Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 230 Battle Across Time

Chapter 230 Battle Across Time

The void is still in a state of shattering, and the mighty power of the Emperor Wu is so unpredictable that even time and space have changed indistinctly.

Dai Yu's expression couldn't help being moved, his vision gradually became clearer, and glass shards of different sizes flew in front of his eyes. They were time shards, which recorded sections of the past that had been dusted by history.

Emperor Wu raised his chin slightly, took the lead, looked at Dai Yu indifferently, and said domineeringly, "I have heard countless jokes in my life, and this one of yours is the most ridiculous."

He has been a fairy for a long time, transcending the secular world, he is a person standing on the top of the mountain. For countless years, he has been accompanied by only the lonely cold wind. After reading the ancient and modern times, there are very few people who can stand beside him. He is one of the strongest in ancient and modern times. .

And what about Dai Yu?It's just a humble ant, even if he is talented and ranks first among his peers, it still can't change the reality of being an ant.

The ants challenge the giant elephant, just like a mayfly shakes a big tree. There is no such thing as being respectful and overconfident, only laughing and laughing.

Dai Yu stood in the center of the shattered void, surrounded by darkness, but there was some light in his place, which looked like a candle in the dark night, extraordinarily dazzling.

"There are so many ridiculous things in the world, and I'm not one of them."

He looked calm and said: "What's more, what I'm talking about is not a joke, it's a dream, defeating your dream."

Sharpness flashed in Emperor Wu's eyes, and he suddenly puffed up his palms, the loud slaps were deafening, and he said in a grand voice: "Okay, very good, I will follow up with your challenge, and I will give you time to grow, and then I will tear you apart with my own hands." dream! Let you know that some things are irreversible."

Dai Yu's eardrums trembled, his mind was buzzing, and he said without fear: "I hope that the Emperor Wu will do what he says, and don't let my dream come true, or I will laugh at you."

Emperor Wu sneered, his lifespan is endless, he is free from disasters and disasters, overlooking the long river of time, he is used to seeing the vicissitudes of life, the era is broken, who can defeat him?
He snapped his fingers, and the collapsed void instantly returned to its original state, and the mountain rocks that had been obliterated into dust by the supreme mighty force were reassembled together, and time seemed to be reversed, returning to the previous moment.

Dai Yu's turbulent heart calmed down, his back was sweating profusely, his chest heaved up and down, and his breathing was somewhat short of breath.

To be honest, he was really scared just now. Don't look at him as stable as an old dog on the outside, but in fact, he was so panicked that he couldn't find the north, south, east, and west.

If he hadn't undergone harsh Taoist training since he was a child, and his father often warned him not to mess up when he was in trouble, he might have knelt down long ago.

Keeping a smile in front of desperation, this sentence is perfect to describe him.

Looking at ancient and modern times, he may be the first junior who dared to talk to Emperor Wu in such a way without being killed.

Emperor Wu put down Erlang's legs, raised his hand and stretched into the dark void, took out a cup of steaming, fragrant tea, took a sip, and said: "The explanation you want is over, let's talk about the business, about my inheritance .”

With a serious expression, Dai Yu clasped his fists and said, "Please tell me."

The inheritance of immortals is too big a matter, and there is no room for playing games.

Emperor Wu put down his teacup, stood up from the throne, and said: "It's very simple to get my inheritance, defeating me is just one condition."

Dai Yu looked dull, beat you?I'm afraid you are joking!Isn't it nonsense for you to let me, who has just crossed the soul, fight with you now?

Even if you want to fight, wait until the day I become an immortal.

Seeing Dai Yu's bewildered look, Emperor Wu said, "Why are you in such a panic? I didn't tell you to fight me now, but I told you to fight me in the past."

He paused, and added: "To be precise, it was me in the soul crossing state in the past. As long as you can succeed, I will pass it on to you."

Dai Yu came to a sudden, it turned out that he was fighting with the same realm, he thought it was a fight with Wuhuang who was in the realm of immortals!
There was anticipation in his eyes, it was an interesting thing to fight against the young Martial Emperor, he really wanted to know how powerful the Martial Emperor was at that time.

"I can see that you can't wait, but let me remind you that when I was young, I was very strong, and even in some respects, I was stronger than I am now."

Emperor Wu drank the tea and threw the cup into the dark void.

Dai Yu's restless heart suddenly calmed down, pondering the meaning of Wu Huang's words, what does he mean when he used to be stronger than now?
Emperor Wu held the void with his palm, and hot golden runes appeared one by one from top to bottom. The runes burst into a soft halo, and the sound of roaring waves came again, and a small section of river appeared. strength.

It was a certain tributary of the long river of time, and Emperor Wu used supreme means to intercept it.

But the intercepted time cannot last long, the river of time runs through the entire ancient history, and contains countless causes and effects, even if it is as strong as the Emperor Wu, it cannot be too involved, otherwise it will cause unpredictable consequences.

The period of time that Emperor Wu intercepted was about himself personally, and it would not have much impact on his future self.

Dai Yu was shocked, and had a new understanding of the strength of Emperor Wu. This violent man was a little too strong, and he was able to artificially interfere with the past.

"I don't know if my father has such strength."

He couldn't help but think of his father, the Demon Emperor, who was also a man of unknown strength. He had never seen him make a move since he was born. comparable.

Emperor Wu's deep eyes pierced through the fog of time, and saw himself in the past, an arrogant and indulgent young man holding a huge axe, laughing loudly, chasing and chopping a prehistoric beast of the Nine Aperture Realm.

"The me in the past, I really can't compare." Reminiscence appeared in his eyes, a little nostalgic for the past time.

After going through thousands of sails, I am no longer the young and vigorous boy I used to be.

Emperor Wu turned to look at Dai Yu and said, "I will send you back to the past, looking forward to your performance."

"Don't worry, my performance won't let you down. I'm going to decide on your inheritance." Dai Yu couldn't help but say something crazy with his blood boiling.

It is rare for Emperor Wu not to reply to him, and said calmly: "I also want to see what it would be like to be defeated in the past."

After the exchange, he opened the time node and sent Dai Yu back to the past.


"Stop, you can't run away. If you run again, I will chop you into meat sauce and make dumplings for eating."

The young Martial Emperor yelled loudly, and struck out with an axe. The hundred-foot-high sharp edge slashed across the ground, leaving a wide gully.

The strange beast was so frightened that it ran wildly, and didn't dare to turn its head. This man was too terrifying. It just took a look at him from a distance, and then it was chased and killed all the way. It was so miserable.

Suddenly, a meteor fell from the sky and slammed into Wuhuang's path. Wuhuang had to stop, and the strange beast took the opportunity to speed up and get rid of the pursuit.

(End of this chapter)

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