Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 252 Surrender or Die

Chapter 252 Surrender or Die
Xiao Jingyi regained his composure, he saw no shadows of Ji Xian and Chen Yu, only Li An was looking at him eagerly.

He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Where are they?"

Li An pointed to the Black Iron City below, and said, "It's already entered."

Xiao Jingyi's complexion changed slightly, and he said with hatred, "Then why are you still here, drinking the northwest wind?"

He has a general understanding of what kind of person Ji Xian is. From the fake caring words the other party said just now, he can infer that this guy is greedy.

Li An's face trembled, and he said bitterly: "I'm waiting for you, aren't they? Both of them are not weak. If I go all the way with them, how can I guarantee my safety?"

Xiao Jingyi's breathing was unsteady, and he almost fell from the sky. He suppressed his anger and said, "I really don't understand why Shengcheng sent you to be the vice president of Tianwu in the first place. Are you blind?"

He thanked Li An from the bottom of his heart. After all, you are also a person in the second realm of the gods. How dare you be less courageous than a mouse, and you are still alive. Fuck you.

Li An blushed, thinking carefully that he was indeed a little timid.

"Why are you still standing there, let's go!"

Seeing that he looked like a fool, Xiao Jingyi couldn't help scolding him, and rushed into the city first.

Li An muttered: "I have shed blood for the academy and resisted a knife, so can't you give me some face, really."

After venting the grievance in his heart, he followed.

When the two entered the city, the streets were empty and there were no people there. There were traces of raiding in many places.

The corner of Xiao Jingyi's mouth twitched, a bad premonition arose spontaneously. He found a house at random and went in. There was nothing in it, not even tables, chairs and benches.

Li An walked in across the threshold and asked, "Dean, what's the situation?"

Xiao Jingyi suddenly turned his head and stared at him, with a gloomy expression, he quickly walked out the door, and then entered the next room.

Li An's face was filled with confusion, what did I do wrong?I'm here, okay, who did I provoke?

He clutched his chest, his heart was throbbing, he felt wronged like a three-year-old child, and wanted to cry.

Xiao Jingyi checked all the nearby houses, and there was no doubt that there was nothing left, and they were all evacuated.

"This kid is still human. I was only a minute late, and Mao didn't leave me behind. My heart is so dark!"

He blew his beard and stared angrily, and smashed his fist on the wall next to him. The whole house trembled, and immediately turned into dust, piled all over the floor.

Li An stood in the dusty foundation, his whole body was covered in dust, except for a pair of eyes.

Seeing him, Xiao Jingyi opened his mouth slightly, embarrassment appeared on his face, suppressed his anger, and smiled apologetically, "Brother An, this... I didn't mean it, don't take it to heart."

After finishing speaking, he ran away, and said loudly while running: "I'll go ahead and have a look, you clean up first."

Li An wiped the dust off his face, feeling mixed emotions in his heart, unable to tell what it was like.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "It seems that I have to resign when I go back. This vice president may not be suitable."

The divine light overflowed his body and enveloped his whole body. After a few breaths, he changed into clean clothes and walked forward along the street full of sadness.

At this moment, in an open space in the center of the city, stands a mighty and domineering statue, which belongs to the evil king.

Many people stood under the statue, panicking, their eyes full of fear and uneasiness.

Ji Xian sat on the head of the Xie Wang statue, with his legs swinging freely, looking down at the crowd below.

Chen Yu stood beside him and asked, "What are you going to do with these people?"

After he and Ji Xian entered the city, Ji Xian asked him to directly use his mighty force to arrest all the people in the city, while he himself used the fastest speed to search for things.

"How else to deal with it, of course, do it according to the way of the villain, surrender without killing, and directly kill if you don't surrender."

Ji Xian made a movement of wiping his neck, turned his eyes to the crowd, and said indifferently: "I have killed your boss, now I give you two ways, one, kneel down and sing conquest, and hang out with me, two, go die."

Hearing this, the crowd immediately exploded, apparently startled by Ji Xian's words.

"Impossible, how could our king die, stop talking nonsense and demagoguery."

"Yes, you must have lied to us. Our king is a powerful man in the divine realm. He is invincible in the world. Who in the world can kill him?"

"You two despicable human races dare to come to the city to rob and spread rumors while the king is out, get out quickly."

"Get out, get out of our evil spirit clan's territory, or you will die! Two jumping clowns, really shameless."


Killing intent flashed in Ji Xian's eyes, and he shouted, "Tian Xiao!"

He raised his arms, and nodded at the loudest scolders in the crowd, blood bloomed, the heads of these people exploded, and their bodies fell limply to the ground.

The noise stopped abruptly, and the bloody scene frightened the others into silence, their expressions were terrified, and they dared not say another word.

Ji Xian stood up with a sneer on his face: "You said that your king is not dead, so why didn't he come out to save you now, but let us two outlaws run rampant in your territory?"

His words were like the whisper of a devil, and the scene became quieter for a while, and a needle could be heard.

Ji Xian turned his head and glanced at Chen Yu, Chen Yu understood, and with a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared, which recorded the scene of Ji Xian and him besieging and killing the evil king.

"Keep your dog eyes open and see clearly that your king is really gone. From now on, the Scarlet Plain is officially under my control."

Ji Xian turned up his volume, and the monstrous divine power swept out. Everyone was completely panicked, and some even knelt on the ground with weak legs.

"So, which path have you chosen?" He changed the subject, and said with a smile on his face.

Everyone whispered, and soon someone gave up their resistance and said loudly: "I am willing to surrender."

"I am willing to surrender."

"I am also willing to surrender."

Of course, there are still a very small number of stubborn people who have always sided with the evil spirits and did not choose to betray.

However, the fate waiting for them was very tragic, and they were all slaughtered mercilessly by Ji Xian.

His cruelty once again intimidated the people of the evil spirit clan, and everyone's hearts were cold, and they dared not look directly at Ji Xian again.

"I think they are just a bunch of grass, whichever way the wind blows, you keep them, they will betray sooner or later, it's better to kill them to save trouble." Chen Yu looked at the crowd with disdain, and mocked face to face.

Ji Xian chuckled lightly: "It's okay, I have a way to control them and make sure they have no second thoughts."

He pretended to form a magic seal, and the starlight fell, covering the crowd. Everyone felt their heads were in a trance for a while, and something seemed to be branded in their souls.

(End of this chapter)

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