Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 214 Fate is the most important

Chapter 214 Fate is the most important
The Holy Spring Lingzong once dominated an era. In that era, it was the holy place for cultivation and the highest palace that monks in the world yearned for.

There are countless strong people who have come out of the Lingzong. From what Ji Xian and the others saw and heard back in the past, we can know how powerful it is.

The incomparable god-level powerhouse of the origin star is only an inner disciple in the Holy Spring Spirit Sect!
The members of a sect are so terrifying, how strong should the leader of this sect be?

Everyone from the Yaozu stood in front of the magnificent Hall of Valor, looking at the heroic statue, all of them were so excited that they couldn't speak, just like a little girl seeing her idol.

"Is this the legendary Hall of Valor? The sky hangs down. I never imagined that one day I would be able to see such a place with my own eyes."

"I heard from the elders in the family that the Hall of Valor is the cemetery where the powerful of the Holy Spring Lingzong are buried. It is the most sacred place of the Lingzong, and there are countless chance inheritances in it."

"I've also heard about this. The Hall of Valor looks like a cemetery on the surface, but it's not. It's more like a place to pass on the torch."

"It doesn't matter so much, I only know that there is an inheritance of a strong man here, which will allow me to soar into the sky and become one of the future strong men of the Yaozu."

The noise gradually rose, and everyone chatted non-stop, discussing about inheritance.

However, at this moment, the statue guarding the Hall of Valor burst out with bright light, the sound of the roaring avenue came, and the vast sea of ​​coercion shrouded it, and waves of air surged in all directions continuously.

Everyone's minds went blank, their eardrums were tingling, as if they were about to burst, their limbs were convulsed, trembling non-stop, and they fell to the ground one after another with their heads up, their eyes rolling white, and foaming at the mouth.

Dai Yu covered his head and his body swayed. Under the pressure of the statue, his soul seemed to be floating away from his body and away from him.

Yu Mo's cultivation base and concentration were not as good as Dai Yu's. At the moment when the mutation happened, he was also caught off guard, lying on the ground weakly, with a dazed consciousness, with a trace of consciousness remaining.

"Quickly kneel down and kowtow to apologize, quick!"

Dai Yu bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and the severe pain stimulated the brain nerves. He woke up and knelt down on the ground without hesitation, buried his head deeply, and kowtowed to apologize.

Yu Mo was about to faint, but when he saw this scene that frightened his eyeballs, he regained his energy in an instant.

He was in a daze, what did he see?The son of the demon emperor who is admired by thousands of demon clan, actually kowtows to others to apologize?
"This... is fake!"

Yu Mo's mouth was parched, but the current situation did not allow him to think too much, he followed what Dai Yu said, and honestly knelt down and kowtowed.

The rest struggled to get up from the ground, gritted their teeth, and kissed the ground lightly on their foreheads.

At this moment, a beautiful landscape was formed in front of the Hall of Valor, and everyone from the Yaozu respectfully knelt in front of the hall, facing the statue, kowtowing non-stop.

The cool wind blew across the cheeks, bringing a sense of refreshment. The coercion that filled the surroundings suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the trembling voice of the Great Dao gradually subsided. Everyone relaxed physically and mentally, and took a breath Come.

"You can get up."

Dai Yu stood up, regained his disordered breath, his lips were chapped, his face was as pale as snow, and the clothes on his back were soaked in cold sweat.

The reason why that happened just now was because the crowd was too noisy, disturbing the peace of the Hall of Valor and breaking the rules.

The Hall of Valor is a sacred and inviolable place in the Holy Spring Lingzong. The sages of the Lingzong of the past are buried, and outsiders are not allowed to play.

To put it bluntly, would you allow others to dance on the graves of their elders?
Yu Mo's mind was complicated, he looked at Dai Yu with disappointed and angry eyes, and asked through gritted teeth: "Why do you kneel? Why do you kowtow? You are the son of the Demon Emperor!"

He was very disappointed. As the son of the demon emperor, Dai Yu kowtowed to apologize to others regardless of his dignity, not only disgraced his own face, but more importantly, he also lost the face of the demon clan!
The son of the demon emperor, the future leader of the demon clan, is now a joke to him.

Yu Mo's mood fluctuated violently, Dai Yu didn't seem to notice, he patted the dust off his clothes on his own, and then raised his eyes to look at him.

"Why kneel and kowtow? Because I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die." Dai Yu said lightly.

In the situation just now, obediently apologizing is the only chance to survive. Compared with life, face is nothing.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?Life is the most important thing!Your life is gone, what else can you use to realize your ambitions?

Yu Mo's heart trembled, his body froze like a weathered stone statue, his eyes became more complicated, and he repeated unwillingly: "But you are the son of the Demon Emperor! You are the chosen one and the only one."

Hearing this, Dai Yu sneered and said, "I am the son of the demon emperor alive, and I am just a cold corpse when I die."

His eyes became deep, he fell on the statue, and whispered: "Do you think I don't care about dignity? No, I have no choice."

"In your eyes, my behavior is indeed ugly, but personally, I don't think so, because I survived, you say yes!"

Yu Mo froze in place this time, speechless, he suddenly realized a truth, in the face of fate, you can give up everything.

His dissatisfaction with Dai Yu disappeared, and he clasped his fists and bowed to the ground. Seeing this, everyone followed suit and said loudly: "Thank you, Master Dai, for saving your life."

Dai Yu smiled and said: "Let's go! Go in and have a look, the opportunity is right in front of you, you should seize it."

He led the team to the gate of the Hall of Valor. He seemed to have thought of something, and turned around and told him, "Don't talk nonsense after you enter, and be quiet, otherwise if something happens again, we will really die in a foreign country."

Everyone was resentful and giggled in embarrassment.


Suddenly, the gate of the palace opened slowly, and a light blue vortex appeared in the door. Dai Yu frowned and walked in. Afterwards, everyone filed in and disappeared.

Not long after they left, a few sneaky people emerged.

Chen Hao looked up at the tall Hall of Valor, his eyes flashed, he licked his lips, and said, "Good thing, good thing!"

His heart was hot, he rubbed his palms together, and swallowed.

Annihilation stared at the vortex inside the gate, and muttered to himself: "It's another small world, this Holy Spring Spirit Sect's method is really clever, it's amazing."

It is very difficult to open up a world and requires great strength, but the Holy Spring Spirit Sect not only opened up a super-difficult world like the Holy Spring Secret Realm, but also opened up a small world inside this world, which is nothing short of awesome.

Chu Shengge touched Annihilation with his hand, and asked, "Go in now, or what?"

"Don't panic, the people from the Yaozu have just entered, so wait." Annihilation said.

Long Fan was eating a lollipop, and looked at the stone statues around the Hall of Valor with great interest. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow from the corner of his eye, and the hairs on his body stood up instantly.

"Ah~ the monster is chasing you."

His cry immediately attracted the attention of the three of them. Annihilation took a closer look, and the monster was standing not far away, watching them motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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