Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 423 The Iron Mold Casting Cannon Result Comes Out

Chapter 423 The Iron Mold Casting Cannon Result Comes Out

Just as he was thinking this, suddenly, the servants outside the hall came in and reported that Liu Chengzhi, the new eunuch in charge of the Military Bureau, asked for an audience.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his first reaction was that the iron mold casting artillery method that had been arranged to attack the fortifications had been figured out.He suddenly became excited, and immediately sent an edict to see him.

I saw Liu Chengzhi hurried into the hall, greeted with excitement, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the iron mold cannon is finished, it's done!"

As expected, Emperor Chongzhen was equally happy, and immediately stood up, waved his hand and said, "Go, I'll go and have a look!"

The clay mold casting cannon method not only takes a long time, but also has a success rate of less than one percent. It can be said that the cost of obtaining a usable cannon is too high.The artillery battalion in the new army needed to be trained, but the artillery for training was not available, which made him a little worried.

If the casting of iron mold cannons is really successful, not only can the periodicity of casting cannons be greatly reduced, the training of the artillery battalion of the new army can start in time, and the penetration rate of artillery can also be greatly increased.

Not long after, Emperor Chongzhen came to the military battle.Everyone here, not only officials at all levels of the Bingzhan Bureau, but even soldiers, craftsmen, etc., were all excited.Because they know that according to the reformed system of the Bingzhan Bureau, the iron mold cast cannon will win a large number of orders for the Bingzhan Bureau, and they will be able to earn more money, and the welfare of all personnel will be greatly improved.

Emperor Chongzhen came to the cannon casting room and saw three cannons in the yard, and iron molds on the side.Obviously the three cannons were cast from these iron molds.

Liu Chengzhi, the eunuch of the Bingzhan Bureau, wanted to introduce it with a smile on his face, but at this moment, Emperor Chongzhen asked: "Who invented it, come and tell me!"

When Liu Chengzhi heard this, he felt helpless, the opportunity to express himself so well was gone.He didn't have the face, or the courage to say that he invented it by himself, so he turned his head, but with a smile on his face, he walked quickly to kneel behind the cannon, and the two craftsmen at the bottom of the steps said: "This is yours. Why don't you give your Majesty a good introduction?"

The iron casting cannon method was figured out by two craftsmen. At this time, both of them were very excited. They nodded in agreement quickly, stood up, and approached the cannon cautiously, but they dared not approach the emperor for fear of bumping into the emperor.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw them, he approached them with a smile, first asked their names, praised them a few words, told them to relax and not be so nervous, and then asked them to introduce the iron mold casting method.

In fact, casting cannons with iron molds is really not a difficult task, but the craftsmen of Ming Dynasty learned to cast cannons with clay molds when they learned from Xiyi, and there is a habit of thinking that they want to cast cannons with clay molds.After Emperor Chongzhen was inspired to pierce the layer of window paper, relying on the rich casting experience of Ming craftsmen, he found out a complete and effective iron mold casting method within a few days.

Listening to the two craftsmen's detailed introduction, Emperor Chongzhen also listened carefully, nodding from time to time.After a long while, the two craftsmen finished their explanation.

Emperor Chongzhen was very interested and asked them to cast cannons on the spot.This point, Liu Chengzhi had already guessed, and made the Cannon Room prepare.Therefore, two craftsmen commanded the casting of the cannon, using iron molds, and within a short time, another iron cannon was cast.

"How is the comparative performance of the new and old artillery?" Emperor Chongzhen asked with interest after having seen the speed of casting cannons with his own eyes.

After asking these words, for some reason, the scene suddenly cooled down, and the excitement just now was completely gone in the air.

Emperor Chongzhen immediately felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Liu Chengzhi and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Chengzhi thought in his heart that it was unlucky, he would not let himself report the good things, but he had to report the bad things himself.But he couldn't help it, he had already been named by the emperor, so he could only play: "Your Majesty, this slave has been tested by someone, and the performance of the cannon cast by this iron mold seems to be inferior to the original cannon."

"Oh? Tell me more about it!" Emperor Chongzhen didn't show any sign of disappointment or anger, he just asked seriously.

When Liu Chengzhi saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Your Majesty, after these artillery pieces are finished, most of them are white iron pipes, which are relatively brittle. The lifespan of a artillery piece is estimated to be only about a hundred times, and it is not easy to dissipate heat. Generally, cooling measures must be taken after three bombardments, if the cooling is too fast, the life of the gun bore will be shortened.”

Emperor Chongzhen listened, and when he looked at the artillery again, he found that the muzzles of those artillery were mostly white iron.He sized it up for a while, then turned to look at the two craftsmen and asked, "You know the reason, but is there a solution?"

The two craftsmen looked at each other, and only the older man replied: "Your Majesty, this may be caused by the uneven heat dissipation of the iron mold, or the large difference in heat dissipation between the inside and outside. Or temper it again?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and said: "Yes, iron mold casting cannons, at least solve the problem of speed. Don't be afraid of new problems, let's solve them. I will let the new army purchase a batch of artillery first. Training. But you also have to hurry up and try to solve emerging problems."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Liu Chengzhi and said, "We must fully cooperate to solve the new problems of the artillery, and try our best to make the artillery perfect. There must be no mistakes on the battlefield!"

The quality of artillery often becomes the key to the outcome of a battle on the battlefield.Therefore, for artillery, he can ignore some problems during training, but for artillery to go to the battlefield, some factors that have a large impact must be resolved.

"Slave obeys the order!" Liu Chengzhi immediately agreed.Originally, he thought that the emperor would be angry after the defects of the artillery were exposed.Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, the emperor encouraged the new army to purchase a batch, which was beyond his expectation.

Emperor Chongzhen looked back at the two craftsmen, smiled and said to them: "The artillery is good or bad. You wait carefully, think carefully, and make sure that the artillery can exert its greatest power on the battlefield, understand?"

In fact, these craftsmen also know this truth, but they only have this knowledge, but they don't pay much attention to it.For them, completing the task of casting cannons is enough.Now that Emperor Chongzhen emphasized this in person, they immediately felt that the responsibility on their shoulders was greater. Casting cannons was no longer just about completing the task.

The two craftsmen glanced at each other again, and then responded seriously in unison, expressing that they would try their best to make the best artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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