Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 862 Ritual System

Chapter 862 Ritual System (Fifth Change)

Next, Emperor Chongzhen was not in a hurry to go to the destination, but visited the Suzhou area. After seeing the extravagance here again, he began to retreat.
He wrote down the thoughts in his head with a pen, and after thinking about it for a long time, he entered the chat group, pulled up a temporary group, and pulled in Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Cao Huachun, the eunuch who was in charge of the supervisor of rituals.

"I have verified with my own eyes that the luxurious atmosphere in the south of the Yangtze River is full of luxury. This is because the imperial court did not give proper guidance after material wealth. For this, I believe that the imperial court is responsible."

Seeing what the emperor said, Wen Tiren and Cao Huachun couldn't help pleading guilty.As Daming's internal and external officials, they have to be responsible no matter whether it is their responsibility or not.

However, Emperor Chongzhen naturally didn't intend to question his two right-hand men, he just wanted to solve the problem.Therefore, he said again: "Almost no one abides by the ritual system stipulated in the Taizu period. In this regard, I think we still need to emphasize implementation, but there are some changes to guide the change of the atmosphere."

"Your Majesty, please show me!" Wen Tiren replied immediately after hearing this.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Zhu Yuanzhang had strict regulations on etiquette, such as scholars, farmers, businessmen, etc., at each stage, whether he had fame, what level, what color of clothes to wear, how many followers he went out, and how the house was, all had requirements.It's just that with the passage of time, people who have gradually become rich gradually no longer abide by it, and subtly, that's it.

In terms of the law, the imperial court did not let go of this opening, it was just that the folks did it and the government didn't care about it.Emperor Chongzhen brought it up again at this time, so naturally there is no problem.

If this matter is brought up again, it will not be difficult to implement it.After all, this regulation itself exists as a privilege of the privileged class.The higher the position, the more privileges you enjoy.Therefore, neither Wen Tiren nor Cao Huachun raised any objections, but just listened to what changes Emperor Chongzhen would make next?
"What I think is that on the basis of emphasizing the founding ceremony, for those who are not qualified, who have money in their hands and want to enjoy the treatment they cannot enjoy, we can give some conditions that they can meet. For example, they If the specifications of the house want to be higher, how many good deeds must be done that are recognized by the government, such as paving roads and bridges, or helping victims of disasters, or funding the construction of water conservancy, or donating to construction and education, etc.; Things, such as developing some practical things for the common people, etc.; including the color and style of going out, the same is true, and they all follow the ideas I just said."

After talking about this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately added: "There is one more thing to pay attention to here, that is, different levels have different requirements. The price to pay will be even greater. In other words, the further you advance to one level, the higher the price you will pay..."

His idea is actually a bit similar to collecting personal income tax.But at this time in the seventeenth century, there was no way to collect personal income tax.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a long time, and according to local conditions, he came up with such a trick.Those who get rich first limit their enjoyment of basic necessities of life.Of course, he also made an opening. If he has money, he can enjoy it, but he has to pay a price, which is equivalent to collecting their personal income tax in disguise.

This world cannot live without businessmen.But it is not a good thing to let businessmen have too much money, and it must be restricted. This new idea is an attempt in this regard.

In this way, those businessmen who have become rich, no matter what their background is, must enjoy the money they earn.But if you want to enjoy it, you have to follow the regulations of the court, which can guide them to invest their money where the court wants them to invest, such as doing good deeds, such as developing something related to the national economy and people's livelihood, etc.

This policy, in fact, has another layer of implicit circumstances.Just like Xu Carpenter, his research and development of flying cars will not be regarded as not doing business properly. There will also be some rich people who put money into it and let him toss about it, but the rich can get super-standard treatment.Once Carpenter Xu has achieved something, the government will reward him, and his basic necessities of life will be better than those of his neighbors. Naturally, others will envy him, and there will be no contempt for him.

After Emperor Chongzhen explained his thoughts in detail, Cao Huachun responded immediately without saying a word: "Your Majesty's strategy is really wonderful! In this way, the burden on the court can be reduced a lot, and those who have People who don't know how to spend their money will spend it meaningfully!"

Speaking of which, in this era, if ordinary people have too much money, it is not a good thing. There will be all kinds of people staring at them, from small county officials to the emperor in the Forbidden City.But if what Emperor Chongzhen said is really clear, ordinary people will have an extra layer of support, which is much better than the routine of showing off their wealth and fighting for their wealth.

Wen Tiren was silent for a while, obviously thinking carefully, and then replied: "Your Majesty, I think this strategy is good, but in practice, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult. If it is implemented now, will the excess land be confiscated or who will buy it? I am afraid there will be turmoil in the middle!"

In the previous era, when you had money, you generally didn't hide it in the cellar, but bought land.Only land is the real asset, just like real estate in later generations.At this time in the late Ming Dynasty, land annexation was particularly serious. Even civil servants, military generals, emperors and nobles, etc., at least in terms of land properties, were beyond the standard.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while and said, "The matter of the land is of great importance, so we can put it aside for the time being. For the rest, the cabinet and the supervisor of ceremonies each come up with a charter. I will read it first."

It is impossible to say this.The matter of land annexation has too much influence. Just the clearing of the land has happened in the past dynasties, but every time it will not be very successful.It was better during the heyday of the dynasty, but at the end of the dynasty, it was impossible to implement it at all.

Emperor Chongzhen has actually been doing this land annexation. For example, if the feudal kings feudalize overseas, their land can be taken back by the opportunity. This is the product of another major national policy.Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to have any influence on this, so he had to put this aside first.

Without the item of land, Wen Tiren immediately breathed a sigh of relief, followed closely behind Cao Huachun, and replied "obey the order".

 Thank you Qinshui Bingxin, warrior Tao Yuanming for your tip!If you repaid 3 updates today, you will still owe [-] more updates, and continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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