slips in front of him, Wang Zheng smiled with satisfaction.

"After all, as long as the market response to Mortal Cultivation Legend is good, all the treasures here will belong to me!"

"However, those Xuantian treasures are obviously innate treasures. I'm afraid that the power of the East Continent may not be fully realized."

"But you don't have to worry about practicing with the vial in hand!"

The perfect illustrations match the plot, the purpose is to allow readers to imagine as much as possible and contribute as much as possible to their wishes when watching Mortal Cultivation of Immortals.

The manuscript is completely written, and the rest is to arrange for people to publish it.

Wang Zheng, who was full of expectations for going to the Western Continent in his heart, found the deacon of Wanbaoge in the entertainment city almost in a hurry, leaving no room for negotiation at all, and Wang Zheng confessed directly:
"These jade slips are the original manuscripts of a biography. When the time is right, you Wanbao Pavilion will help me arrange the publication. Hmm... just keep it updated once or twice a day."

As for the arrangement of Wanbao Pavilion, Wang Zheng didn't ask.How would this deacon ask his superiors for instructions, let alone Wang Zheng!Because he knew that Shen Du would make the right choice.

After all, in order to sell the favor of Shen Du for helping to publish the novel, Wang Zheng can change the name of a famous business organization to Wanbao Pavilion among ordinary people...

In the past ten days, the operation of the entertainment city is still in good condition.

Not to mention a new excellent TV work, Wang Zheng’s appointment is also being recorded together in an intensive but low-key episode. The purpose is to ensure that Wang Zheng’s appointment can still be broadcast normally when Wang Zheng is not around. .

Although the King of Masked Singers is over, the impact it has brought is enormous. People from the Eastern Continent who are already well-known all over the world come on stage and sing with masks on. This kind of shock is definitely not comparable to other programs.

Of course, such a shock does not come from the song itself, the brand-new genre is just a bonus item.

After all, this is a world where power is paramount. TV dramas and movies that can bring enlightenment to cultivation are naturally popular, but the songs are different, because those songs are not divine songs and fairy songs condensed by one person's reason, but just the sound of entertainment.

What really made the Masked Singer King popular was the alternative appearance of those geniuses!

Ordinary people, the vast majority of people usually only hear about the names of these geniuses, and the chances to see Tianjiao discussing Dao and fighting skills with their own eyes are too few.

And the alternative appearance on King of Masked Singer gives the audience a new opportunity to comment on the geniuses. This is the selling point of the show!
Of course, a program has a cycle, and Wang Zheng does not plan to start the second season in the short term.

As for the love defense battle jointly run by Kong Fan and Mrs. Hu, it has the momentum to replace the variety show trump card.

The point of view of this show lies in two places.

One is an indoor program, where prominent figures and those parents gossip about the gossip, which fully satisfies the gossip heart of the monks in the Eastern Continent for these big figures.

The other one is an outdoor program, scumbags, gold diggers, true love asking for help... The applause and tricks brought by it made the audience shout 666.
With the help of this program, Mrs. Hu suddenly became a recognized strong woman, and Kong Fan himself was dug out by troublemakers, and the peacock demon saint suddenly became a joke.

But the strange thing is that even if the peacock demon saint retreats and doesn't care about world affairs, the big peacock clan remains indifferent to it.

Wanbao Pavilion's TV shopping program is still popular, and all kinds of hot items set off various panic buying frenzy in the East Continent, making Wanbao Pavilion crowded.In order to cope with the explosive energy of Wanbao Pavilion under the new media, the other two major business giants also contacted Entertainment City.

But when they came out to hang out, trustworthiness came first, and the cooperation with Shen Du was very pleasant, so Wang Zheng didn't agree to some excessive demands. As for those dispensable demands, the two giants looked down on them.

This caused the two major business giants to hate Entertainment City almost to the bone, but they couldn't act too much on the surface, and could only spend a lot of money to cultivate their own channels.

The news broadcast of Tianjizong is still the highest-rated program in the Eastern Continent. As Tianjizong's business becomes more proficient, it pays more attention to new media, and the team of reporters and intelligence continues to expand. It's completely different from when it first started broadcasting.

Of course, Wang Zheng also kept his promise. As long as the content of the news broadcast meets the core requirements of the program, then Wang Zheng will never ask about the content.

In fact, news programs are quite special, and it is best for Wang Zheng not to ask about them. It is better to leave them to professionals.

It is worth mentioning that the young man from the Jizong asked for help that day, even though it was under the intelligence network of the Tianjizong, it could not be resolved. After all, that old man is so ordinary, ordinary as dust.

Although Tianjizong supervises the world, it is not enough to monitor everyone in the world.

However, even if it is not resolved, Wang Zheng has his own method.

Inviting the old man to the entertainment city, after listening to the story told by the old man, Wang Zheng immediately made a decision to insert a special program on the news network that night, not for anything else, but to fulfill the old man's last dream.

(End of this chapter)

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