Chapter 580 Grand Wedding 8
This day finally came to Su Luoluo and Shen Dianxin's happy day.

Today is very lively, many people come.

in the lounge.

Shen Dianxin and Su Luoluo looked at each other and smiled.

Shen Dianxin looked at Su Luoluo with a happy smile on her face and said, "Luoluo, you are so beautiful!"

Su Luoluo was also very happy, "Xiao Dianxin, you are beautiful too!"

Both of them wore white wedding dresses, as beautiful as angels.

At this moment, Gu Sanyan walked in.

"Hey, Sanyan, you're here!"

Gu Sanyan looked at them and smiled, and walked towards them.

Shen Dianxin looked at the bridesmaid dress Gu Sanyan was wearing, and couldn't help sighing, "Wow, Sanyan, you look beautiful today too!"

Gu Sanyan blushed slightly, "I don't really wear skirts."

She is so big, she really rarely wears skirts.

Shen Dianxin walked over to take her arm and said, "Sanyan, don't forget that you are a girl, how normal it is for girls to wear skirts, and you are so pretty, you are so charming in skirts."

Su Luoluo also said with a smile, "It is estimated that everyone will be fascinated by Sanyan later!"

Gu Sanyan smiled embarrassingly, "It's not that exaggerated."

Gu Sanyan looked at them seriously, and said happily, "In the blink of an eye, we have known each other since high school, and now you are all going to get married."

Time really flies by.

Sometimes, you just froze for a while, and you don't know where the time has gone.

Speaking of this, Shen Dianxin pouted and said, "Also, it's agreed that the three of us will hold a wedding together."

As a result, she and Luo Luo are now together.

Gu Sanyan smiled and said, "It's okay, just be happy."

Su Luoluo said, "Sanyan, I think that although you are very strong on the outside, you are still a little fragile in your heart. We still hope that someone can be by your side to be more at ease."

To be honest, although Sanyan is very strong on the surface, in fact, he is still a little fragile in his heart.

They really hope that Sanyan can have someone who loves her by her side.

Someone who can take care of her for the rest of her life.

Gu Sanyan was stunned for a moment, then she smiled, "I know what you are worried about, and, as I said, it depends on fate, if you meet someone you like, I will definitely work hard!"

As she spoke, she smiled.

In fact, only she knows the bitterness in her heart.

You can say anything about fate.

If it really depends on fate, she will not be alone now.

It's just that her heart remains the same only for him.

Her heart is very small, and she cannot tolerate another person taking his place.

Her heart belongs only to him.

Su Luoluo sighed and did not speak.

Gu Sanyan said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, wait a moment, your wedding is about to start! Get ready, the groom and the others will also come later."

The two responded, "Yeah!"

Shen Dianxin said, "What to do, what to do, I'm suddenly a little nervous!"

My heart is speeding up inexplicably.

Lolo Su said, "Me too..."

The wedding was about to begin, and my heart began to speed up inexplicably.

Gu Sanyan looked at them with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, it's normal, after all, anyone who gets married for the first time will be nervous."

"Hey, it should be."

Suddenly, Gu Sanyan's cell phone rang.

Gu Sanyan said, "Jie is probably here, I'll go out and pick him up."

The two nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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