Chapter 220
The four stopped and stopped, searching for everyone from the Monster Race, but the area of ​​the empty island was too large, almost two to three times the size of Lianyun Mountain, so it was quite difficult to find someone. They searched for more than an hour, but there was no sign of anyone. arrive.

"Damn it, don't look for it, I'm wasting my time, I still don't believe it, without the help of Yaozu, I can't start the inheritance."

While walking, Chen Hao suddenly yelled and cursed. Distraught, he picked up his big sword and slashed at the air.

His patience is limited, he wasted half a day, but he didn't get the slightest return. Whoever does this kind of loss-making business is an idiot.

Annihilation and Chu Shengge walked ahead, stopped when they heard the sound, turned around and looked at Chen Hao with a question mark on their faces, not sure about the situation.

Chen Hao had a gloomy face, muttering non-stop, from time to time he swung his sword to cut the sky, kicked the ground, exhaling fragrance, like a patient who just escaped from a mental hospital.

"What the hell is this guy doing? Cursing at the air, what a genius." Chu Shengge clapped his hands in admiration with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Annihilation looked at Chen Hao interestingly, and said, "I think he is impatient and doesn't want to leave."

To tell the truth, Chu Shengge looked at each other with annihilated eyes and words, and grinned: "Just ignore him, let's go by ourselves!"

Chen Hao is the kind of person who likes to eat and be lazy, and likes to have things that fall from the sky. If you ask him to do something, if it's not beneficial, he won't even move it for you.

From him, he profoundly explained the principle of the supremacy of interests.

Annihilation nodded approvingly, and agreed with Chu Shengge's proposal. He called Long Fan over and said something. Immediately, the three of them took advantage of Chen Hao's madness and slipped away without looking back.

After venting the grievances in his heart, Chen Hao was in a good mood. He opened his mouth and was about to call Annihilation to continue on the road. The cool wind blew by, and his eyes were empty. His smile froze and he was stunned.

Soon, he realized that he knew that he had been abandoned, and he couldn't help but look ashamed, and said in grief and indignation: "Grass mud horse, you actually left me and left alone, but I have always regarded you as half-brothers. You're a bitch, don't be a reindeer."

He was trembling and cold, and lost control of his emotions. He regarded the gods, immortals and Buddhas as the three of them, pointing and cursing, chattering endlessly.

The thunder and lightning as thick as a tree trunk fell from the starry sky, leaving a clear crack in the void, and a fatal crisis was born in his heart. Chen Hao was terrified, his back felt cold, and he woke up suddenly.

"I'll go, big brothers, I'm not scolding you!"

Chen Hao yelled and ran quickly, his feet were blown by the wind, like a galloping horse, and he ran away from the thunder and lightning's attack range.

The terrifying thunder and lightning fell through, and there was a loud noise, thick smoke billowed, and a gully about two or three feet long appeared on the ground.

Chen Hao stood watching from a distance, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, feeling a burst of fear in his heart.

But when he saw the destructive power caused by lightning, he put down his guard again, and said in disbelief, "So weak? Brothers, your methods of scaring people are a bit too bad."

As soon as the words fell, there was a clear cracking sound, and the dense cracks centered on the place where the lightning caused damage, spreading rapidly like a spider web.

In the next moment, a radius of [-] meters suddenly collapsed, and silver-white electric arcs swam among the piles of rubble, and any rubble touched by it instantly turned into dust.

Chen Hao froze in place like a weathered stone statue, lowered his head stiffly, looked at his heels with dull eyes, swallowed involuntarily.

The place where he was standing was just on the edge of the collapsed surface, yes, he was almost dead.

"I rely on!"

Chen Hao realized it later, let out a terrified scream, and ran away from the disaster place, and he didn't stop until he escaped a few hundred meters.

"Fucking bastards, I didn't scold you, why are you against me?" He slumped on the ground, panting, and muttered softly
Xingyu shook, and the light emitted by the gods, immortals and Buddhas became more intense, and the time and space of the whole world were frozen. Chen Hao secretly thought that something was wrong, and when he looked up, his face changed drastically.

All the gods, gods and Buddhas opened their eyes, and moved their eyes down, staring at him together, and they were all exactly the same in all directions.

"Yellow mouth child, you should be punished!"

The loud voice resounded, and the sky island shook, frightening the other people on the island to turn pale with fright. They all looked at the starry sky with fear on their faces.

"Calm down, don't mess yourself up." Dai Yu yelled, calming down the Yaozu people who were cooking a pot of porridge.

Yu Mo walked over with a solemn expression, and asked, "What's going on? The Holy Spirit seemed to be angry just now."

It is a terrible thing for the holy spirit to be angry, not to mention hundreds of holy spirits are angry together. If they do it, this space will no longer exist, and everyone will be buried here.

Dai Yu looked at the starry sky, his eyes narrowed into slits, the Holy Spirit's anger had been extinguished, and everything returned to normal.

He said: "No matter what happens, it has little to do with us. The most important thing for us right now is to obtain the inheritance."

After all, if the Holy Spirit really wanted to kill them, there was nothing they could do about it, so they might as well take it easy and do what they should do.

In another place, the three of Annihilation stood side by side, looking up at the starry sky in unison, their chests rose and fell violently, and they didn't speak.

After about half a minute, Chu Shengge broke the deadlock: "Just now, what happened?"

Long Fan's mouth was dry, he licked a few mouthfuls of lollipop with his tongue, and said in a trembling voice: "Holy Spirit, it seems that someone has angered you."

When he said this, his teeth were chattering up and down. What kind of bully even shouted at the Holy Spirit, who was not afraid of death without a burial place, and his soul was thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, and he could not be reborn forever?

A face of a person suddenly appeared in Yan Mian's mind, and he thought: "This can't be a good thing done by this son of a bitch!"

The idea had just sprouted, and he shook his head again, denying this unrealistic conjecture.

Chen Hao is so weak and timid, it can't be him.

The three of them rested in place and continued on the road.

The screen was pulled back to the place where Chen Hao was. At this moment, golden meteors fell from the starry sky covering the sky and covering the sun. Chen Hao sat on the ground, his soul was frightened.

"It's over, it's over, I'm wise and mighty, and I may have to get a box lunch. I speak so softly, are your ears so good?"

When he died, he was still thinking about unimportant things, as if he had really accepted his fate.

At this juncture of life and death, a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes, his expression became more serious than ever before, he knelt on the ground without hesitation, and kowtowed his head.

While knocking, he also said loudly: "Bosses, please spare your life! You are invincible in the world, overpowering the past and the present, and I am a weak chicken. Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

At this time, a white vortex appeared in front of him, and a huge traction force hit him, and he was sucked into it.

(End of this chapter)

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