Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 212 Hall of Valor

Chapter 212 Hall of Valor

The things that forge the god-level puppets are not mortal things. The masters of the Holy Spring Spirit Sect fused them together and mixed them with their own blood. Over time, the puppets not only possessed the power of the gods, but also Infected with the breath of the forger.

Even if the puppet has turned into broken copper and iron, it doesn't mean that he is safe. Every part of his body hides great power. If you touch it without authorization, you don't know how you died.

Yu Mo shrank his neck and looked at the puppet fragments on the ground with apprehension. Fortunately, Dai Yu reminded him in time, otherwise he would be a cold corpse now.

"Curiosity is a good thing, but if you are too curious, you will die." Dai Yu walked to another pile of puppet fragments and said earnestly.

Yu Mo smiled wryly, he can't be blamed for this, he didn't know that this ordinary-looking junk was the material for forging the God Realm Puppet, if he knew, he would like to hide away.

Dai Yu carefully observed the traces on the fragments, propped his chin and said in thought, "It's not a one-shot fatality. It seems that the person who stole the holy spring should be as strong as the puppet."

"There were three puppets found at the scene. He must have paid a heavy price to kill three puppets with his cultivation base in the same realm. Perhaps his life is not long?"

He fell into deep thought for a long time, Yu Mo didn't bother him, and instead acted as a security guard, evacuating the onlookers, to prevent someone from triggering the power of the shards and losing their lives.

The young woman Tang He walked up to Yu Mo, hesitated for two seconds, and said, "Did you... find anything?"

She didn't dare to look at Yu Mo, not because she was shy, but ashamed.

When Qingchen and Yumo had a conflict before, she immediately sided with Qingchen and helped Yumo.

In the end, Qingchen was a hypocrite, unexpectedly bold, and joined forces with the people installed by the careerist to assassinate Dai Yu. This happened suddenly, and she still hasn't recovered from it.

She actually helped a scum of the demon clan!If this matter gets out, her reputation among the younger generation of Yaozu will definitely be discredited, and if it is serious, she will even be accused of being an unwarranted party member and bear the corresponding punishment.

That's why she put down her face and came to Yu Mo, hoping to get the other party's forgiveness, and approached Dai Yu through Yu Mo to explain the matter clearly.

Yu Mo saw the face of the visitor, was stunned for a moment, and said without hesitation: "I didn't find anything, it's just a fragment of a puppet in the divine realm. Be careful, don't touch it."

Tang He raised his brows, pinched his shirt tightly with his slender white jade fingers, and then loosened it. He was entangled in his heart, and couldn't help but said, "You don't remember hating me?"

Logically speaking, since she helped Qingchen, Yu Mo's attitude towards her should be very bad, even ignoring her is reasonable, but why does the other party seem not angry at all?
Yu Mo was stunned, but soon understood, and asked with a smile: "Why should I hate you? Because you helped Qingchen?"

"Otherwise!" Tang He nodded.

"Miss Tang, you're thinking too much. I'm not a petty person, and I won't hold grudges over a trivial matter."

Yu Mo's smile didn't change, and he said: "It's your own idea that you help Qingchen, not to mention, what I did at the time was indeed a little too radical."

Even though he said so, what he thought in his heart was: "I should just kill Qingchen without doing anything else."

Doing so may prevent future troubles and prevent the assassination of Dai Yu from happening.

Tang He had complicated eyes and remained silent.

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll go get busy first." Yu Mo took the initiative to terminate the chat.

Tang He bit the bullet and said, "Young Master Dai, can you..."

"No problem, I'll make it clear for you."

Yu Mo guessed what she wanted to say, and agreed.

Tang He thanked him sincerely, then turned and left without interfering with Yu Mo's work.


"Brother Mie, has that thing caught up?"

In the core area of ​​the Holy Spring Spirit Sect where there are many halls in the Immortal Palace, a hazy brilliance enveloped the sky, and the air was filled with liquefied spiritual energy that was visible to the naked eye. Taking a breath, I immediately felt refreshed.

Annihilation and the others hid behind a large hall, with their backs leaning against the wall, panting heavily with their knees propped up.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Annihilation answered angrily, poked his head out cautiously and looked around, but found no monsters.

Chen Hao sat down on the ground, wiped the sweat off his face with his hands, and said, "Old Chu, you are all to blame for this."

Chu Shengge was confused, and asked, "Blame me? I'm afraid you took the wrong medicine. It's none of my business."

"It's none of your business, but you're still quibbling. If it wasn't because you were teleported to the Demon Subduing Cave and watched by monsters, we wouldn't have been implicated." Chen Hao couldn't forgive anyone.

Chu Shengge was at a loss for words and had nothing to say, because what Chen Hao said was right, and he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Long Fan hid in the corner while eating a lollipop, looking nervous, he was afraid that Chen Hao would also scold him.

After confirming his safety, Annihilation walked to the avenue, and the bright light fell from the sky. He raised his head subconsciously, and the shadow of the holy spring was reflected in his eyes.

His heart moved slightly, and he said, "We're here."

Hearing this, Chen Hao and Chu Shengge's eyes flashed, and they ran over in a hurry, staring at Shengquan obsessively.

Chen Hao grinned and cheered happily: "The emperor pays off, finally let us see the holy spring, long live the goddess of luck."

Annihilation's mouth twitched, and he reminded: "You speak in a low voice, be careful that the people of the Yaozu are ahead, if they are caught by then, they will all be finished."

Chen Hao didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Well, well, it's impossible for the people of the Yaozu to reach the holy spring before us, can they survive the sea of ​​supernatural powers?"

"What if they took the same path we took?" Chu Shengge said leisurely.

The smile on Chen Hao's face froze, Yan Mi opened his mouth slightly, and looked at Chu Shengge with a ghost-like expression.

Chu Shengge was embarrassed, and quickly said: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously, the people of the Yaozu are definitely not as fast as us."

As the words fell, the phantom of the holy spring in the sky suddenly collapsed and disintegrated, and disappeared after just a few breaths.

The atmosphere became strangely quiet, and Annihilation and Chen Hao stared straight at Chu Shengge, wanting to kill someone.

This is really a crow's mouth!Whatever you say, come, someone, bring a needle and thread, and sew Lao Chu's mouth shut.

Chu Shengge felt that he could explain again. Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light rose from the hall of the Immortal Palace, like a brilliant sun hanging in the sky, and the entire core area was illuminated as brightly as day.

But the strange thing is that the light is not dazzling, but simply very bright. The three of them looked at the beam of light in surprise. In a trance, they saw a bloody scene, and there were shouts of killing in their ears.

Gradually, the beam of light disintegrated, forming three large characters in midair: Hall of Valor!
(End of this chapter)

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