Xianwu star

Chapter 579

Chapter 579
Following Haines' order, the black-armored warrior, led by the sanctuary dragon knight and magician, marched towards the gate of the royal city without any concealment!

Although the number of black-armored fighters is not many, only a few dozen, the burning black battle energy is full of a terrifying sense of power, and the breaths of each other are connected together, pressing towards the direction of the royal city like an ancient mountain. past.

Coupled with the fierce dragon beast they sat down on, the black cloud of dou qi that formed together was full of power and ferocity!
Above the black cloud of grudge, the armored dragon knight's face was as sinking as water, riding the armored dragon with a black body emitting a faint light, he looked extremely terrifying.

As for the sanctuary mage, although his beard and hair were all white, his whole body was shrouded in a field of thunder. From a vague look, the white-haired and thin old man seemed to be a god walking in the thunder.

And the thunder in the thunder field is also a bit special, every jumping arc has a dark color, full of a sense of power that thunder can hardly possess.

Obviously, this sanctuary magician who majored in thunder magic also stole the power of the Great Bull Demon King!
In the two sanctuaries, a group of perverted fighters who could use the power of the rules at the third level approached Wang Zheng with an undisguised aura.

Under the surging pressure, the whole Wangcheng realized something was wrong.

The vast majority of people closed their homes and hid carefully, after all, the approaching breath was too terrifying!

And the courtiers of the royal family began to mobilize their respective strengths, preparing to face the coming enemies!They knew that the attacking aura this time was exactly the same as that group of black-armored warriors last time!
And this time, they are prepared, and they will definitely not be caught off guard by surprise like last time!
The army and strong men in the entire royal city were mobilized like precision machines.

In the royal city, whether it was the three sanctuaries of the Jia Ma Kingdom or the strong men from the east, their expressions changed.

As for Wang Zheng?After opening his eyes for a while, he closed his eyes again, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

In the royal city, Xiao Mie, who was in seclusion, also felt a throbbing in his heart, as if something bad would happen.

Straightening the operation of the kung fu, Xiao Mie easily turned to the top of the restaurant with the movement method taught by Wang Zheng, and looked in the direction of the terrifying aura.

Seeing this, Xiao Mie's expression suddenly became serious.

In the sky, a dragon knight and a magician came side by side, covering them all. A small world that seems real and unreal is exactly the realm of rumors!

"Sanctuary powerhouse! How can there be two sanctuary powerhouses?!" Xiao Mie looked at the sanctuary powerhouse who only appeared in rumors at his level, and didn't know what to do for a while. After all, he Unaware of everything.

Seeing the soldiers of the two holy domains approaching the city, three powerful auras rose up in the royal city at the same time, the domain of the lion heart king, the domain of the ice dragon, and the domain of life bloomed at the same time, protecting the entire royal city.

"It's Sanctuary again! What happened?"

Feeling the powerlessness of being in the domain where everything is controlled by others, Xiao Mie became more and more confused.

"Your Excellency has repeatedly invaded our Jia Ma Kingdom. Could it be that our Jia Ma Kingdom is easy to bully?"

In the golden Lionheart King's realm, the old emperor, who was fully dressed, looked at the armored dragon knight like a falcon.

The armored dragon knight smiled indifferently: "Last time, we suspected that there were demon apostles in Jia Ma Kingdom, but the facts have proved that the little princess of your country is not a demon apostle, otherwise she would not be valued by the Kamikaze Academy."

"The last time can be said to be an accident, I can apologize. But this time... this time, I, a member of the Power God Sect, died at the hands of a genius in your Jia Ma Kingdom. Do you want to give me an explanation?"

"A believer of the Power God Cult?!" Xiao Mie's heart skipped a beat. You know, before coming to Wangcheng, he personally slaughtered several Power God Cult believers.

Although those young people are considered to be talented, but it's not worth sending out the Sanctuary to take revenge, right?
There was a question in Xiao Mie's mind that MMP didn't know whether to say it, a few second-level silver fighters, the God of Power, as for mobilizing people?
"Damn it..." Xiao Mie cast a gloomy glance at the strong man in the sanctuary, and then withdrew his gaze, because he knew that the spiritual sense of the strong man in the sanctuary was terrible, even if he looked at it for a while, he would be noticed.

"Senior fell into a deep sleep after deducing the exercises for me. It seems that everything depends on me this time."

Xiao Miechang let out a foul breath, turned around and jumped down the restaurant, mingling with the panicked crowd.

Xiao Mie is very smart, he is no opponent in such a big battle, it is better to run away as soon as possible!
As for the three sanctuaries of the Jia Ma Kingdom, after hearing the lame excuse of the armored dragon knight, they sneered: "Okay! It seems that you have come prepared, and you have even found an excuse!"

"Huh? Don't admit it? Then tell me why the believers of the God of Power disappeared in Jia Ma Kingdom in large numbers?"

"It's useless to talk too much. Since you have taken action against my Power God Cult, you must be prepared to face my Power God Cult's revenge! Tribunal! Kill!"

"If there is a wronged person, there is a debtor, and there will be no chickens or dogs left behind in the sanctuary of the Jia Ma Kingdom!"

The lame excuse was given by the armored dragon knight, and after the scene seemed to announce the reason for the God of Power, the armored dragon knight finally showed his sharp fangs!
I saw the armored dragon knight soaring into the sky, like a black shooting star reaching the sky, and then holding the dragon spear, directly shattered the unrepaired magic circle of Jia Ma Kingdom, and killed Emperor Jia Ma!
The armored dragon he was sitting on turned into a tall and gloomy man in the glare of the light, and rushed towards the ice dragon knight with a grinning grin!
As for the sanctuary magician, he raised his eyebrows, and took a meaningful look at the low-key Xiao Mie in the crowd:
"There is also an ant in the crowd who ignores my power god religion, the members of the court must kill him together!"

After all, he didn't even look at Xiao Mie, a second-order ant. With a wave of his magic wand, a dark thunder burst out of thin air with a sense of majestic power, like a roaring dragon, towards the sanctuary magician. Just split it!

The brows of the sanctuary magician stood on end, and the field of light shrank instantly. The milky white power of light escaped from the field, turning into a huge engraved seal full of evil intentions, facing the terrifying thunder.

There was a loud bang!The thunderbolt and evil-breaking engravings were shattered one after another, and the gate of Jia Ma Kingdom was also smashed open under the attack of the black-armored warriors!

Under the spiritual power of the magician in the sanctuary, Xiao Mie's appearance had long been known to everyone in the entire royal city. Almost as soon as he entered the royal city, a black-armored soldier charged towards Xiao Mie single-handedly!

"Damn it!" Xiao Mie cursed, looking at the panicked crowd, he leaped high, his glaze-like vindictiveness erupted, and he fled towards the palace for his life!
There, there are few people.

(End of this chapter)

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