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Chapter 811 Home

Chapter 811 Home
Indeed, if even a province’s participation in politics and generals come to recruit them, but instead of accepting them, you will take them hostage. That would mean that no escape route would be cut off, and the imperial court would no longer be able to back down and appease them. If it doesn't work, you have to fight!

For such consequences, many pirates are unwilling to see.Therefore, after Hong Yunzheng finished speaking, everyone was a little panicked, and looked at the second leader, hoping that he would change his mind, at least get together and leave, and leave a way out, right?
Seeing this, Erdang became furious and shouted loudly: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you take them all to prison!"

Seeing that the boss was angry, his confidants didn't dare to neglect him, and quickly agreed, and went up to arrest him.

The sound of "Kang Dang" sounded, and Hong Yunzheng turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that it was the two generals and their personal guards, with fear on their faces, but they still drew their weapons, as if they were ready to fight desperately.He frowned, then shook his head and said: "This is a den of thieves, resisting will only cost lives! We are court officials, let's see how they treat it, let them dare not kill!"

"That's right, that's right, Master Hong is right, we still have a bright future ahead of us, we can't let ourselves die!" Kang Chengzu turned pale and nodded repeatedly.

When Hong Yunzheng heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Kang Chengzu, with contempt in his eyes.He didn't mean Kang Chengzu at all.But before the thieves, he didn't bother to argue with him.Turning around, looking at the pirates swarming over, he held his head high and shouted loudly: "You guys are so rude, it's just a prison cell, lead the way!"

The pirates who were about to board the official ship with swords and guns looked up at him standing on the bow of the ship. Under the winter sun, the pirates seemed to be dazzling, which made people feel awe.Immediately, these pirates didn't dare to make mistakes, and waited there obediently.

Without the slightest fear or hesitation, Hong Yunzheng stepped off the official ship in big strides.The pirates who met head-on avoided to both sides, giving way to get off the ship.It could be seen that although they were enemies, they respected Hong Yunzheng who held his head high and showed no fear.

It is not surprising that this is the case.Most of these pirates were originally ordinary people, and they naturally have a kind of admiration, even awe, for the officials and gentlemen who are educated.What's more, the person in front of them is a Jinshi master, and he is also a high-ranking official who participates in politics in a province.

Throughout the dynasties, those who can be officials, especially those who can be high officials, will not look crooked. Generally speaking, all of them are good-looking.The same is true for Hong Yunzheng, and with the fearless and upright aura he carries at this time, it is reasonable for these pirates to have such a reaction.

It's not just them, the pirates watching on the shore may not care much about the other officials, but they all admire Hong Yunzheng, the leader, secretly giving thumbs up, giving what they think is Best Comment: "What a man!"

Ma San watched this scene, and praised in a low voice among his brothers: "Believe it or not, this gentleman participating in politics is a good official!"

After hearing this, Scarface nodded in agreement and said, "I think so too, especially when compared with the one behind, it can be seen at a glance that Mr. Canzheng must be a good official! Ah, you really shouldn't have come!"

"What do you mean?" The young man withdrew his admiring gaze, turned his head to look at Scarface, and asked in surprise.

Scarface turned to look at him, and raised his head to the second leader's side and said: "If you fail to recruit security, you will be taken hostage, what will happen?"

When the young man heard this, he said a little puzzled: "They are high officials in the imperial court. Could it be that the government doesn't care about them, at least they can redeem them?"

Hearing this, Ma San interjected, and said in a low voice: "What do you do? Would the government listen to us pirates? And redeem them? Where will the court face it? Besides, do you think the people in charge will take these few Is the high official detained just for money? Let me tell you, if there are people in the court, do you think they will be sent to a dangerous place? This matter, the recruitment is about to be completed, and everyone is happy; it seems that the head of the family did not intend to accept it from the beginning Zhaoan, I tricked them here with the idea of ​​taking them as hostages. How can their fate be better? "

Hearing this, the young man was speechless. He turned his head to look at the officials who had disembarked from the official ship and were being escorted away from the pier. Suddenly, he sighed silently.

Seeing Scarface, he changed the subject and said with a smile to Ma San: "Brother Ma San knows a lot more, as expected he has been in the yamen before."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the young man was still in a daze, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think too much about it, let's spend a day as a day!"

About half an hour later, the second head returned to the Juyi hall. Xu Xiang had been waiting here a long time ago, gnawing on a pig's trotter, seeing him go in, he laughed and greeted him: "How, those dogs Did the officials freak out in fright?"

The Erdang's face was a bit ugly, he raised a bowl of wine, and drank it in one gulp, regardless of whether it was cold or not.He was really aggrieved, threw the bowl away, and said angrily: "Piss, those dog officials are very treacherous. Not only do they not admit it, but they talk nonsense. I see, there are quite a few brothers below. It was frustrating to be told by them. It's like this is not our territory, but in the government office!"

When Xu Xiang heard this, she dropped the trotter in her hand, without a smile on her face, and asked loudly, "What's going on?"

So, the second master described the situation on the pier, especially the expressions of those onlookers.

"Damn it, it's the wrong way!" Xu Xiang kicked the table in front of her and cursed loudly after hearing this.Fortunately, the table was so heavy that he didn't kick it down.

Xu Xiang was able to rise as the leader of the pirates, after all, he had his ability.After thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his hand and said, "Come on, call the brothers for a discussion, I have something to say!"

As soon as he continued to speak, there was a flutter of chickens and dogs jumping around. Soon, the big gathering hall was full of his bosses, big and small, sitting or standing.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Xu Xiang, who was sitting at the top, stood up and shouted loudly. Suddenly, the entire Juyi Hall fell silent.

Xu Xiang looked around at his subordinates and said loudly: "I tell you the truth, the news came from the shore that these officials didn't follow their good intentions, they didn't really come to appease us!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the expressions of his subordinates and immediately became angry. Few people believed his words!He didn't think about it, this is actually a momentum, based on their previous impression of the officials of the Ming Dynasty.Unless there is real evidence, it is difficult to change this trend.

(End of this chapter)

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