Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 236 Beyond the Corridor

Chapter 236 Beyond the Corridor
The sound of loud footsteps echoed in the long corridor, and the cold wind poured in from time to time. The wind was very strong, like a flag whipping in the wind, whistling in the ears.

Annihilation walked a hundred meters and looked back at the place where the beholder mirror appeared. The flames burning on the ground had not been extinguished, and the gray smoke was flying, and the mirror fragments were scattered all over the ground.

"It's a terrible thing, I hope I won't encounter it again in the future."

He said with lingering fear, the magic mirror is unpredictable and very disgusting. If he hadn't made a mistake and used the bug of the game system, he might not be able to get through.

The night pearl inlaid on the top of the corridor was shining brightly, scattering dazzling light, and the white light penetrated the hazy mist, illuminating the ground two or three meters outside the corridor.

Annihilation's attention was attracted, his heart moved, and he walked to the side of the corridor with curiosity, and looked around.

There is a land outside, a thin white mist is settled on the surface, and sparse grass can be vaguely seen. The fresh fragrance of the fragrant grass permeates the air, and it is refreshing to take a breath.

"Where is the outside? Why is it always covered by the fog, is there a secret hidden?"

Annihilation didn't look sideways, and thought to himself: "The second inheritance level gave me a corridor, and there is no clear condition for clearing the level. If I want to pass the level, should I walk down the corridor until I reach the end, or do something else? ?”

At this moment, he thought of this neglected question, hesitated for a while, and didn't know how to make a choice.

If you keep going, if you can't pass the level in the end, wouldn't it be a waste of time?But what if you venture to explore outside the corridor, but you can't find the reason?
"Can this design trial level of Jianglong Luohan not be so complicated, I don't know if I have difficulty in choosing?"

Annihilation was anxious and annoyed, he wanted to look outside the corridor, seeking a sense of tension and excitement, but his subconscious didn't allow him to go, hoping that he would behave in a well-behaved corridor.

After struggling for half a minute, he rubbed his teeth and said cursingly: "Damn it, don't choose, let's walk in the corridor first, at worst, I'll go outside later."

He looked back reluctantly, and walked a few steps, feeling itchy in his heart, couldn't help but look at the outside world a few more times.

There are not many things that can be seen clearly in the foggy land, and the field of vision is only a few meters. In some places, the fog is so thick that you can't even see anything.

But the more this is the case, the more it can arouse the desire in people's hearts. Human beings are naturally full of curiosity about unknown things.

Annihilation stabilized his mind, forced himself to straighten his eyes, and warned himself in his heart: "I can't watch anymore, I have to concentrate on my journey, otherwise I won't be able to react when something happens on the road."

He took a deep breath, and rushed out with strides, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

In the boundless sea of ​​clouds, the big sun is inlaid in the sky like gems, and the fire snake is dancing. The subduing dragon Arhat is sitting in front of the big day, watching the surveillance with relish.

The golden dragon shrunk in size and crawled beside the Subduing Dragon Arhat. Its slender beard swayed, its gilt-like dragon scales were dazzling, and the faint power of the dragon filled the void.

"This kid is really interesting. If you want to go outside the corridor, you can go. Why go against your heart and make yourself boring."

A peaceful smile appeared on Jianglong Arhat's face, and he stroked the scales of Shenlong with his palm, which seemed to feel good and smooth.

Shenlong let out a deep dragon cry, not angry, but enjoying it.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely complain about the Golden Dragon. As a member of the Dragon Clan, it is the king of all monsters. It is really a shame for the Dragon Clan to be willing to submit to a person like a dog.

Jianglong Luohan watched every move in the light curtain, and said: "The outside of the corridor is very interesting, I hope you don't want the novelty of your prey, and run out to suffer."

At the same time, in the trial level, Annihilation hurriedly drove for a while, then stopped.

He encountered a problem, the kind of helpless one, the corridor road was broken, and a cliff like a natural moat appeared.

The cliff is very strange. It is different from other cliffs. It was opened with powerful magical powers. Every corner contains great power, and it will kill you if you touch it.

Annihilation stood three meters away from the cliff, with an ugly expression on his face. He didn't dare to get too close, for fear of accidentally ruining his life.

"As the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, you are forcing me to find another way, outside the corridor!"

Depressed in his heart, he took out an apple from his backpack and threw it into the cliff. A cold light flashed, and the apple fell apart and was cut into powder.

"So perverted? You can't get through it at all, okay! I can see it now, the corridor is just a cover-up, and it's specially used for disgusting people."

Annihilation snorted, with a sneer on his face. Fortunately, he had to drive for a long time, but in the end you made such a thing, it's not suitable for you.

He stopped looking at the cliff, and instead looked out of the corridor with great interest. Unable to hold back the restlessness in his heart, he walked to the edge in two or three steps.

"It seems that if you want to pass the second level, you have to look outside."

He no longer had illusions about the hallway, and thought, "But what's out there! Hordes of beasts? Lonely ghosts who scare people to death?"

A cloud of mist flew past Annihilation's eyes, he waved his hand, pondered for a moment, turned over and jumped over the railing of the corridor, and came to the land of mist.

As soon as he stepped out of the corridor, he shivered involuntarily. The temperature in the misty land was as low as freezing point. The mist was like cold air in a refrigerator. When it brushed over his clothes, a layer of ice immediately formed.

"Why is the temperature so low? It is completely different from the corridor, and there will be living things in this environment?"

Annihilation shrank its neck, the tiger's body shook, the ice on the clothes turned into ice chips and fell, spiritual power surged, forming a protective cover.

Holding the big bow tightly in his hand, he took out a helmet with a light and put it on, walking into the mist nervously and excitedly.

Suddenly, a red light flashed, and a melodious singing sounded, the singing voice was a woman's voice.

The wind was blowing, icy cold, and the mist became thicker, like white paint used for painting.

Annihilation's body froze, looking in disbelief at the protective ring of spiritual power outside the body, the protective ring was trembling, frozen, forming a layer of ice three to four centimeters thick.

"The air is cooler!" he whispered.

Now the temperature in the misty land may have dropped to tens of degrees below zero. If he removes the protective circle, his whole body will be frozen in a very short time, although this is not enough to kill him.

The red dress came into view, the skirt was dozens of meters long, and it was flying in the mist with the crisp singing. Annihilation looked moved, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the red dress.

Just as he was about to grab it, the red skirt disappeared immediately, the singing fell silent, and Annihilation's hand was hanging in the air, he stared blankly at the eyes and swallowed.

(End of this chapter)

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