Chapter 575 Grand Wedding 3
At that time, wouldn't it be good to just give her a candy, then she wouldn't leave with that little boy.

Gong Yan looked at her helplessly, "Please, at that time your teeth hadn't fully grown, if I gave you food, wouldn't your teeth become decayed?"

Shen Dianxin pouted, "You were so domineering when you were young, and you always wouldn't let me play with other boys. So, you have liked me since you were so young~"

As she said that, she looked smug, "I didn't expect that I would be so charming when I was a child, and I would be fascinated by you so quickly!"

Thinking about it now, I can't help feeling a little proud.

Gong Yan looked at her amusedly, "So do you feel lucky?"

"Ahem, force it!" Shen Dianxin looked reluctant.

Gong Yan narrowed her eyes, reached out and pinched her little face, "Reluctance? What is reluctance??"

"Ouch!" Shen Dianxin slapped his hand away, "Okay, okay, actually, my lady is very happy, to be loved by my husband~"

"Pfft." Gong Yan was amused by her, "What kind of lady, have you read too many novels?"

"Hey, I just watched a little bit." Shen Dianxin leaned in his arms, looked at the environment in front of her, and couldn't help sighing, "Hey, time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, we have grown so big."

Gong Yan hugged her, bowed her head and kissed, "So, we must cherish the present time."

Shen Dianxin nodded, "Yeah!"

Gong Yan's big palm came to her abdomen, "Be good, baby, don't make mother so hard."

Shen Dianxin laughed, "He can't hear you even if you say it!"

Gong Yan said, "My genes are so powerful, the baby must be able to hear it very well."

Shen Dianxin curled her lips, "Oh, it's just your genes that are strong!"

Gong Yan said, "And yours!"

"Baby, you are still in mother's womb, don't be so naughty, be good, so that mother will not work so hard."

Shen Dianxin snuggled into his arms, "Actually, even if it's hard work, it's worth it."

For their baby, all these hard work are nothing.

If she can give birth to a healthy baby, she will do anything worthwhile.

Gong Yan kissed her, "Honey, I know it's very hard for a woman to conceive and give birth."

As long as he thought about how difficult the process of giving birth was, he wished he could give birth to her.

Shen Dianxin looked at her with a smile, "So, you have to love me even more, this way, I won't have to work so hard!"

Gong Yan said affectionately, "I will love you, I will love you very much."

"Me too, I will always love you!" Shen Dianxin moved closer to his handsome face, and kissed his handsome profile.

At this time, a voice sounded, "Huh, Shen Dianxin Gongyan??"

Shen Dianxin and Gong Yan couldn't help looking at the source of the voice.

It's a man with eyes on his face, very gentle.

"It's really you." The man looked at them with a grin.

"I didn't expect you to be together."

Gong Yan raised her eyebrows, "Of course, since elementary school, you should have seen that we should be together."

"Ahem, Gong Yan, you are still as domineering as you were when you were a child."

Shen Dianxin looked at the man and said, "Lu Zhe, why are you back?"

This man had played with them when they were young, but he was not very familiar with them.

At that time, he liked Shen Dianxin, so he kept running behind her, but was always scared away by Gong Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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