Chapter 47
When Liao Hua came out of the battle, he either feigned defeat or ambushed, and was sent to do some dishonorable coolie work.When Zhuge Liang left Qishan to attack Chencang for the second time, Liao Hua also "led an army of three thousand shovels" to dig a tunnel.In fact, when the two armies confront each other, there is no superiority or inferiority when it is beneficial to the army.If one is blindly proud and arrogant, and acts rashly because of great achievements, even though one can succeed for a while, one will inevitably be defeated and become the laughing stock of the world.Liao Hua took care of the overall situation and did not act as a personal hero. He was cautious and never violated the orders of the generals. However, because he has always been under the halo of the coach, although he has made great contributions to the Shu Han, he is still regarded as a mediocre talent and has little reputation.

In the 24th year of Jian'an, Guan Yu pulled out Xiangyang and flooded the Seventh Army. Liao Hua, who was the master book, served as the vanguard, and made great contributions to Guan Yu's beheading Pang De and capturing Yu Jin.When Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan for the sixth time, the pioneer Liao Hua once defeated Sima Yi and got his helmet, which was "recorded as the first achievement", so that Wei Yan was "displeased in his heart and complained out of his mouth".Before Zhuge Liang died, he told Yang Yi: Liao Hua and Wang Pingping are "loyal and righteous men who have been through battles for a long time and are hardworking. They are worthy of appointment."Qi Shan fights, Liao Hua kills Zheng Lun, the vanguard of Wei State, under his horse, and defeats Deng Ai.During the last Northern Expedition, Liao Hua persuaded Jiang Wei to rest and reorganize the army, thinking that "the army and the people are restless after years of expeditions; and Wei has Deng Ai, who is resourceful and resourceful, and he is not an idler." , and his analysis turned out to be Jiang Wei's prophecy that "the nine expeditions to the Central Plains are all in vain", which really makes people feel a lot of emotion.

In ancient times, the great generals were called good generals only if they had not suffered a big defeat and ended up well.Liao Hua was born as a bandit, went through hundreds of battles, and died well. He was steady and knowledgeable;It was both a chance and a necessity for him to die well.

The relationship between personal efforts, timing, and environment is roughly the same. In other words, it is the relationship between fate and luck.When inspecting and employing people, this factor should also be considered.It's not that he is a talent, so he will definitely be able to help his existing career.His talent is higher than the actual situation, so it may not be able to make full use of his talent, and the effect may not be obvious. This is the reason.Just like Guan Zhong, following the prince Xiaobai, he had no political achievements; when he went to Duke Huan of Qi, the country was stable, and his governance ability was brought to the extreme and his reputation has been passed down through the ages.Those who have talents but don't meet them, in addition to not being able to understand the master, also lament that "the time is not good and the time is not passing away".Another example is that the existing talent system is unhealthy (sometimes this is very serious). People in their positions try their best to attack and exclude talented and wise people because of their own safety, so that their abilities cannot be exerted. And the consequences of internal strife.

Those who were good at knowing people in ancient times were often able to see the strengths of talents beyond success or failure, which is the most commendable.But mediocre people can only judge heroes by success or failure. In this way, they will inevitably miss Guan Zhong and Zhang Liang when they were not in their prime.When Guan Zhong failed to assist Duke Huan of Qi, he did not succeed in anything; when Zhang Liang did not meet Liu Bang, he also failed to assassinate Qin Shihuang.This is because the success of things will be disturbed by many accidental factors. When luck is good, a blind cat can also run into a dead mouse.If you are not lucky, it is difficult for a genius to succeed.Therefore, the way to observe a talent is to carefully examine the methods and means of doing things. Even if he does not succeed this time, we can know his characteristics. Is he bold and careful, is he well-planned, or did he complete the task by chance?A well-planned, bold and careful person, even if he does not succeed this time, will succeed next time.Some people have very high talents, but their talents have not been brought into play just because the timing is immature. If you only judge heroes by success or failure, it will be difficult to really find talented people.

workplace utilization
Observing words and emotions is the basic skill to manipulate freely in all human relationships.If you don't know what to say, it's like turning the tiller without knowing the direction of the wind. In this way, you can't talk about smooth sailing, or you might capsize the boat in a small wind and waves.

Although intuition is sensitive, it is easy to deceive people. Knowing how to reason and judge is the top skill pursued by observing words and emotions.If looking at color is like looking at the weather, then looking at a person's face should be like "looking at the clouds to know the weather". "Smile on your face, cry on your heart" or "Hide a knife in your smile".

"Wink" is the most important point in "face".It can tell us the truth most involuntarily, and the posture and clothing of people also help us to recognize the subtleties of people, and then recognize the inner intentions of others.

Anna, who has only been in the workplace for a little over a year, already reveals the maturity of a white-collar woman in her speech and demeanor.After graduating from university last year, she was inadvertently chosen by a technology company in Zhuhai to work as an assistant manager of the purchasing department.She usually mainly assists the manager in dealing with the daily affairs of the department, and sometimes participates in the procurement business.

What Anna still remembers so far is the first day at work, the manager gave her a lesson first.The manager told her that one of the most critical tasks in the procurement business is the negotiation of price terms.Then teach her how to deal with the problems she will face in the workplace.When she came out of the manager's office half an hour later, Anna already had a good idea of ​​her future work.

Just knowing how to do it is not enough, but also concrete practice.When Anna returned to her desk, she realized that there was no work at hand.She also doesn't know where to find a job to do it.After staying in a daze for half an hour, she felt that she was getting more and more sleepy, so she got up and walked around.When she stood up, she found that everyone in the office was very busy, and some of them couldn't even answer the phone.Anna thought it would be better to just stand and observe how others work. Learning from others is also a job.So she quietly observed each colleague.From their every move and conversations with clients and colleagues, she has a general understanding of their personalities, and she naturally thinks of how to communicate with them, and plans to "find" a workplace for herself. The "teacher".She just stood there all morning.A year later, when she recalled this incident, she felt that this stop was really valuable, because in this workplace with complex interpersonal relationships, timely "observation of words and demeanor" is definitely beneficial to her handling of interpersonal relationships.

Because she is good at observation and takes the initiative to get to know the colleagues around her, Anna gets along very well with every colleague in the office. It can be said that she gets along with everyone like a duck to water in a short period of time.Her "teacher" was also found and became her good friend at the same time.I remember the first time I negotiated with a supplier, Anna was naturally very nervous, but she still always remembered the three elements taught by the "teacher": No matter how nervous you are, you must maintain a superficial calm!Always remember where you stand!If you can't get the most benefit from others, then don't let the other party get any benefit from you!Finally the negotiation was successful, and Anna thanked her "mentor" well.

people are angry

Original text
People are mainly based on qi, which is spirit inside and color outside.There is a lifelong complexion, "Shaodan③, Changming④, Zhuangyan⑤, Laosu⑥".There is a color of one year, "spring green, summer red, autumn yellow, winter white"⑦ is also true.One month's complexion, "Shuohoushenfa, looking behind the hidden jump" ⑧ is also.There is a day's complexion, "early green, full day, late stop, evening tranquility ⑨" is also true.

① People are dominated by Qi: master, dominate. ② Spirit inside, complexion outside: that is, the internal expression of "Qi" is the human spirit, and the external expression is the human complexion. ③Light: Refers to pure and clear complexion. ④Long: Refers to youth; Ming refers to a bright and clean complexion. ⑤ Yan: Refers to the rich and beautiful complexion. [-] Element: Refers to the simple and solid complexion. ⑦ "Chunqing, Xiahong, Qiuhuang, Dongbai": Chunqing, green belongs to wood, and the color of wood is still green.Cyan, that is, the green color of white and blue.Xia Hong, summer belongs to fire, and the color of fire is still red.Autumn yellow, autumn belongs to gold, gold is still white, although white is positive, but because white is a fierce color, it is not suitable, the suitable color is yellow, because soil can produce gold, without losing its righteousness, and spleen belongs to soil, Nourish the spleen to move qi.Winter white, winter belongs to water, the color of water is still black, although white is positive, but because black hurts the kidney, so it is not suitable, the suitable color is white, because metal produces water without losing its righteousness, while the kidney belongs to water, solid Kidney to nourish yuan. ⑧ "Suohou Senfa, Wanghouyinyue": Shuo, Shuori, refers to the first day of each month in the lunar calendar.Senfa is like the flourishing hair of the branches and leaves of trees.Wang, Wangri refers to the [-]th day of each lunar month.Hidden jump, looming. "Suo" is the day when the sun and the moon meet, and the moon gradually becomes round at this point, just like the appearance of trees in full bloom, so it is said that "Shuo Hou Senfa". "Wang" refers to the day when the sun and the moon meet each other, and the moon gradually tends to hide from this point, with a faint appearance, so it is said that "looks and leaps behind". ⑨ "Zaoqing, full day, late stop, evening tranquility": Zaoqing, here means the beginning of complexion.After getting up in the morning, people start to move, and their complexion will recover accordingly, so it is called "early green".When the day is full, the color of the day is full, and there is a kind of vigour, so it is called "full day".Late stop, when evening comes, everything gradually stops, so it is called "late stop", that is, the complexion will fall in the evening.Twilight, the night is quiet, peaceful and peaceful, so it is called "Twilight".

Qi is the master of a person's own survival and development. It is manifested as spirit inside the human body and complexion on the surface of the human body.There are different forms of complexion: among them, there is a complexion that runs through life, which is what the saying goes: "The complexion is light in youth, so-called light, which means that the complexion is thin; the complexion in youth is bright, and the so-called bright means full of vitality. The color is bright; the complexion is bright in the middle of the year, the so-called gorgeous, means the color is full of vitality; the complexion in the old age is plain, the so-called plain, means the color is solid and simple.” There is a complexion that runs through the year, which is what the saying goes, “the color of spring.” The color of the air is blue, and the color of wood is the color of spring; the color of summer is red, and the color of fire is the color of summer; the color of autumn is yellow, and the color of earth is the color of autumn; the color of winter is white, and the color of water is the color of winter.” There is a color that runs through January. , as the saying goes: "After the first day of each month, it looks like the branches and leaves are in full bloom, and after the fifteenth day, it is faintly visible." There is a complexion that runs through the day, which is what the saying goes: "It starts to recover in the morning, full and full during the day, and tends to hide in the evening. , peace and tranquility at night."

"A person's qi is the main thing" means that "qi" is very important to a person, and it is in a dominant and fundamental position. "It is spirit inside, and color outside", which means that "Qi" has two forms of existence, inside and outside, the inner form is "spirit", and the outer form is "color".In other words, people who know people observe "Qi", "spirit" from the inside, and "color" from the outside.These two sentences actually point out the way to observe "qi", and also point out the essence of "spirit" and "color".

A person's life is a long process, which can be roughly divided into four periods: childhood, youth, prime of life and old age.In different periods, people's physical development and psychological changes have certain differences, and some aspects are even very significant.It is manifested in various changes of light and shade in human skin color, and it is also manifested in various changes of light and shade in complexion.It's like a tree. When it is first born, its color is thin and elegant, giving people a feeling of being weak and thin. After it grows for a period of time, the small tree will be bright and vigorous, showing a kind of vitality. vitality.When the tree grows luxuriantly, its color is bright and vigorous, highlighting its exuberant vitality.When the tree is old, it becomes simple and solid, and a scene of withering appears.Both man and vegetation are objects of heaven and earth, but man is more concerned with the aura of heaven and earth.When young, the color is pure and immature; when young, the color is bright and clean; It is impossible to have a constant complexion throughout life. With this as the yardstick, we can dialectically look at the different changes of human complexion. With the reference of "less pale, bright, strong and old", we can avoid falling into the trap of mechanism. go wrong.

People's physiological state and emotions often change with the changes of seasons and climates, and these internal changes will cause different changes in complexion.So the seasons are different, the climate changes, and the complexion of people is also different. The "green in spring, red in summer, yellow in autumn, and white in winter" mentioned in "Bingjian" is to compare it with the corresponding changes in the climate of the four seasons.

In spring, warblers fly and grass grows, flowers bloom, and the fields are green and full of spring.Human vitality is at its strongest at this time.According to the theory of the five elements, spring belongs to wood, and wood is cyan, corresponding to the human body is the liver, and the liver is vigorous in spring, so the shape of color is cyan, and cyan is the color of vitality.

In summer, the red sun hangs high, the fire net is shrouded, the sky and the earth are furnaces, and the heat wave is transpiring.Human emotions are most agitated during this season.According to the five elements, summer belongs to fire, and the color of fire is red, corresponding to the human body is the heart, and when the heart moves, qi is emitted, and when the qi is emitted from the skin, it turns red.

In autumn, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the wind is clear and the air is crisp, everything is withered, and the autumn air is blowing.Affected by this kind of killing spirit, human emotions often show a desolate and desolate state of mind, which is also called "autumn wind produces Weishui". The five elements define autumn as gold, gold as white, "gold" as a weapon, and "white" as a weapon. Vicious color. Although it is a positive color, it is not an auspicious color. Therefore, it is appropriate to use yellow, because the earth can produce gold without losing its integrity, and the spleen belongs to the earth, which nourishes the spleen and moves qi. Therefore, "Bing Jian" calls autumn "Autumn yellow".

In winter, the wind is fierce, invading the flesh and bones, and the ground is covered with snow and frozen.Human life tends to be comfortable and quiet in this season.Winter belongs to water, and the color of water is black. It corresponds to the kidney in the human body, and the color is black when the kidney is deficient.However, although this color is said to be a positive color, it is not an auspicious color.The suitable color is white, because gold can generate water without losing its righteousness, and strengthen the kidney to nourish vitality.

"January complexion" occurs with the looming of the moon. After the first day of the new year, the complexion is like the growth of branches and leaves. It can be seen in the early morning. After the fifteenth day, the complexion will be faintly visible, like the full moon, gradually eroding and disappearing.

"One-day complexion" has a small range of changes due to changes in the climate in the morning, middle and evening. Generally speaking, the complexion is revived in the morning, like the green grass in spring; Hiding gradually, like the autumn yellow of the earth; the complexion is calm and peaceful at night, that is, the meaning of autumn harvest and winter storage.

Therefore, the ancient book "Dongwei Yujian" said:

Those who are angry are just one.In other words, there are three Yans: the natural qi, the nourished qi, and the attacked qi.The qi of nature, the delicate qi of the five elements, I am endowed with it, and its purity always exists.The qi that is nourished is the qi that arises from righteousness. I can be at peace with myself, and nothing can disturb me.The qi that is attacked is evil qi. If it is not stored thickly and nourished enough, it will be attacked by evil qi.

This passage divides "qi" into three types, namely "natural qi", "nurtured qi" and "attacked qi". "Natural Qi" is innate and belongs to the scope of talent. "Nurtured qi" is the upright qi cultivated the day after tomorrow, and the "magnanimous qi" mentioned by Mencius belongs to this category. "Attacking Qi" is formed by the acquired harmful influence, and belongs to the list of evil Qi.It is difficult for an individual to grasp the innate qi, but the "righteousness" and "evil qi" can be grasped by the individual.Therefore, it is easy for those who observe people to grasp the two ends of "righteousness" and "evilness" to make correct judgments.

The record of the method of observing people and knowing people can also be found in Liu Shao's "Character Chronicles: Eight Views": "The color of worry is lacking and barren; the color of illness is chaotic and dirty; the color of joy is joyful; Sternly proclaiming; the look of jealousy, presumptuousness; and its actions are covered by words. Therefore, if the words are very arrogant, but the spirit is not consistent, it is against the law; the words are contrary, but the spirit can be Believers are not sensitive to words; those who are angry before they say a word are full of indignation; those who are about to say a word but are angry with them are not strong enough. All these things should be seen from the outside, and you should not violate them even if you want to. In other words, if the essence and color are not consistent, and the feeling is conspicuous, it can be known even if it changes. Therefore, by observing the change of the feeling, it can be known from the normal state of emotion.”

It can be seen that "color" is still a manifestation of a person's emotions. Those who are happy with "color" are happy, and those who are depressed are sad.Of course, there are also people who are extremely deep in the city and calm, so it is necessary to judge their emotional state from other angles.It should be noted that the meaning of "color" is relatively broad. It is a comprehensive expression of a person's temperament, personality, character, knowledge, cultivation, experience, life and other factors, and has no direct relationship with the black and white of a person's skin color.

Utilize the world
"Yi Zhou Shu Guanren" believes: "The people have five qi: joy, anger, desire, fear, and worry. Joy is stored inside, even if you want to hide it, yang and anger will be seen; desire, fear, and sorrow are all Concealed, Yang Qi must be seen. The five Qis are sincere in the middle and issued outside, and the people's feelings cannot be hidden." It shows that people's various emotions will always be revealed on the outside, and even if they want to hide it, they will not completely hide it. Therefore, it is still possible to understand a person's thoughts through external expressions. Except for a few scheming conspirators and people who show no emotions, this method of observation can be used for most people.In our daily life, we might as well learn a little skill of observing words and emotions, which is quite beneficial to our life.

There is a book called "Stop Farming Records" that tells such a story.

In the early years of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a man named Li Guoyong. It was said that he was a god-man who could look good at others.It is said that his aura level is very high, as big as a city, a forest, or as small as a person, he can see the famous figure from the aura of various colors.Of course, this kind of miraculous power can only be possessed by Avalokitesvara, because they have undergone special training.

Li Guolai came to Hangzhou, known as the "paradise on earth", at a time when the Yuan Dynasty in the north was fighting with the Southern Song Dynasty in the south.Kublai Khan, the Mongolian Khan in the north, was ambitious and determined to wipe out Hangzhou and unify China.The monarchs and ministers of the Southern Song Dynasty were as terrified as ants on a hot pot.As soon as Li Guoyong arrived in Hangzhou, he saw that the city of Hangzhou was covered in black air, and he knew that the city would soon be devastated.Li Guoyong naturally became the guest of honor in the homes of princes, grandsons, and dignitaries in Hangzhou, because they wanted to know their own good and bad fortune.

One day, Xie Tuile, a relative of Empress Xie in the Southern Song Dynasty, prepared breakfast and invited Li Guoyong to have a meal together.After Li Guo used it, he unceremoniously sat in the most prominent position, and the rest had to sit in the lower seats.During the banquet, the dignitaries asked Li Guoyong to predict good or bad luck for them, but Li Guoyong looked at them without saying a word.At this time, a lower-level official came in from the outside, and everyone recognized him as Zhao Mengfu.This man's face was full of wind sores, and he looked unlucky. When Li Guoyong saw Zhao Mengfu, he stood up from his seat, stood up to meet him, and said to the guests in the seat: "After I crossed the Yangtze River from the north, I met Zhao Mengfu. There are so many people, only this person is the most blessed. After the wind sore on his face heals, the emperor will summon him. This person will be a first-rank official in the future, and he will be famous all over the world.” Later, Zhao Mengfu became the subordinate of Kublai Khan, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty An extremely famous minister, from an official to a Hanlin scholar, has a great reputation, and his calligraphy is very famous and widely circulated.

(End of this chapter)

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