Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 150 Looks OK

Chapter 150 Looks OK
"After His Majesty made a point, I may have two candidates."

Upon hearing this, Hu Guang asked with great interest, "Let's hear it!"

"Xue Guoguan, whose name is Jiaxiang, was born in Hancheng, Shaanxi Province. He was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli. He knew the sufferings of the people. He had always opposed taxing common people. Now he is dismissed from his post. If the minister implements the New Deal, he will surely offend some gentry. Ordinary people will fear him like a tiger." , it is difficult to help the minister. the minister wants to..."

Wen Tiren hesitated a little after talking about it, which made Hu Guang a little upset, and immediately asked: "I want to recommend him, you can consider it!"

He doesn't remember, this Xue Guoguan was actually impeached by Yuan Yaoran, the censor of Nanjing, Wei Zhongxian, who was attached to the eunuch party, and was dismissed by the former Emperor Chongzhen!If Wen Tiren hadn't seen that he reused Cao Huachun and others, his behavior and behavior were completely different from the previous situation of chasing and beating Wei Xiong, I really wouldn't dare to recommend this person.

However, in the original history, Xue Guoguan finally came out of the mountain again under his recommendation, and was also promoted to be the left servant of the Ministry of Rites and the Dongge University Bachelor, and joined the cabinet to assist the government.

Hu Guang didn't know Xue Guoguan's deeds in history. If he knew, he would not say that he could be considered, but directly said that he was one of them.

Because some of Xue Guoguan's views are consistent with Hu Guang's.For example, Yang Sichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, proposed to raise wages, that is, to levy more on farmers; but Xue Guoguan strongly opposed it, and proposed to support the wages, that is, to borrow money from the emperor's relatives.

For another example, when Xue Guoguan talked about the greed of officials, one of his views was that if the factory guards had to supervise effectively, how dare the officials be so greedy!
These views and practices of his not only offended the royal relatives and relatives, but also offended the factory guard to death, so it is not surprising that he ended up in a tragic end.

Besides, as soon as Wen Tiren heard the emperor's tone, he knew that this candidate was almost the same, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately said that the second candidate was: "Besides Xue Guoguan, there is another person who may be able to. His surname is Zhang and his name is Zhifa. Shenghu, a native of Zichuan, Shandong, was a Jinshi in the 29th year of Wanli."

"Oh, what are the characteristics, let me tell you about it?" Hu Guang asked with interest when he heard it.

"Zhang Zhifa started from the magistrate of Yutian and Zunhua. He has made remarkable achievements in his political affairs. He knows the sufferings of the army and people in the north of the Ming Dynasty. He is well versed in local affairs, follows the etiquette system, and is loyal to the emperor. In addition, there are also some Qi people who have good friends with him, and may be able to help him. What's lacking is that it may be difficult to be an important task in the court." After Wen Tiren finished speaking, he didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he waited for the holy order.

Hu Guang has the writing skills of the former Emperor Chongzhen, and it can be heard that Wen Tiren's intention in recommending Zhang Zhifa is that this person is a royalist and loyal to the royal family.He is also familiar with local affairs, and is a member of the Qi Party. If he can be promoted to an assistant minister to promote the New Deal, it should be possible.

This is the rhythm of wooing and dividing the various parties in the DPRK!Hu Guang thought about it, and said, "This can also be considered, is there anything else?"

"I really can't think of it for a while!" Wen Tiren had already recommended two more people, but he didn't dare to recommend any more, so he hastily declined.

Hu Guang didn't care, just two, he immediately ordered: "Then Qing will recommend it in the memorial tomorrow!"

Comrade Zhixu, another member of the working group, listened silently, taking a small notebook from time to time to jot down key points, to experience the new ideas of the emperor, so that he could better understand the holy will in the future.

Early the next morning, Cao Huachun picked up Liu Xingzuo who had been waiting before dawn at the Meridian Gate, and took him to the Bingzheng Bureau.

Along the way, no matter how calm Liu Xingzuo was usually, he was a little excited in his heart.Before changing, no matter how whimsical he was, he never thought that he would have such a day, and he could only be grateful to the emperor for his kindness!
When he arrived at the military battle bureau, he found that the place was heavily guarded.The fan guards with pointed hats and the Jinyi guards in flying fish suits were both standing at the door, and there were two teams of factory guards crossing patrols on the outer wall, which surprised him somewhat.

What made him even more unexpected was that even Cao Huachun, the admiral of the East Factory, led the way, but was stopped by the factory guards at the door.

Cao Huachun had no objection either, he took out a token from his sleeve and showed it to a captain of Jinyiwei, and at the same time said calmly: "I am ordered to bring Liu Xingzuo, the commander of Jinyiwei, to see you!"

Hearing this, the captain of Jinyiwei couldn't help being taken aback, and when he looked at Liu Xingzuo, his eyes were a little more surprised.However, another Dongchang fan took a step towards Liu Xingzuo, and said in a deep voice, "Please show your identity token!"

Liu Xingzuo was a little surprised. It seems that this place is really heavily guarded by the factory guards. Even if one's own boss comes, the other party will conduct routine inspections.

Not only was he negligent, but he quickly took out his lieutenant token and handed it over to check that it was correct before being released.

"For His Majesty's will, the level of secrecy here is the highest. Other places are not so strict!" Cao Huachun explained with a smile.

Liu Xingzuo couldn't help but be a little curious, what is in it that is so secretive?
After several inspections, Liu Xingzuo was finally taken to a yard.The courtyard seems to be divided into three parts, and each part has a group of craftsmen surrounding a stove?Still the kiln is busy.How many craftsmen are still standing respectfully in front of a young man, looking at some soil in front of them?Powder or something whispered.

Cao Huachun signaled with his head, and said to Liu Xingzuo: "The emperor is there."

After finishing speaking, he took two quick steps, and reported in a sharp voice: "Your Majesty, this servant has brought Liu Xingzuo, the Commander of Jinyiwei, here by order."

When Hu Guang heard this, he turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and long arms standing a few steps behind Cao Huachun.

"Ding, achievement value +5, from Commander Liu Xingzuo of Jinyiwei!"

Before he could speak, he had gained achievement points. It seemed that he had always admired himself in his heart.Hu Guang was thinking in his heart that Liu Xingzuo had pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and paid a respectful visit.

When he saw it, he immediately stepped forward with a smile, helped Liu Xingzuo with both hands, looked him up and down, and said, "That's right, I've been looking forward to Qing's coming for a long time!"

"The last general is ashamed, and he can only bow and die to repay the king's kindness!" Liu Xingzuo bowed his head and cupped his fists excitedly.

Hu Guang looked at this great Ming Yu Zecheng, and was quite satisfied in his heart, so he said to him: "Come, come, Qing and I go to the room to talk, and explain things to Qing!"

Jinyiwei must be rectified internally, and the focus of work must be adjusted. In addition to anti-corruption, the current work also needs to investigate more criminal evidence against Shanxi merchants and Jianlu, and train spies in the army, etc. There are many things.

Of course, Liu Xingzuo also gave Hu Guang all the materials he had written for Shanxi merchants.After chatting until noon, he was able to go to Jinyiwei Yamen to take up his post.

And the civil servants outside still haven't seen the emperor, so there are more speculations.

 Confirmed to be available tomorrow at noon!
(End of this chapter)

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