Chapter 49
Happiness and anger are not shown in color, favor and disgrace are not frightened in the body; in times of crisis, you can still have a leisurely and cheerful temperament, and you can change your color when you hear praise or slander. Such a person is a high-ranking gentleman; angry but not presumptuous, complacent but not forgetful, never speculates about future life and career gains and losses, let alone be happy and angry because of it; do not speculate In the future, the glory and disgrace of one's own body will not cause joy and sorrow. Such a person is a gentleman in the inferior position; happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are all based on emotions, and the boundaries between benefactors and enemies are clear. Indulgent, liking the same kind, rejecting the dissident, worrying about gains and losses, being harsh and introverted, ashamed to talk about the little things when he was humble, afraid of others mentioning his experience when he was underdeveloped, such a person is a villain in a superior position; He is panic-stricken, flustered and flustered when encountering things, likes to show off his strengths, afraid of mentioning his shortcomings, very happy when he agrees with himself, very angry when he disagrees with himself, thinks that he may be rich and powerful, and his mind is flying, and he will be promoted to the top. His color changes drastically when he is in the position, such a person is a villain in the inferior position.

Look at the color and look at the situation, and see the quality

Original text
Avoid green color, avoid white ①.Blue is common in the fundus, white is common in the eyebrows.However, it is also different: the mind is worried and toiled, and the green is like condensed ink; the misfortune is not strong, and the green is like floating smoke; the wine and color are tired, and the white is like a sheep;There are blue and purple, golden shapes fly when they meet it, white and shiny, and Tu Geng is quite rich and noble, but it is not discussed here.The worst one: "Taibai sandwiches the sun and the moon, black birds gather in the heaven, peach blossoms scatter on the cheeks, (chēng) tail guarding the ground pavilion ⑤." If there is this, the future will decline, and disasters will come again and again.

① Avoid blue and white colors: colors are divided into positive colors and evil colors, positive colors are auspicious colors, evil colors are fierce colors, and the colors to be avoided are of course fierce colors.The "cyan" in the article refers specifically to the "green" of "green spots", not the color of spring wood, which is characterized by being scorched and dull like the color of a wound; white refers to the "white" of white powder and dry bones, which is characterized by dryness and no Light. ②White like a lying sheep: The white color of a lying sheep is a living color rather than a dead color, just like a sheep lying down and resting, and it will soon return to its original state.The ancients believed that although this color is unlucky, it is not a big ominous one either. ③ "Bai Ru Fu Fen": Fu Fen, powdered.The ancients believed that Bai Rufu powder is the color of death, and people with this color on their face must be insane and exhausted. ④Green with purple, the golden shape flies up when it meets it; white and shiny, the soil is equal and rich: the golden shape refers to the golden shape person.Flying, soaring.Soil refers to the soil-shaped person.Geng, "Geng" is Yin Jin.It is equivalent to the meaning of "the combination of soil and Geng metal". ⑤Taibai sandwiches the sun and the moon, black birds gather in the sky, peach blossoms scatter on the cheeks, and the tail guards the ground pavilion: Taibai, the name of the star, that is, the morning star, is named for its bright white color.The ancients believed that this star is for killing, and this color is for disaster.The sun and the moon refer to the parts of the sun angle and the moon angle. The sun angle is from the bulge of the left brow bone to the left hairline, and the moon angle is from the bulge of the right eyebrow to the right hairline.Black bird, that is, crow, here refers to black.Peach blossom, here refers to red spots.赪尾 originally refers to the red fish tail, here it refers to light red.The ancients believed that these were unlucky signs.

Avoid cyan facial complexion, but also avoid white.Cyan usually appears below the eyes, while white often appears on the tip of the eyebrows.Their specific circumstances are different.If the blue color is due to worry and distress, then the blue color is thick and thick, like solid ink; if the blue color is due to unexpected disasters, then the blue color must be uneven in severity, like floating smoke; If the face is white due to exhaustion due to alcoholism and lust, then this whiteness must be like a lying sheep and will dissipate soon; if the face is white due to a catastrophe, then this whiteness must be miserable. Dry bones, full of lifelessness.There is also the color of green with purple, if a golden person encounters this complexion, he will definitely be able to flourish, if it is a white and lustrous color, an earth-shaped and gold-shaped person with this complexion will also get rich and honor. It is a special case and is not included in the above discussion.And the worst ones are the following four colors: "White surrounds the eye circles, which indicates depression; black air gathers on the forehead, which indicates the skin; red spots all over the cheeks, which indicates the prison; light red condenses the ground. , this phase will lead to fierce death." As long as one of the above four phases has one of them, the future will be reversed and ruined, and disasters will be encountered one after another.

The previous section talked about various auspicious and auspicious colors on the face. This section focuses on discussing the unlucky and unhealthy colors that indicate physical diseases, mainly blue and white.

Generally speaking, the cyan one is sick and frightened, and the white one is mourning and crying.From the perspective of physiological mechanism, these two colors are unhealthy performances.Cyan often appears in the fundus, and white often appears in the eyebrows. This is an important reminder and it is easier to identify.

Let's talk about cyan first.It is common in the unhealthy cyan color of the fundus of the eyes. It is different from the cyan color of new vegetation in spring. It is formed by blood stasis and poor circulation. The blue color is formed, such as the eyes are hit; the long-term fatigue work, lack of rest, poor metabolism in the body, and blood stagnation also form blue color.Lesions in the body will also form cyan, which is a warning sign to remind attention.

Because of worries and worries, his face is blue, like ink on paper, but black and shiny, everyone can see that he has worked overtime all night and is exhausted without a good rest.The basis is that the mental state is not good, and another basis is the complexion of the face, the eyes are slightly swollen, the bags under the eyes are blue and purple, and the lens of the eyes is bloodshot.If you can't rest well for several days because of worries and worries, your face will turn blue, like ink condensed.Green as solidified ink is a serious sign, and it should be recuperated and rested immediately, otherwise the probability of mistakes or dangers will increase greatly.An example is the proneness to car accidents of drivers who are fatigued.This kind of situation can be recovered through rest and treatment. It belongs to the state that although there is blockage, it can be unblocked and will not cause death.Maybe after some time or after certain treatment, the blue color will disappear.Traditional Chinese medicine often says that if there is generality, there is no pain, and if there is pain, there is no pain, which is similar to this situation.Some of the blue color is "green like floating smoke", the complexion is volatile, and there is no luster at all, this is the dead color, and it is difficult to rescue.

When Bian Que saw Duke Huan Cai for the third time, he persuaded Duke Huan Cai to treat him at first, but the last time he met, he escaped far away.It turned out that he had seen the death of Cai Huan who could not be cured, so he no longer said anything to the stubborn Cai Huan.

White is not the bright and bright white in golden autumn, but the white that has no blood, like dry bones and white powder, which is a manifestation of loss of blood and insufficiency.Withered bone white powder gives people a gloomy feeling, and such white color is certainly not a good complexion.White is common at the tip of the brow.

If the body is injured by alcohol, mental fatigue, white eyebrows will often appear, which is a sign of kidney and lung problems.Therefore, it appears white, with the state of "white as a lying sheep".There is no major problem with this white color, and it can be recovered after a few days of recuperation.But if the face is "white as dry bones and white powder", it is hopeless.It's a dead color.Once the shape is fixed, it shows that the kidney function is extremely weak, and the energy is decadent to the point of returning to the light, and disasters will follow one after another.In such situations, be extremely vigilant.

There are many variations of blue and white, which cannot be generalized mechanically.Due to the change of time and geographical latitude, its good and bad changes will also occur.

"Green with purple, golden shape flies when it meets it": green belongs to wood, purple belongs to fire, and gold can restrain wood, but wood can make fire and make gold, so it becomes an inverted image. On the contrary, they will be able to flourish and become rich.

"White is bright, and if the earth is equal, it is also rich and noble": white is unlucky, but if gold and earth are equal, the yellow color of the earth can breed the white color of gold, and the earth and metal are born together, which is beneficial. "White and shiny", not "white as bone powder", the situation is different.

Complexion originates in the internal organs of the human body, coincides with the principles of the five elements, and due to the combination of yin and yang changes in heaven, earth, time, and meridians, when observing people, one should pay attention to some differences brought about by these changes, and not be presumptuous.

Utilize the world
In terms of identifying talents, Zeng Guofan has many stories. For example, in his early years, he judged that Jiang Zhongyuan was going to achieve great success, and finally died in a violent manner. He judged that Liu Mingchuan should be a general. These are relatively famous examples.The following is the story of Zeng Guofan who saw through Mr. Feng Shui.

On June 25th of the third year of Tongzhi (July 1864th, 7), Zeng Guofan arrived in Nanjing from Anqing and stayed for a total of 28 days. He has been living in Zeng Guoquan's Yuhuatai camp.One day after dinner, Zeng Guoquan told his brother the following story:

More than a month after Nanjing was captured by the Hunan Army, a man came down from the city wall late at night, claiming that "I want to meet the Nine Commanders in person, and I have a secret interview."Zeng Guoquan immediately received this person.The visitor claimed that he was from the Jinling family and lived in a certain place.He said that the food in Jinling City had long been out of food, and the rats and sparrows had been eaten up, and the whole city lived on weeds and leaves.His house is spacious, with gardens and gardens, pavilions and pavilions, all of which are complete. On the day of breaking the city, Zeng Guoquan was invited to live in his house, and he came to welcome him.Zeng Guoquan had already known the situation in Jinling City that this person was talking about, and he was not very interested in the "welcome", so he smiled lightly and sent this person away.

More than a month later, Jinling was occupied by the Hunan Army. Zeng Guoquan sent someone to inspect it, and found the "Jinling Family" in the place the person said, and everything was as said.Zeng Guoquan fought for years and rarely saw such a good place, so he ordered the Yuhuatai camp to be moved to this aristocratic family.

One evening, Zeng Guoquan was chatting with a group of staff in the garden when a gust of cold wind blew in, giving people a feeling of icy cold.Suddenly someone exclaimed "no".Zeng Guoquan saw that it was a Feng Shui master.Zeng Guoquan believes in Fengshui, divination, and astrology, so there are everyone in his shogunate, and this Fengshui master is the most trusted.

Zeng Guoquan hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

The Feng Shui master said: "This place cannot be lived for a long time. Within three days, there must be a natural disaster. Please make a decision!"

Zeng Guoquan discussed with everyone and thought that "avoiding evil and pursuing good fortune" was more important, so he decided to move the camp back to the original site of Yuhuatai the next day.On the second day after the camp moved out, a fire broke out in this street. Countless gangsters took advantage of the fire to loot, and all the rare and precious things were looted.

When Zeng Guoquan was telling this story, his eyebrows were beaming, and he admired the Feng Shui master very much.Zeng Guofan seemed to feel something as he listened.He carefully looked at the Fengshui master's whole body, and then stared at the Fengshui master's face. Zeng Guofan's triangular eyes shot out two sharp sword-like rays of light, piercing the Fengshui master.Mr. Feng Shui's face turned red all of a sudden, then slowly turned white, and his body was trembling slightly.Naturally, all this could not be hidden from Zeng Guofan's eyes.Just at this time, "the imperial decree has arrived" was suddenly reported.Everyone had to rush to accept the order.

Zeng Guofan received the order, arranged for the imperial envoy, and rushed back immediately, ordering Zeng Guoquan: "Hurry up and arrest that Feng Shui master!"

Zeng Guoquan was puzzled for a moment.

Zeng Guofan said: "Ninth brother, you have been fooled! First arrest people and then tell you."

Zeng Guoquan never dared to disobey orders in front of his brother, so he had to send someone to arrest him, but that Feng Shui master escaped while everyone was busy receiving orders.Zeng Guoquan was even more confused about this.

Zeng Guofan said: "The Jinling family decided that Jinling must be destroyed, so they ventured out of the city to meet the army, hoping to use your camp's majesty to protect his family business. This man's goal has been achieved, but those soldiers and hooligans who want to make money from the war are not willing to do anything. They were so greedy, they colluded with your Feng Shui master and came to "tune the tiger away from the mountain". The fire all over the street was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster; those gangsters were not "taking advantage of the fire", but arson and robbery. This is your What a good military strategist does!"

Zeng Guoquan woke up like a dream after hearing this, deeply regretful.

It can be seen from this story that Zeng Guofan made an accurate judgment based on the "look" of that Feng Shui master.From this point of view, learning to look at colors can not only recognize and employ people, but also solve cases.

In ancient times, when a general employed a man, he focused on examining the character's character and talent. Don't wait for him to make a decision before drawing a conclusion, and only make a judgment based on the initial idea.Many successful people are unrestrained and confident before things are completed.In progress, we can confidently grasp the future development direction.Even if there are difficulties and pressure, but the sense of proportion has been settled in the heart, there will be a free and easy external performance and optimistic confidence.Guide your career with this mindset, and its prospects can be expected.But Yucai has no ambition before doing things, which makes people feel anxious and uneasy.This is also what must be mastered by observing time and knowing people.

In the past, Taiming ruled Buzhou Mountain, and the river rushed into the cave there, and the rocks were about to crack. The old boy was worried when he passed by, and told Taiming, "The mountain is about to crack." Taiming was furious when he heard this. , thinking it was a lie.The old boy retreated and told Taiming's courtiers, who also said angrily, "How can the mountains collapse? As long as there is heaven and earth, there will be our mountains. Only when the sky collapses and the earth collapses, can the mountains collapse!" He wanted to kill Lao Tong, but Lao Tong fled in shock.Soon, Kang returned to pass here, Taiming did not remove the hidden dangers of the mountain, and did not protect it.Kang Hui was furious, and touched the mountain with his head. The main body of the mountain cracked like ice, and the earth and rocks on the mountain collapsed into the abyss, finally blocking it.Taiming fled, and later died in the ruins of Kunlun Mountain, and his courtiers lost their homes.

Taiming failed to recognize people and be loyal when he was in danger, and finally got what he deserved.

Of course, smart leaders are generally able to understand the characteristics of people anytime and anywhere and use them accordingly. For example, Zeng Guofan had close friends with Guo Songtao and Liu Rong when he was studying in Changsha.When he was an official in the capital, he made many friends and made friends through literature. He made friends with Wu Zhuru, Dou Lanquan, Feng Shutang, Wu Zixu, Shao Yixi and others. These talents later became important figures in his shogunate.When he was in the re-examination of the Ministry of Rites, he promoted Yu Yue because of his appreciation of the poem "Flowers fall and spring is still there", and he fell in love with Chen Shijie when he was marking the examination papers.Later, they were of great help to Zeng Guofan's "career".

Yung Wing was the first Chinese student studying abroad. After returning from studying in the United States, he first went to Nanjing to meet Hong Rengan and offered a great plan, but the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom did not use it.Soon after a friend contacted and recommended it to Zeng Guofan.The day after he arrived in Anqing, Zeng Guofan received him.First, "exchanging pleasantries", which is to observe his voice; then "from top to heel, carefully scrutinized, which is to observe his expression, face, facial features, complexion, etc.; finally, he made a judgment: Rong Wing is a talent! Later, Rong Wing really He became Zeng Guofan's "Westernization" dignitary.

The identification of talents has always focused on his ability, mind and character, and is essentially to investigate and seek his usefulness.Although the health status and personal destiny of talents are not what employers seek, and many employers don't have time to care about them, they are related to talents' talents and success in business, and it is best to care about them.As a leader, in addition to paying attention to the ability and quality of talents, you should also pay more attention to other aspects.Observe the facial complexion to know what state your employees are currently in, whether they are energetic and motivated, whether they are unwell and need to rest, or have troubles at home that need to be dealt with.This is very important for a humanized enterprise.

workplace utilization
Experts in workplace communication regard "observing words and emotions" as an extremely important workplace EQ ability.Studies by communication scholars have found that when we communicate, 7% of the effect comes from the content of the speech, 38% depends on the sound (volume, pitch, rhyme, etc.), and 55% depends on body language (facial expression, body posture) Wait).Therefore, when interpreting another person's mind, what matters is not only what he said, but how he said it.

Therefore, if you cannot read other people's faces, it is impossible to read the other person's heart.In the process of interpersonal interaction in the workplace, this ability to "read face" is even more important. Whether you are asking for a salary increase with your boss or negotiating prices with customers, you need keen observation skills to interpret the other party's mind in order to Know what to advance and retreat, so as to successfully complete the task.

Psychologists have found that humans have at least six innate primitive facial expressions: joy, sadness, disgust, anger, surprise, and fear.Often before the age of two, we are able to express these primitive emotions with the same facial expressions (even if a child is blind and dumb, they will still have these emotional expressions).And people's ability to "read facial expressions" is also developed since childhood. At the age of four or five, children can recognize half of the facial expressions, and by the age of six, the accuracy of reading facial expressions has reached 75%.

In history, there are many intelligent and capable people who ended up decapitated.For example, Yang Xiu was killed by Cao Cao, and Han Xin was killed by Empress Lu. The reason is that they don't know how to deal with the world, they don't know how to read words and expressions, and they don't know how to please their superiors.In real life, learning to observe words and expressions cannot be ignored.

Learn to watch words and expressions, pay attention to each other's expressions, understand and give in to each other, advance when you should advance, hide when you should hide, and stop when you stop, so that you can avoid many unnecessary disputes and seek to live in harmony.

A reporter went to interview a national football player who had just played against New Zealand.As soon as he entered the door, he found that the atmosphere in the rest room was dull. The goalkeeper's face was ashen and his eyes were wide open.He quickly backed out and canceled the interview.Later, the reporter found out that the "national footballers" were losing their battle and were angry.If you didn't look at your faces at the time and insisted on interviewing the defeated "national footballers" without interest, you would definitely not be welcomed, and therefore you would not be able to interview valuable news.It seems that this reporter is quite experienced and knows how to "know the weather by looking at the clouds".

If each of us can observe words and expressions, change our previous decisions in time, advance and retreat in time, and properly combine or decompose our words and deeds in a timely manner, then the success rate of doing things will definitely be high.

Appendix 1 Chronicle of Zeng Guofan

Zeng Guofan was born in Tianping Village, Heye Town, Shuangfeng County, Hunan Province on November 1811 (the 16th day of the lunar calendar) in 11 (the 26th year of Jiaqing). His first name was Zicheng, and his childhood name was Kuanyi.

In 1815 (the 20th year of Jiaqing), at the age of 5, he was able to read and write at home.A year later, he entered the family school "Li Jian Zhai".

(End of this chapter)

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