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Chapter 572 1 Must Have a Routine

Chapter 572

The Golden Saint Seiya was thus created by Wang Zheng. Although there was only one Leo Gold Saint Seiya, Wang Zheng looked at the materials in the Qiankun Ring.He felt that it might not take long for all twelve golden holy garments to be born.

Even, Wang Zheng felt that this matter could not be postponed. After all, free Sanctuary mages and demon saints contributed, which is not a good thing that can be encountered at any time. The most important thing is to finish the work quickly while others are in the mood.

As for the candidates for the Saint Seiya?
There are too many geniuses, Wang Zheng thinks whoever will be a saint will be a saint, it's as simple and rude as that!
Now, the most important thing for Wang Zheng, and even the most important thing for the entire Jia Ma Kingdom, is to successfully hold the Kingdom Competition. Facing the pressure of the God of Power!

At this moment, Wang Zheng knew very clearly that it would be difficult for him to make great progress in his cultivation in such a short period of time, so he simply put down his cultivation and devoted himself to refining the golden holy cloth.

At the same time, he also used that trace of distraction to guide Xiao Mie on the road to Jia Ma Kingdom.

Well, the wheel of history began to spin slowly under the impetus of Wang Zheng, an old man.

On the mountain road, Xiao Mie rode calmly on the forest armored dragon captured in the Warcraft Mountains, and walked slowly towards the Wangcheng.

The Forest Ankylosaurus, with a dragon character in its name, is actually just a magical beast with a trace of dragon blood.But even so, the second-tier forest ankylosaurus is still the overlord of this area, and even Xiao Mie spent a lot of effort to enjoy it.

Sucking palms, flame points and devouring the wave ruler... After using the martial arts taught by Wang Zheng over and over again, Xiao Mie enjoyed the blessing of the Forest Ankylosaurus, which looks fierce, but is actually even more fierce. king!
You know, for a king like this, it is more difficult to subdue him than to kill him.

However, this also shows from the side that Xiao Mie's combat power is not what it used to be!
The main consciousness came to Wang Zheng who was distracted, and he saw Xiao Mie's battle in full view, but he didn't give Xiao Mie any pointers, because he wanted to use this opportunity to see how Xiao Mie's combat power is!

After all, as he lives in Wangcheng, he can be said to have more detailed information about Wang Guodabi than anyone else.

Looking at all the young geniuses from the Jia Ma Kingdom who were invited, recommended, and some who may have volunteered, Wang Zheng didn't find anyone who could surpass Xiao Mie in terms of combat power!
After all, the object of the Wang Guo Dabi is aimed at young people. It is an activity held by Shenfeng Academy to select new schools. Only young people like Xiao Mie have the opportunity to participate!

Either you are recommended, or you volunteer, but the premise is that you must have the ability to be recognized, otherwise you may not even be able to enter the main venue.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Mie has such strength!
With his cultivation at the peak of the second-order, coupled with Wang Zheng's training, Xiao Mie was able to subdue a second-order monster like the forest armored dragon by himself, which is enough to show his strength!

But this kind of strength made Wang Zheng happy, and he once again began to calculate in his heart.

In the Kingdom Competition, a young genius like Xiao Mie will definitely be valued by the mentors of Shenfeng Academy who go to Jiama Kingdom to enroll students!
Even, Wang Zheng had already thought up the script for Xiao Mie!

Xiao Mie rode a forest armored dragon, and stepped into the main venue under the horrified eyes of everyone. The members of the Shenfeng Academy were shocked when they saw Xiao Mie's cultivation and posture, and they showed kindness to Xiao Mie, and then announced that Xiao Mie could Join the Kamikaze Academy.

At this time, a group of tricksters will come out to slap the face, and then they will be slapped, and then the family and power behind these young geniuses will be drawn out, so that the protagonist Xiao Mie will become a legend in the Jia Ma Kingdom step by step...

"But Temiao, this is not the script I want!"

Inside the ring, Wang Zheng muttered angrily.

With such a script, although Xiao Mie can embark on a protagonist's path with Wang Zheng's help, it will take a lot of time to level up and fight monsters to pick up treasures, such as cave academy auctions!

Wang Zheng doesn't have that much energy to train Xiao Mie, what he wants is for Xiao Mie to become a blockbuster, and then make his own debut!

Therefore, Kamikaze Academy must not go!

Going there, Xiao Mie can be said to have escaped the target of the Power God Cult. After all, in the Western Continent, not everyone in the Shenfeng Academy can afford to offend.

"So, how can a genius go to Wangcheng and have not been selected yet? This is the next point?"

If you go to Wangcheng, you won't be selected yet, but it's basically impossible if you look at your strength.

In the Jia Ma Kingdom, there are only three sanctuary experts, and Wang Zheng is a genius-level sanctuary. The people he cultivated are naturally the most talented geniuses in the entire Jia Ma Kingdom!
It can be said that the few existences who can be Xiao Mie's opponents all have their own shortcomings. Such shortcomings will definitely be caught by Xiao Mie who has grown up in the bloody storm all the way!
For example, although the little princess Alice also controls the Heavenly Flame, her actual combat experience is almost zero. As long as Xiao Mie launches a fierce offensive, she will definitely gain the upper hand.

Under such circumstances, if Wang Zheng wanted Xiao Mie not to be selected by Shenfeng Academy, he could only continue the routine.

"Routines! There must be a routine in order for Xiao Mie to be rejected by Shenfeng Academy!"

"Human beings have shortcomings. If you want the representative of Shenfeng Academy to reject a genius like Xiao Mie, you must use this shortcoming to make him feel disgusted at the first sight of Xiao Mie."

"In this way, not only will Xiao Mie be humiliated again, but after being rejected by the Divine Wind Academy, he will also face the pursuit of the Power God Sect!"

"And when the time comes, Xiao Mie will show great strength, and I will take the opportunity to make a move. Xiao Mie will be able to slap the face of the God of Power! At that time, Xiao Mie's name will be completely achieved!"

Wang Zheng's eyes became brighter as he thought about it, and gradually, a small script was outlined in Wang Zheng's mind.

And Xiao Mie, who had been busy all the way, finally showed a smile at this time.

Looking at the huge city and the two huge lion statues at the gate, Xiao Mie's heart was surging!
Once upon a time, Wangcheng was undoubtedly a legend to him.Even when he was a genius of the Xiao family, it was the same!
But now, in just over half a year, he has grown from a waste to a strong man who can step into the royal city and compete with the geniuses of the entire kingdom!
Everything is like a dream.

But Xiao Mie knew that this was all true!And all of this is because...

Xiao Mie looked down at the quaint ring on his finger, with an innocent smile on his face.

He never thought about whether the senior in the ring was plotting against him, but along the way, not only did he not lose anything, but he got a lot of what he wanted!

Therefore, he once told himself in his heart that no matter what the origin of this senior is, even if he has a plan, he is also his benefactor!Teacher!

Clenching his fists vigorously, feeling the coolness brought by the ring, Xiao Mie's heart was agitated, he patted the monster mount he was sitting on, and strode towards the royal city.

"Kamikaze Academy, I, Xiao Mie, are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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