The strongest transfer red envelope

Chapter 19 Not biological

Chapter 19 Not biological

Today, the landlady cooks authentic Chinese dishes, four dishes and one soup, with all kinds of color, flavor and taste.

"Hey! It's so delicious, Sister Na. Whoever wants to marry you is really lucky."

Kan Feng ate so much that his mouth was full of greasy food, and he couldn't help but praise in his mouth.

Although the western food last time was good, it was not as casual as the Chinese food of Tianchao.Kan Feng still prefers the authentic dishes of his country, and those imported dishes always feel that they lack the charm of Chinese food.

A plate of shredded melon mixed with sauce, crisp and delicious;

A plate of back spoon elbow, fragrant but not greasy;
A plate of catfish and eggplant, nutritious;

A plate of alfalfa persimmons, the color is pleasing;

There is also a shredded potato soup with minced leeks, which is an appetizer for dinner.

Ordinary dishes, but after the landlady's skillful cooking, people can't put down their chopsticks.

"Really nice... eh?"

Kan Feng suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, he raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Zhang Na's mother and daughter.

He noticed that the circles of Zhang Na's eyes were a little red, and Yan Wushuang, who was always mischievous, held her mother's hand obediently, his eyes full of comfort.

Kan Feng was a little puzzled, not knowing what he said was wrong.

"Crazy brother, it's so delicious that you can't stop your mouth. Hmph!"

"This, this, hey!"

He scratched his head in embarrassment, and he made a big fuss casually.Surprising touched Zhang Na's taboo.

Kan Feng's emotional intelligence is not low. After thinking about it, he understood the problem.

Zhang Na's first husband died of illness, and she became a widow.And the second husband he knew was that nasty Sun Jiacheng. In the end Zhang Na couldn't bear it and decided to divorce.

Counting, there were two people who married her, but the result was very unpleasant, and it was not even close to the word blessed.

"Oh! I'm also suffering. The former Sun Jiacheng once said that I was a bastard when he got divorced."

Zhang Na lowered her head and said sadly.

After glaring at Kan Feng fiercely, Yan Wushuang put down his chopsticks and ran to his mother to coax her carefully.At this moment, it seemed that she had become an adult, while her mother, Zhang Na, had become a child.

"Haha! Haha! Well, Sister Na, you are wrong, don't you still have a cute, smart and sensible girl like Wushuang?"

At this moment, in order to get rid of embarrassment, Kan Feng praised Yan Wushuang against his will.In fact, he complained endlessly in his heart, that little girl has been harassing him a lot recently.

The most egregious time, before he got up, Yan Wushuang used the landlord's key (she was the landlord herself) to open the door of his house, without any scruples that he was still lying in bed, snatched Vivian and walked away.

I thought that any mother would proudly agree to praise her daughter so much.

Unexpectedly, after these words were uttered, the two mothers and daughters not only did not smile, but became even more sad.

What is rhythm?
Kan Feng felt that his mouth was opened today, saying what was wrong.

"Hey! Big aunt, little aunt, where are you two singing?"

He couldn't eat anymore, put down his chopsticks reluctantly, and begged for mercy.

Kan Feng thought to himself, "Brother, why is it so inappropriate for me to eat some delicious food? I feel guilty after eating it."

Gently patted Yan Wushuang's little hand, Zhang Na forced a smile.

"Xiaofeng, you didn't say anything wrong, it's just that we are in love with each other and disturb ourselves. You are right, I have a girl like Wushuang, which is my greatest happiness."


Yan Wushuang let out a tender cry, and fell into her mother's arms.

In this situation, Kan Feng almost didn't shed tears.So provocative!

A deep voice sounded beside Kan Feng.

Kan Feng turned his head and saw that he was also drunk.

My cute pet, Vivienne, was sitting on the tablecloth, and was eating happily, but at this moment, she stopped and looked at Zhang Na's mother and daughter bewilderedly.Those eyes are envy, nostalgia, and memories.

It was only then that Kan Feng remembered that this Vivian also had a family.She must have remembered those parents and family members who are far away in different time and space.

At this time, Kan Feng is one head and two big, why is he so sad.He even suspected that his bad luck hadn't passed.Why did I feel so much melancholy after eating a meal?

"Xiaofeng, I don't blame you for this matter."

Sighing, Zhang Na gently stroked her daughter's soft long hair, and said an answer that surprised Kan Feng.

"Xiao Wushuang, she is actually not my biological daughter, she was adopted by me and my ex-husband from the orphanage."

As he spoke, he looked at Yan Wushuang tenderly, and Yan Wushuang obviously knew about it a long time ago.

"It's the government-run orphanage on the outskirts of the city. My ex-husband was unable to have children for some reason, and we both love children, so we went to the orphanage."

The jade hand wiped away the tears from the corners of Yan Wushuang's eyes.

"In the orphanage, my ex-husband and I fell in love with Xiao Wushuang as soon as we saw her. We all felt that this daughter was a gift from God to us. The difference between her and other children is that she has never experienced me. It's just my stomach."

"Mom, you are my dearest mother."

Kan Feng looked at the bizarre scene in front of him, his mouth opened wide, and he didn't close it for a long time.

Only then did he know why he always felt that the ages of the two mothers and daughters were a bit wrong.

Zhang Na is just in her early thirties, and the little girl Yan Wushuang is sixteen this year.Zhang Na couldn't give birth to a child at fifteen or sixteen.

"Orphanage, orphanage?"

Kan Feng chanted these three words subconsciously, and the more he chanted, the brighter his eyes became.

Isn't he worrying about where to go to get a lot of good and evil points?Isn't an orphanage a good choice?

Kan Feng can't sleep at night just thinking about his huge debt of good and evil.Suffering, there are more than ten days left, where can he go to find more than 8000 good and evil points?

Kan Feng coughed, which caught the attention of the two women.

"Xiao Wushuang, are there still many orphans in your orphanage?"

Yan Wushuang, who was lying in his mother's arms, poked his head out of Zhang Na's arms when he heard Kan Feng's question.

"Huh? Madman, I heard that you made a lot of money a while ago. Why, you want to sponsor our orphanage?"

Kan Feng didn't care about Yan Wushuang calling himself a lunatic, but he really didn't have the confidence to mention the word "sponsorship" in front of the two of them.

"Hey! Well, don't I want to help those poor children as much as I can?"


Sure enough, it was a child who hadn't grown up. Hearing what Kan Feng said, the little girl immediately came out of her mother's arms, almost jumping and praising Kan Feng.

"I never found out that you are also a good person with a kind heart, Brother Crazy."

This time it was Kan Feng's turn to roll his eyes.I was issued a good person card?

However, Yan Wushuang's tone was a bit wrong.Sure enough, the next moment proved the correctness of the ominous feeling in his heart.

"The last time my mother and I went to see it, it seems that they still lack a car for the children to travel together. I checked on the Internet and found that you can buy a good minibus for only [-] yuan to help They're gone."

Kan Feng almost swears.

Is it easy to make some money yourself?Now that she just got 32 in her hand, she wants a third of it.

He feels distressed, he has never owned so much wealth before, and he can wake up smiling when he sleeps.But this little girl.If you come or not, you have to cut a big knife inside.My hands trembled in pain.


"The car is not the point, the point is to be able to children, children."

Kan Feng quickly changed the subject, okay, before he wants to do something, he will cut off a large piece of flesh if he comes or not.The average person really can't bear it.

"Hey! Orphanage, the orphans in the orphanage are the focus."

Kan Feng almost turned around and ran away, but was actually stopped by Yan Wushuang.

Is it possible to donate the [-] yuan?
Kan Feng feels distressed, if the money is spent, it will be like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return!

"Oh! The way to help has not been decided yet, why don't you take me to the orphanage tomorrow, okay?"

At this time, Kan Feng is just like a strange sorghum who seduces little loli.


The little girl was so happy that she almost jumped up.Without hesitation, I chose to accompany her to the orphanage tomorrow.

 What follows is based on a true story.A group of children who have material security but have a blank mind.I know I'm afraid it won't please, but I have the urge to write it in my heart. 【Helpless wry smile】

(End of this chapter)

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