Xianwu star

Chapter 547 Genius Youths

Chapter 547 Genius Youths

Qinglian's heart is on fire, this is a way of saying "Du Breaks the Sky".

As the name suggests, it is the flame that exists in the lava in the center of the earth, born in the depths of the earth, and has been tempered, fused, compressed, and carved by the fire of the earth countless times...

It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to form, and a thousand years to become a lotus. At the time of Dacheng, its color is blue, and a cluster of green fire is born in the heart of the lotus. It is called Qinglianhuo, also known as Qinglianhuo. Near the volcanic area, it can even trigger a volcanic eruption!Form the destructive force of nature!
In the Western Continent, although there is no Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, there is another Earth Heart Qinglian Fire.

Since the different fire is the embodiment of the rules, it is very possible that the so-called lotus flower of the heart of the earth is the embodiment of the rules of the magma in the earth's core.

Hmm... In the world of ONEPICE, it is the existence of magma fruit.

"Even if it's not the Huo in Dou Po, I am the director and I have the final say, he is destined to be that Huo..."

The corner of Wang Zheng's mouth rose, and at the same time, Wang Zheng suddenly raised a palm, and the flames in the palm turned into arcs and jumped back and forth, and the crackling sound echoed in the cave.

Then Wang Zheng moved lightly towards the ground, and immediately within a radius of one foot, all the flames turned into electric arcs jumped. Visible to the naked eye, the solid ground was eroded into a huge deep pit by the electric arc.

Crazy Thunder!Iron-smelting hands is a martial art that uses fire to overcome the five elements, and is specially used for refining weapons. It can be forged with natural materials and earthly treasures, and the special ground is naturally no longer a problem.

Wang Zheng sat cross-legged in the void, with arc-like crimson flames jumping all over his body, and in the inner world of his body, in the lowest space, there were flames surging like magma.If you look closely, the flame looks like a ball of wool formed by densely packed electric arcs.

Under Wang Zheng's body, within two breaths, a red magma pool was formed, bubbling and bubbling, and the visible heat wave distorted the air.

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, but Wang Zheng's expression was neither sad nor happy.

At this moment, there was a clatter, and the boiling magma suddenly fell from below, and there was a muffled plop.

Wang Zheng looked down, and there was a fiery red space under the one-foot-wide passage, in which magma flowed slowly, but did not erupt under a mysterious force.

"No wonder I felt that the aura here was not right when I was in retreat. I thought it was because it was located on the ground fire, but I didn't expect that there was such a treasure as the earth-centered Qinglianhuo in this ground fire."

Wang Zheng laughed lightly, got up in the air, and flew lightly along the huge hole towards the underground world.

Outside the entrance of the cave, a group of geniuses from the Jia Ma Kingdom had already surrounded the entrance of the cave.

The magician Bobby's body is full of wind elements, and he is floating in the sky with a magic wand in his hand.Beside him, the giant dragon of the dragon knight Kyle roared with huge wings.

As for the dragon knight Kyle, holding a huge dragon gun, he and the golden warrior Bobby slowly approached the entrance of the cave from left to right.

"Bobby, something seems wrong." Dragon Knight Kyle frowned.

Golden Warrior Bobby also noticed something was wrong: "Aura! The aura of the Demon Flame Tiger has disappeared! Logically speaking, since this is the lair of the Demon Flame Tiger, no matter whether it is there or not, its aura should be very strong .unless……"

As if thinking of a certain possibility, Bob's fighting spirit suddenly exploded, and he turned into a fighting star, and rushed out towards the cave.

In the sky, the magician Bobby shook his head and said with a wry smile: "This guy is a golden warrior, but he is still so reckless."

After a wry smile, a gust of wind suddenly broke out around Bobby, wrapping him and flying towards the interior of the cave following Bob's pace.

The sound of pounding footsteps sounded one after another, and everyone rushed into the cave one after another, but the goal was Bob standing in front of a huge deep pit with a livid face.

Feeling that his companions had arrived, Bob turned his head: "I was taken a step ahead."

Dragon Knight Kyle stepped forward, looking at the edge of the deep pit that was still emitting heat: "It shouldn't be long after entering, let's chase! This is the Jia Ma Kingdom, and we will not be afraid of anyone when we join forces!"

As he spoke, Kyle was the first to jump into the deep pit with a huge dragon gun in his hand, and his fighting spirit burst out with a bit of dragon power, allowing him to move faster in the air.

The magician Bobby looked at this scene thoughtfully, always feeling a little ominous in his heart, but thinking about Kyle's judgment, he shook his head.

As Kyle said, the geographical location of the Jia Ma Kingdom determines that ordinary strong people will not come here, and within the Jia Ma Kingdom, except for the sanctuary existences such as their elders and teachers, they will not join forces. Afraid of anyone!

Therefore, following the footsteps of the golden warrior Bob and the dragon knight Kyle, the magician Bobby also flew towards the deep pit amidst howling wind.

Seeing that the proud students of Jia Ma Kingdom's three pillars all entered the deep pit, the others naturally stopped hesitating and used their means to jump towards the deep pit.

Floating technique, flying technique, vindictive buffer... With all kinds of means, these people showed extraordinary qualities in the face of this straight deep pit.

For those so-called top geniuses, their actions naturally cannot be hidden from Wang Zheng, but Wang Zheng has no intention of playing games with them. At this moment, he is eager to see what the so-called Qinglianhuo in the center of the earth is!
If it is really that kind of regular fire, then it is really a treasure.

Although the principle of magma is not strong, and many fourth-tier powerhouses look down on it, but it is definitely a good treasure under the fourth-tier. The characteristics of ordinary flames are enough to make people flock to them!

Along the long river of magma, Wang Zheng walked deeper and deeper, with a step of at least a few feet. Wang Zheng didn't even look at the exposed magic crystals and fire-type treasures along the way.

As the space underneath became wider and wider, the oncoming heat wave already made Wang Zheng feel a little scorching hot.

However, at this moment, the magma lake beside Wang Zheng suddenly exploded with a bang, and a huge figure looked at Wang Zheng indifferently with its ferocious vertical pupils in the magma dripping from the sky.

The figure is like a crocodile, but it has a pair of underdeveloped fleshy wings, and the dark red scales all over the body are faintly flowing with the light of magma.

"Oh? It's considered a heterogeneous species."

Wang Zheng's demonic eyes sized up the strange monster unscrupulously, and suddenly discovered that the strange monster was a mutated existence.

"Well, I'm looking forward to more and more for Qinglianhuo in the center of the earth."

It is obvious that there are natural treasures that can make monsters mutate.So Wang Zheng said to himself after smashing his mouth.

However, just when Wang Zheng was distracted, the crocodile-like beast suddenly exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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