Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 218 The Dead Immortal

Chapter 218 The Dead Immortal

The supreme mighty power runs through the ages, the long river of time is turbulent, the turbulent waves hit the shore, every drop of water splashed is a record of a period of time, countless pictures flashed through the eyes of everyone, dazzling and overwhelmed.

The gods and Buddhas stand in the endless void, with solemn and solemn expressions, and the hundreds of feet of bodies transformed into stars exude a beautiful halo. They are like gods descending from the earth, and people can't help but worship them.

The ten thousand zhang galaxy is suspended above the empty island, and the river is flowing with miniature stars. If you observe carefully, you will find that these stars are not real, but composed of vast divine power. Each star represents They are all completely different divine powers!

They are a kind of symbol, and different divine powers correspond to different strong men. At first glance, there are hundreds of stars in the galaxy, which means that there are hundreds of strong men who started from the divine realm in the Holy Spring Spirit Sect. The deceased was buried in the Hall of Valor.

If this is made public, the entire Origin Star will be in chaos, and the human race and the evil spirit race may join forces to deal with the demon race and force the demon race to hand over the control of the holy spring secret realm.

There is no other, only because of the existence of the Hall of Valor.

Whoever wants to obtain the Hall of Valor will indirectly obtain the inheritance of hundreds of powerful people in the divine realm. No one can resist this temptation.

Everyone in the Yaozu looked at the mighty Holy Spirit, and felt awe in their hearts, even breathing became cautious, for fear of angering these powerful people, and they would die without a place to die.

Dai Yu squinted at the gods, immortals and Buddhas, his gaze stayed at the top, with an unknown light shining in his eyes, and his fists subconsciously tightened.

The place he looked at was radiant with celestial light, full of purple air, and various visions, such as high mountains and flowing water, prehistoric and strange beasts, and the fairy palace hall connected by a nine-curved long bridge. Under the rosy peach tree all over the sky, sat a man with a face like a crown jade, facing the wind from a jade tree.


Dai Yu spoke lightly, and Yu Mo's ears moved beside him, and he looked in the direction he was looking, with a dull expression, and said indifferently: "Immortal?!"

He seemed to feel that his eyes were wrong, so he hastily rubbed his eyes, but the scene in front of him did not change at all. The fairy in white was leaning against the peach tree, with his eyes closed, holding a feather fan in his hand to cool him down, looking very comfortable.

His throat was dry, his body was numb and unable to move, he forced himself to look away, the next moment, his face changed drastically, and his eyes widened.

Next to the Peach Tree Immortal is another immortal!
The immortal looks burly and powerful in appearance, sitting on a golden lacquered and carved dragon throne, with one hand supported by the seat, resting on his head, his half-opened and half-closed eyes are indifferent to the common people, appearing aloof.

On the side of the throne, a large black ax was suspended in mid-air, and thunder and lightning walked around it, palpitations filled the air, and drops of bright red blood dripped from the sharp edge.

In addition, Yu Mo also saw a more terrifying scene. Under the throne, a headless corpse was lying in a pool of blood. He did not know how many years he had died, but his body was not decayed, and his blood was not dry. , wisps of fairy light emerged on the surface of his body.

Yu Mo lost his mind, feeling that his cognition had been impacted unprecedentedly, and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak, as if someone was strangling his neck.

"Dead fairy? How is this possible, isn't the fairy invincible?"

Dai Yu suddenly spoke up, not calm anymore, what he said was exactly what Yu Mo wanted to say.

The headless corpse lying in front of the throne is suspected to be the immortal fairy in the legend. This is too unbelievable, the fairy will fall?

Yu Mo tried to calm himself down, and said in a trembling voice: "The immortal is dead, who killed him? Who has the strength to kill him?"

He looked at Dai Yu with terrified eyes, hoping for an answer.

Dai Yu stared at the immortal sitting on the throne, and said, "Didn't you guess it?"

Yu Mo's heart trembled, and said: "Does this kind of thing really exist? They are all immortals, it should be difficult to kill each other!"

Of them, one refers to the dead immortal, and the other refers to the burly immortal sitting on the throne.

Dai Yu chuckled and said, "Doesn't it mean that you can't kill them? Immortals, like us, have their strengths and weaknesses. What's more, who told you that he killed them alone."

Yu Mo looked moved, and blurted out: "What do you mean?"

"You've been looking carefully at the Peach Tree Immortal, and you know it." After Dai Yu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Hearing this, Yu Mo turned his eyes to Peach Tree Immortal again, he didn't know it at first glance, but he was startled when he looked closely.

On that red peach tree, hung a ferocious head, it was the head of a dead fairy.

"So that's how it is. The two immortals join forces, and it's a big battle."

Yu Mo is speechless, immortals are invincible existences in legends, they live in the fairy world, and they are the overlords in charge of the world!

Two unrivaled powers join forces, who can be the enemy?

Dai Yu came to the front of the crowd, glanced roughly, and said: "I think you must have seen it too. These holy spirits are the powerhouses of the Holy Spring Spirit Sect. Now the opportunity is in front of you. Can you grasp it? It's all up to you."

Everyone became excited, and someone couldn't help asking loudly: "Young Master Dai, how can I get the inheritance of these Holy Spirits?"

The crowd quieted down and looked at each other in blank dismay. Indeed, how can inheritance be obtained?They have been on Sky Island for a while, and have never seen anything except the Holy Spirit.

Anyway, you have to come to a trial or something!
Dai Yu said slowly: "Don't panic, haven't I finished yet? The inheritance of the Hall of Valor is different from the inheritance method we know. It is all open to the outside world."

"That is to say, you can try to challenge every inheritance of the Holy Spirit here, understand?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and speechless.

You can try each of them, is there any mistake?Doesn't that mean that I even have a chance to get the immortal inheritance!

Dai Yu pursed his lips and continued: "After talking so much, it's time to get down to business. How to get inheritance?"

"The method is actually very simple. You first choose the holy spirit you want to inherit, and just kneel down and kowtow three times to him."

This was what his father, the demon emperor, told him, and he was also very puzzled about it. The inheritance method of the Holy Spring Spirit Sect was too weird, and he had only seen it in his life.

Everyone blinked their eyes, so simple?Just kneel down and kowtow, are you sure you didn't lie to me?
"Don't think too much, what I just said is just a way to start the inheritance, it doesn't mean you can get the inheritance directly."

Dai Yu coughed twice, and said, "It's not such an easy thing to get the inheritance, and there is still a long way to go!"

Afterwards, he said some off-topic words and told everyone some things.

After finishing these things, everyone began to bow down.

(End of this chapter)

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