Chapter 555
"Yeah, Mrs. Gu, I really don't know you." Gu Chen looked at her seriously.

Su Luoluo smiled slightly, "You let her in."

Gu Chen was taken aback, "Why?"

Lolo Su said, "No reason, she has something to do with you, so let her in."


"hurry up."

"Oh..." Naihe, she said to let in, then come in, Gu Chen said to the door, "Come in."

After a while, an extremely sexy woman walked in.

Seeing Gu Chen, a bewitching smile immediately appeared on his face, "Mr. Gu~"

The delicate voice made Lolo Su feel goosebumps.

Fuck, do you want to make the sound like this...

Really, can't stand it...

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, Gu Chen was so frightened that he lost his appetite.

He frowned and looked at the person who came, "Who are you?"

A sad look suddenly appeared on Xu Jiao's face, "I hate you, Mr. Gu, we met yesterday~ How could you forget about him so quickly~"

Hearing this, Su Luoluo looked over with sharp eyes.

Gu Chen, "..."

"Yesterday? No impression." Gu Chen looked at the woman in front of him impatiently, "What do you want?"

"Oh, look at what Mr. Gu said, could it be that I can only find you if I have something to do~" Xu Jiao didn't look at Su Luoluo at all, but Gu Chen, whose eyes were fixed.

Su Luoluo watched quietly, without speaking.

She just wanted to see what this woman wanted to do.

Gu Chen frowned, "I'm sorry, my Mrs. Gu is here."

This woman has no eyes, Mrs. Gu is still here.

Xu Jiao suddenly became unhappy, "Mrs. Gu?" After speaking, she finally turned her eyes to Su Luoluo who was beside her.

He glanced at it, then looked at Gu Chen again, and asked knowingly, "Who is this person?"

Before Gu Chen could speak, Su Luoluo said, "I'm his wife."

"Ah? Are you his wife?" Xu Jiao was shocked, "Are you married?"

"Guess?" Su Luoluo looked at her playfully.

Xu Jiao glanced at the two of them, "You must not be married yet."

"Why do you say that?"

"A woman's sixth sense." Xu Jiao said, looking at Gu Chen again, and said in a delicate voice, "Mr. Gu~ My father said, let me talk to you about the cooperative relationship between our companies~"

Gu Chen, "There's no need to talk, you can go." He hasn't finished his meal yet!

Xu Jiao was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly realized, "Don't worry, I just came here~ Mr. Gu, how could you do this~"

With that said, he sat on the sofa opposite Gu Chen.

Sitting in a charming posture, she looked at Gu Chen with admiration, completely ignoring Su Luoluo.

Su Luoluo frowned and called out, "Miss?"

"Why?" Xu Jiao looked at Su Luoluo impatiently.

Then the look in Gu Chen's eyes became ambiguous again.

This man is so handsome.

It is said that the more handsome a man is, the kung fu in that area must be very good, it must be great.

And it's very long-lasting

She couldn't wait, wishing she could sleep with the man in front of her now.

Xu Jiao looked at Gu Chen with blazing eyes, as if she wished she could see through him just like that.

"Miss, are you spying on my man?" Su Luoluo looked at Xu Jiao, then at Gu Chen, and said affectionately, "Look at you, you are full of beauty everywhere."

(Let’s talk about it, the main text will be finished soon, there are probably more than ten days left, the story of Sanyan and Tang Ze may be left in the side story~)

(End of this chapter)

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