Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 247 Ji Xian Crossing the Tribulation

Chapter 247 Ji Xian Crossing the Tribulation
When Annihilation left the test site for the Dragon Subduing Arhat inheritance, other people also came out of the test site one after another, but they were not teleported to Sky Island, but directly outside the Hall of Valor.

Everyone from the Yaozu gathered together, Yu Mo looked around, he was looking to annihilate them.

"Brothers, keep your eyes carefully, the people of the human race are about to come out, and if they find out, they will be killed immediately." He said loudly.

Everyone in the Yaozu nodded their heads one after another, with murderous intent in their eyes, and took out their weapons, ready to strike at any time.

"The human race has been the mortal enemy of the monster race since ancient times. As the people of the new era of the monster race, we must carry the banner of destroying the human race."

"That's right, these human races are so bold that they dared to sneak into my family's secret realm. We must crush them."

"Not only do we have to kill them, but we also have to report this matter to Lord Demon Emperor, and let the people pay the corresponding price, otherwise we will start a war."

"The human race has always been a sneaky generation. This time they sneaked into the secret realm of the Holy Spring, and even got into the Hall of Valor. I don't know if they have succeeded in obtaining the inheritance. If they have, they must be asked to hand it over."


A white light flashed, and Dai Yu appeared in an open space. When he saw everyone holding a weapon, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

What is this for?gang war?
"What are you doing?" He coughed hard and said in a deep voice.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, their eyes widened in an instant, and their hearts were inexplicably excited. Some people even thought they had made a mistake, rubbed their eyes and looked again, and found that Dai Yu was right.

Then, they fry the pan.

"I'm going, it's Young Master Dai! He didn't die, he came back from the immortal's trial alive, thank God for his blessing."

"I don't have to worry about being blamed by Lord Demon Emperor, Young Master Dai, I love you."

"Master Dai came back from the immortal's trial site alive. Doesn't it mean that he passed the test and obtained the inheritance of the immortal?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became quiet, silent as a cicada, staring directly at Dai Yu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Mo walked to Dai Yu's side, took a deep breath, and said with a relieved smile, "Welcome back."

He didn't ask about the inheritance of immortals. Sometimes it's best not to ask questions that shouldn't be asked.

Dai Yu blinked, his eyes fell on everyone, his breath suddenly became cold, and he said in a cold voice: "I hope you don't say anything about the inheritance of immortals, I don't want to be stained with the blood of my own family."

Everyone was stunned, nodding their heads like chickens chasing rice, opening their mouths one after another, vowing not to tell the story.

Although they have made a promise now, they will still be approached by someone when they come down, and they will be interviewed privately.

Many times, people's mouths can't control many things, so there is a saying that only dead people can keep secrets.

"What are you guys doing with your weapons?" Dai Yu asked Yu Mo.

A cold light flashed in Yu Mo's eyes, and he said, "Young Master Dai, could it be that you forgot the few human races who sneaked into the secret realm of the Holy Spring?"

Suddenly, Dai Yu patted his head and said with a wry smile, "I really forgot if you didn't tell me."

After a pause, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he said again: "Have you found them?"

Yu Mo shook his head: "Not yet, we are waiting."

As soon as the words fell, the four lights flickered and annihilated, Chu Shengge, Chen Hao, Long Fan, four people appeared opposite the Yaozu people.

The atmosphere fell into a brief silence, the two sides looked at each other, and the scene was once awkward.

"It's the human race, kill them!" Yu Mo yelled after realizing it.

The faces of the four changed drastically, and Annihilation said decisively: "Let's go."

They exited the dungeon as quickly as possible, leaving Long Fan alone in a daze.


City of Stars, in the Floating Hall.

Ji Xian sits high on the main seat. Around him, the void trembles, and a terrifying aura permeates the hall. His starry eyes are burning like fire, and there seems to be an amazing force suppressed in his body. Once it erupts, it will destroy the world.

Chen Yu appeared in the hall like a ghost, felt something in his heart, his pupils shrank slightly, looked at Ji Xian and said, "Have you completed your comprehension?!"

Ji Xian nodded with a smile. After getting a pool full of divine liquid, he began to take a bath to absorb it when he went back. In addition, he was very talented and practiced unique skills, so his perception of the world was fast and fast. It soon reached the standard of breaking through the divine realm.

Chen Yu took a deep look at him and said, "Where are you going to go to cross the catastrophe, I will guard it for you."

Ji Xian's breakthrough this time is to break through to the divine realm, which will trigger the vision of heaven and earth, which will have a great impact and will definitely attract many people to watch.

Especially the monster race and evil spirit race, Lianyun Mountain is close to the endless sea and the bloody plain, if they find out that the person who crosses the calamity is Ji Xian, they will 100% prevent him from crossing the calamity, and they may even kill him.

Ji Xian naturally thought of these things, he thought about it for a while, and said with a half-smile: "Go to the Scarlet Plain."

Chen Yu was stunned. The Scarlet Plain is the territory of the evil spirit clan, and there is also an evil king of the third realm of the gods sitting in the town. Are you sure you are going to cross the catastrophe, not die?

Ji Xian saw Chen Yu's worry, and said calmly, "Don't worry, I have hired helpers. Besides, I chose to cross the tribulation in the Scarlet Plain, which is not as simple as you think."

Chen Yu's heart shook, and she whispered, "You want to occupy the Scarlet Plain?"

Ji smiled without saying a word, got up from the throne, and walked towards the outside of the hall in high spirits.

Chen Yu looked at his receding back, hesitated for a moment, and followed him.

The two turned into streamers across the sky and rushed to the Scarlet Plain.

After a stick of incense, they arrived at their destination.

Today's Scarlet Plain is still in a state of blockade, a huge light screen covers the vast land like an upside-down porcelain bowl, and the black fog is as thick as ink, making it impossible to see clearly the scene in the plain.

"Hidden in this place every day, today I must let you come out to get some fresh air."

Annihilation hung in the air, looking down at the bloody plain, Chen Yu asked: "Have you found any helpers? It's better to have more people, the situation behind is not easy."

"Don't worry, I've always pursued prudence in my work. If I'm not sure, I wouldn't choose to come to the Scarlet Plain." Annihilation said solemnly.

Suddenly, the void was torn apart, and two figures walked out of the dark void, their strength unfathomable and very strong.

Chen Yu's face changed slightly. These two people are undoubtedly strong in the divine realm, and one of them has even reached the third realm.

The other one is not weak, the second level.

Xiao Jingyi looked at Ji Xian and said, "Don't forget your promise."

Ji Xian smiled and said: "I am a gentleman. A gentleman can never follow a word. I won't break my promise to you. Well, well, well."

Chen Yu glanced at Ji Xian, this guy actually knew a strong human race in the third realm, which he didn't expect.

Afterwards, everyone discussed for a while and then took action.

(End of this chapter)

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