Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 503 You Are Too Skinny

Chapter 503 You Are Too Skinny
Today, Shen Dianxin Su Luoluo and Gu Sanyan are chatting via video.

"Huh? Sanyan, why did you cut your hair again?" Shen Dianxin couldn't help saying when she saw that her hair was the same as before.

Gu Sanyan smiled slightly, "Because it's more convenient, and it won't be troublesome when washing your hair."

"Oh~ So that's the case~"

"Sanyan, how was your life there? Are you still used to it?" Su Luoluo asked.

"Well, it's alright."

"If you are unhappy there, tell us, don't wrong yourself."

"Yes." Gu Sanyan showed a sweet smile, "When I have a holiday someday, I will go back to find you."


"By the way, are you getting along with Tang Jie okay?" Shen Dianxin asked.

Gu Sanyan nodded, "Well, it's not bad, he takes good care of me."

"With him here, we feel more at ease. At least we have someone to take care of you." After all, Tang Jie has gotten along with him before, so he still knows what kind of person he is.

With him here, it's totally okjb.

And he's a warm guy, maybe when the two get along, something sparks will come out~

They all knew that Sanyan had already been rejected by Tang Ze, but they all hoped that Sanyan would meet something better.

The three of them were chatting happily in the video, and suddenly, there was an extra person on the screen.

It's Tang Jie.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Tang Jie greeted them with a handsome smile, "Hello, how are you all?"

"Hey, Tang Jie." Su Luoluo and Shen Dianxin also greeted Tang Jie.

"Are you together now?"

"Yes, let's eat with her." Tang Jie replied.

"Just the two of you?" Shen Dianxin asked meaningfully.

Tang Jie didn't notice anything, he nodded, "Well, it's just the two of us."

Su Luoluo and Shen Dianxin looked at each other, and already saw something in each other's eyes.

"Are you two together every day?" Shen Dianxin asked again.


"Never separated?"


"Wow, you are inseparable~" Shen Dianxin raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

However, the pure Gu Sanyan didn't feel anything, she said, "Because we know each other here, so we play closer."


Tang Jie seemed to see something, just smiled and didn't speak.

Can't help but look sideways at Gu Sanyan, his eyes are doting.

Su Luoluo and Shen Dianxin saw it, smiled, but didn't say anything.

However, Gu Sanyan didn't know, and was still chatting with them.

I don't know how long we chatted before hanging up the phone.

"Hurry up and eat, we will gather later." Tang Jie said, and gave her a piece of meat in his bowl.

Seeing this, Gu Sanyan said, "Don't hold it for me, I have it myself, you can eat it."

Tang Jie smiled, "Look at you, other girls are so fat, why are you so thin?"

The girl passing by just heard Tang Jie's words and cast him a contemptuous look.

Coaxing girlfriends, actually calling them girls!

Seeing this, Gu Sanyan pursed his lips and smiled, "Why, am I very thin?"

Tang Jie nodded seriously, "Well, look, you don't have all the parts that should grow, so you should eat more!"

His eyes glanced leisurely from her chest.

But soon looked away.

She didn't find out.

Gu Sanyan pouted, "Really...why don't I think so?"

As she spoke, she looked down at her figure.

(End of this chapter)

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