Xianwu star

Chapter 558 I want to see your ancestors

Chapter 558 I want to see your ancestors

Sword 23, destroy the world!
Once the destruction space comes out, there will be no end to death!

Of course, although these golden warriors were strangely strong, they were nothing worth mentioning in the face of Wang Zheng's most powerful spiritual means.Even, just relying on sword energy is enough, and there is no need for the body of the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit to take action!
Spike!One-sided instant kill, although he couldn't use his true energy, under Wang Zheng's destruction space, with the power of the apotheosis sword alone, he completely killed all the weird black-armored warriors in an instant!

Even, under the sword intent of freezing time and space, the thought in Alice's body was restrained to a super level, which undoubtedly accelerated the speed of Wang Zheng's refinement of the green lotus fire in the center of the earth for Alice.

A group of black-armored warriors were instantly killed, and the golden light shrouded in a radius of ten miles gradually dimmed, and everyone regained control of their bodies.

However, as soon as they recovered, they all panted heavily and looked at Wang Zheng with eyes full of horror.

The sword light just now was really terrifying, as if every soul was nakedly placed in front of a peerless sword.

Such a sense of powerlessness made everyone dare not look at Wang Zheng squarely!
The recovery of time and space took almost an instant, and the speed at which Wang Zheng helped Alice refine the Qinglianhuo in the center of the earth became so many times faster in an instant!
Visible to the naked eye, the magic energy in Alice's body was quickly transformed into the nourishment of the magic energy in Alice's body, which made the magic energy in her body begin to grow rapidly.

Even her mental power has risen with the integration of a thought.

"What a great fortune..."

Wang Zheng looked at all this with flickering eyes. In his eyes, the trace of pure magic energy in Alice's body turned into spirit and energy under the magical use of the green lotus fire in the center of the earth, nourishing Alice's soul and spirit. physical body.

Seeing that, Alice's cultivation base began to advance by leaps and bounds, and she was ready to complete the accumulation of the second level!
Even in Wang Zheng's eyes, there is a lot of pure energy dormant in Alice's body. It is conceivable that once Alice completely digests the power of this devilish energy, she can become a third-tier powerhouse in one fell swoop, Jia Ma One of the dazzling geniuses of the kingdom.

"So, this trace of demonic energy should not be aimless, but consciously found Alice..."

Under the refinement of the strange fire, the demonic energy disappeared at such a speed that it was almost impossible to resist, which made Wang Zheng have such a guess in his heart.

And just when Wang Zheng looked at Alice thoughtfully, a cold gaze full of murderous intent suddenly pierced through many spaces and looked towards him!

In the sky above Wangcheng, the armored dragon knight who was besieged by the two powerful saints looked at Wang Zheng's direction with a murderous expression. Come over and kill Wang Zheng!

It was a foolproof plan, but it was abruptly broken by the Jia Ma Kingdom under the inconceivable means of this young man!How can he not be angry when he bears the order of the pope!
Looking at Wang Zheng with serious eyes, Wang Zheng only smiled back at his malice towards him.

This scene made the armored dragon knight's teeth itch even more!

However, he knew the current situation better than anyone else. The three powerhouses on the side of Jia Ma Kingdom were in a state of rage, and the young man had also completed the refining of the Heavenly Fire, and he was looking at him indifferently.

Under such circumstances, even if he obtained the power rules bestowed by the pope, it is absolutely impossible to contend against the existence of four fourth-orders.

After all, to reach the fourth level, each of them has more or less the means to suppress the bottom of the box.Especially that young man, the method of freezing time and space just now really made him afraid.

Therefore, after the thought flickered in his mind, the refining dragon knight drove back the three sanctuary powerhouses with a monstrous pitch-black fighting spirit, and then returned to his dragon, looking at Wang Zheng with serious eyes: "My Power God Sect Stop you!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced indifferently at the black battle armor all over the ground, and shattered the void without hesitating, and flew towards the distance!

Watching the armored dragon knight leave, Wang Zheng didn't make a move.

Because he was not sure whether the three members of the Jia Ma Kingdom would dare to keep him, because the gap between the Jia Ma Kingdom and the Power God Sect seemed too huge.

The most powerful force in the Jia Ma Kingdom is their three sanctuary powerhouses.And what about the religion of power?The demigod Haines, the armored dragon knight, and the unknown true god-level pope.

The power of the two parties is completely incomparable!
Perhaps, in the eyes of the three Sanctuary powerhouses, being able to save Alice is enough!As for the Power God Sect, try not to offend them if you can.

In such a strange tacit understanding, the armored dragon knight left arrogantly under the gaze of the four strong men.

And at this moment, with a hum, Princess Alice finally woke up.

Under the nourishment of the many energies contained in the magic energy, Alice at this moment is not as haggard as before. On the contrary, her every move has a powerful aura of a second-order peak magician.


Alice stood up slowly, looking at all this blankly.

Anyone who has just woken up and finds that the surroundings are in a mess, the ground is full of ruins, and many people are seriously injured will be at a loss.

"Alice, you're awake."

Hearing Alice's voice, Bob immediately greeted her with a happy face.

"Brother Bob!" Alice saw Bob, as if she had found a backbone, and let Bob hold her in his arms. with everything:
"Brother Bob, what happened? My body is warm, you found the strange fire? But why does it seem like someone is talking to me in my mind?"

Hearing Alice's somewhat confused description, Bob's expression changed drastically: "Speak? What are you talking about?"

Alice shook her head, and said honestly: "Alice doesn't know either, it's too noisy to hear clearly."

"Senior, look..." Bob looked worried, looking at Wang Zheng as if asking for help.

Wang Zheng glanced at Alice thoughtfully, and then smiled softly: "It shouldn't be a bad thing, little girl, would you like to let my will enter your spiritual world?"

Alice looked at Bob, obviously she was still full of guard against Wang Zheng, a stranger.Bob nodded after meeting the magician Bobby's eyes, and said seriously:

"Alice, Mr. Wang Zheng is a very powerful warrior. He gave you the Earth Core Green Lotus Fire in your body. Let him take a look at it for you."

"Yeah!" With Bob as a guarantee, Alice nodded obediently.

When Wang Zheng heard the words, the golden light suddenly flourished on the forehead, and the stars pierced towards the center of Alice's eyebrows.

After a long time, Wang Zheng's expression suddenly changed drastically!

Seeing Wang Zheng's changes, Bob quickly asked, "Senior Wang Zheng, what happened?"

Wang Zheng looked around and shook his head: "I want to see your ancestors from the Jia Ma Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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