Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 514 Don't Touch My Man 2

Chapter 514 Don't Touch My Man 2
Then who would have thought that a drunk woman's strength is a thief and his mother beats...

Shen Dianxin said angrily, "Then stay away from her from now on! Don't get so close to her!"

"Okay." He answered.

At this time, Gong Yan's cell phone rang.

The two couldn't help but looked over.

It's Lolo Su.

Shen Dianxin was puzzled, "Lolo?"

Gong Yan picked it up, "Hello?"

Su Luoluo asked worriedly from the side, "Has Dianxin returned home? I didn't answer her phone calls, and she didn't reply to my WeChat messages."

Gong Yan said, "She's already home, she's fine."

Hearing this, Lolo Su breathed a sigh of relief, "Just go back, she scared me to death!"

Because the phone is hands-free, Shen Dianxin naturally heard Su Luoluo's words, and she said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Luoluo, I... my phone is turned off..."

"Smelly girl, it's taken you so long to go home, and you don't answer your phone calls, and you don't reply to my WeChat messages, do you know that you are anxious to death?" Su Luoluo's voice was full of concern.

She was really intimidated by her.

Shen Dianxin's heart warmed when she heard this, "I won't do it in the future, and when I get home, I must tell you, okay?"


Shen Dianxin smiled and said, "I was wrong~"

"Hmph, I'll forgive you this time, but I won't allow it in the future!"

"Okay, there will definitely not be a second time!" Shen Dianxin was also blaming herself, she shouldn't have turned off her phone just now, Luo Luo, who caused her to be so worried about her.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Dianxin quickly turned on the phone, and sure enough, there were more than 100 missed calls.

There is Gong Yan's and Su Luoluo's.

When she opened WeChat, Lolo Su also sent her a lot of messages.

Ask her where she is, why she hasn't returned yet, and she doesn't answer the phone or anything.

Shen Dianxin's heart warmed when she saw it.

Gong Yan hugged her, "Honey, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Shen Dianxin curled her lips, "Forget it, I forgive you..."

It wasn't his fault anyway.

If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have misunderstood him.

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath, let me go first..." Shen Dianxin slightly pushed him away, and went to take a bath.

Gong Yan let her go and let her go.

He sat on the sofa, and in his mind was the scene of her and another boy in the park.

When he passed by, he saw the two of them looking at each other and smiling, and that boy still wanted to touch her! !
Gong Yan wanted to stamp that man's hand off.

But fortunately, he didn't touch it, otherwise, he would really have stamped his hand!

But after thinking about it carefully, that boy seemed a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

However, I can't remember it.

Gong Yan was thinking on the sofa alone, but still couldn't figure out who that person was.

It wasn't until Shen Dianxin came out of the shower that he didn't think about it. He walked over and wiped her hair.

He brushed her hair skillfully and gently.

For a while, the two of them didn't speak.

"Wife..." he said softly.


"The one tonight..." Gong Yan didn't ask who the man was.

He was afraid that she would lose her temper, so she didn't talk to him and ignored him.

This is absolutely impossible, how could she ignore him!

Shen Dianxin seemed to have heard something, she said, "He is similar to Chen Mei, I am friends with him."

As she spoke, she frowned angrily, turned around, and said angrily, "You're too impulsive today, you shouldn't have hit him!"

(End of this chapter)

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