Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 208 Emptying the Holy Spring

Chapter 208 Emptying the Holy Spring
"Damn it, there's so much liquid. I've been moving for half a day, and there's still one third left."

Ji Xian cursingly scooped up the full divine liquid from the holy spring with an iron basin, and skillfully poured it into the bathtub behind him. Beside the bathtub, there were two large jugs filled with divine liquid.

He defeated the puppet guarding the holy spring, and after finding the holy spring, he began to steal without stopping. There were no accidents on the way, and the work went very smoothly.

But what he didn't expect was that stealing the holy spring is a technical and physical work, which is very tiring.

When he found the holy spring earlier, he planned to use his divine power to uproot the holy spring and send it home with free shipping through the editor.

But the reality is cruel, and his thoughts are still a little naive. The holy spring weighs as much as a hundred thousand mountains, and he doesn't have enough strength to move it.

Ok!Since I can't move it, I won't move it. I'm a strong man in the divine realm, so I'll take things from the air at worst.

Anyway, all I want is the divine liquid conceived by the holy spring, and it doesn't matter if it's packaged or not.

This was the thought in Ji Xian's mind after his first failure.

Later, he mobilized his divine power in an attempt to suck the divine liquid out of the holy spring. Just when he was full of joy, something bad happened again.

The divine liquid cannot be interfered by external forces, on the contrary, it will also affect the forces that interfere with it and absorb it!
This frightened Ji Xian, the divine liquid was like a greedy black hole, depriving him of his divine power without restraint, and then transforming his divine power into divine liquid.

After two failures, he understood a truth. If he wanted to obtain the holy liquid in the holy spring, he had to use earthy methods, and everything else was nonsense.

Ji Xian scooped up another pot of divine liquid, glanced at the holy spring that was about to bottom out, and said with a smile, "Soon, we can call it a day."

As soon as he finished speaking, he snorted, his face flushed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The injury that Chen Yu suppressed for him broke out.

"Damn! If you can't play, don't come sooner, but why come at this time."

Ji Xian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head, looked at the vast starry sky with cold eyes, and said, "This is the second time I have suffered such a serious injury, Holy Spring Secret Realm, wait for my revenge!"

The first time he was seriously injured was when he fought Mo Tianxie. In order to defeat Mo Tianxie and occupy Lianyun Mountain, he forcibly broke through the realm during the battle, and suffered backlash after the battle.

After a few months, he was seriously injured again in the secret place of the holy spring, and it was a similar incident. It has to be said that it was too coincidental.

Ji Xian gritted his teeth, his internal organs seemed to be being burned by a raging fire, and the stinging pain from his limbs hit the brain nerves like a tidal wave. He was sweating like rain, forcibly suppressing the outbreak of injuries, and continued to carry the divine liquid.


Under the leadership of Dai Yu, all the young geniuses of the monster race crossed mountains and rivers, and built bridges when they met rivers. Against the obstacles of thousands of magical powers, they drove straight in and crossed the sea.

However, the process was not smooth, and they still paid a heavy price. Many people with lower strength could not bear the pressure and fell into the sea.

Even soul-crossing cultivators like Dai Yu and Yu Mo all had large and small scars on their bodies, and their clothes were stained red with blood.

Dai Yu was the most injured, he was the one who opened the way, every time Shentonghai's supernatural powers were triggered, he was the first to bear the brunt, and the danger he faced was far more than others.

He did this not to be a hero, but to share the big damage and save everyone as much as possible.

Lightning as thick as a brontosaurus streaked down the void, arcs swam away, the air crackled, sea water exploded, and waves splashed in all directions.

Dai Yu's face showed no fear, and he slapped out his scarred palm, the clouds dispersed, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

Drops of red-tinged gold blood dripped down his fingertips. He silently tore off a piece of his clothes and wrapped them around his hands, leading the army to move on.

Yu Mo ran to his side in disgrace, and said: "Don't go forward, your injury is so serious, if you go down, something will happen."

Dai Yu waved his hands as if nothing had happened, and said, "It's okay, I'm going to land soon, I can hold on."

Qi and blood in his body surged, he coughed again and again, and said: "You go down first! Opening the road is very dangerous, I am afraid that I will accidentally hurt you later."

Yu Mo hesitated to speak, seeing Dai Yu's firm eyes, he knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would be useless, he sighed, turned and retreated.

Qingchen got together with a few Yaozu disciples, withdrew his sinister eyes from Dai Yu, turned his head and whispered a few whispers in their ears.

After hearing this, several people had a sinister smile on their faces, and a fierce light flashed in their eyes.


"Can you run faster, the holy spring is right in front of you, don't you want a chance?"

While running, Chen Hao turned his head and yelled, his face full of anxiety.

Annihilation and Chu Shengge ran unhurriedly, and Long Fan was even more awesome, strolling at the end alone, eating candy and watching the scenery.

"Chen Hao, I don't know if he is so flustered, he will definitely get the holy spring if he goes early? Who knows if there is any danger in front of the sea of ​​supernatural powers, and he doesn't use his brain to think about it." Chu Shengge said.

Annihilation smiled: "It's not like you don't know, he only pretends to be a baby in his mind, it's normal for people to be stupid."

He stared at the front of the road, which stretched straight to the other side of the sea of ​​supernatural powers.

"Who opened up this road? Long Fan said that people who are not in the supernatural realm can enter the supernatural power sea, but I just took a look, and the remaining supernatural powers here have not reached the divine realm. It's strange."

Ji Xian was full of doubts and couldn't think of a reason.

The sea of ​​supernatural powers is known as one of the three forbidden places in the secret realm of the holy spring. The supernatural powers formed by the ancient strongmen's battles should not be so weak.

He traveled back to the Holy Spring Spirit Sect, and met several disciples of the Spirit Sect who were in the divine realm, and these disciples also told him that their cultivation was not the highest among the disciples of the Spirit Sect.

One can imagine how powerful the Holy Spring Spirit Sect is.

The disciples in the Guangmen are the gods, so what about the high-level personnel of the sect?What about the head of the sect?

Thinking of this, he shivered involuntarily. The Holy Spring Spirit Sect ruled the world, and all the great powers gathered, but finally disappeared. All the glory was buried by the dust of history, sinking into the long river of time, and no one knew the truth of the year.

Where the holy spring was, Ji Xian put away the last scoop of divine liquid, opened the editor space, and walked in slowly.

The scene changed, and he appeared in front of the floating hall in the center of the Star City, his eyes were drooping, and he walked up the stairs step by step, dragging his legs that weighed a thousand tons.

Wherever they went, they left rows of bloody footprints.


The gate of the palace opened, and Chen Yu came out from the palace. After a closer look, he found Ji Xian who looked like a walking corpse.

He frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ji Xian raised his head, a faint smile appeared on his pale face, his eyes darkened, and he fell down straight.

Chen Yu's face changed slightly, and he disappeared in one step. He rushed to support Ji Xian before his body fell to the ground, his consciousness swept over him, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he immediately disappeared with him.

(End of this chapter)

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