Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 540 They actually came together

Chapter 540 They Actually Came Back Together

This will not lead to happiness.

"I..." Chen Mei was stunned.

"I won't tell you anymore, he almost made me breakfast, I'm going to eat it." Although it's already noon now.

Shen Dianxin glanced at her, didn't talk to her anymore, turned around and left.

Chen Mei's gaze inadvertently looked at her neck.

There are dense hickey marks there, which are extremely ambiguous.

Chen Mei only felt that breathing was particularly uncomfortable, and what Shen Dianxin said to her just now played back in her mind.

Could it be that she really did something wrong? !
However, if they were fulfilled like this, she would be very unwilling.

She didn't want to, she didn't want to see the picture of them together.

That kind of warm and loving picture made her breath suffocating, uncomfortable and out of breath.

'It's yours, it's yours, it's not yours, it will never be yours, no matter what you think, what means you use, it won't be yours, do you understand? ! '

Shen Dianxin's voice echoed clearly in her mind.

Chen Mei took a deep breath, rubbed her head with her hand, and closed the door.


Shen Dianxin returned to her apartment.

He seemed to be ready, and put the dishes on the table.

Seeing her approaching, he said, "Honey, it's all right, you can eat."

"Yeah." She replied, then washed her hands.

"Honey, why did you go there just now?" She seemed to have come back from the outside just now.

In fact, he vaguely thought of it.

Shen Dianxin glanced at him, "I just talked to her."

"And then." He knew it.

Shen Dianxin said, "Then, I slapped her."

"Pfft." Gong Yan almost spit out the rice.

"What are you doing?" She looked up at him.

Gong Yan put down the bowl and chopsticks, then picked up her hand, looked left and right, then touched it again, and asked, "Does it hurt??"

Shen Dianxin, "..."

Shen Dianxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she withdrew her hand, "It's okay."

The hit just now was indeed a little bit heavy.

Because as long as she thought about drugging, she couldn't bear it.

If it wasn't for his determination, would they...

She didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Gong Yan reached out and patted her head, "I'll deal with it later."

"Yeah, let's eat."


Because Gu Sanyan is coming back, Su Luoluo and Shen Dianxin came to the airport to pick him up.

After waiting outside for a while, he saw Gu Sanyan's figure.

The two were about to call her name, but they were attracted by the tall figure beside her.

After seeing the man clearly, Shen Dianxin said in surprise, "Huh? Isn't that Tang Jie?"

Su Luoluo was also puzzled, "That's right, why is Tang Jie here? It stands to reason that his family is not here."

Shen Dianxin narrowed her eyes meaningfully, "Tell me, will something happen to the two of them??"

Lolo Su also narrowed his eyes, "I don't know."

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of gossip.

When Gu Sanyan almost approached them, the two hugged each other.

"Sanyan, long time no see, I miss you so much!!"

Gu Sanyan smiled and hugged them back, "I miss you too."

"Hey, handsome Tang, long time no see."

Tang Jie smiled and nodded to them, "Long time no see."

Shen Dianxin coughed twice, and then said meaningfully, "Handsome Tang, I remember that your family doesn't seem to be here~~"

The eyes looked back and forth between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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