The strongest transfer red envelope

Chapter 50 Boxer Liu Yuan

Chapter 50 Boxer Liu Yuan
After venting for a while, Zhang Wei finally calmed down, and he rang the beeper on the table.

"Go and call Liu Qiang here."

In less than 10 minutes, Liu Qiang rushed over panting.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Liu Qiang asked respectfully.

"Westbrook, here I come."


Zhang Wei hummed, but didn't say anything more.

Liu Qiang felt that Zhang Wei's office seemed very clean today, and it seemed that a lot of things were missing.

To be honest, can it be unclean? It can be smashed to the point where Zhang Wei smashed it all over again just now.If the secretary didn't clean up just now, Liu Qiang might have been paralyzed from fright.

"I asked you to contact Liu Yuan, how is it?"

"Oh! I've already contacted him. Next Monday, he will challenge Kan Feng in the name of standing up for his apprentice."

Before coming here, Liu Qiang already had a rough guess. It is estimated that this is what Zhang Wei asked.So when Zhang Wei asked, he answered it fluently.


There is no more text.Liu Qiang felt uneasy in his heart, wondering if this errand had offended Zhang Wei again.

Is it possible that it is more than 50?

"Go! Tell Liu Yuan that I'm going to abolish that Kan. As long as he can do it, I'll give him 100 million. No! 200 million!"

what? !

Liu Qiang was stunned, not knowing what happened to his boss.But he kept his identity in mind, as long as Zhang Wei asked, he would try his best to do it.

Kan Feng naturally didn't know that Zhang Wei was so enraged that he was plotting to destroy him physically.

At this time he was in the midst of emotional turmoil of great surprise and joy.

When Yan Ziao told him that the total profit was confirmed to be more than [-] million, God of Fortune No. [-] reacted.

"Host, your current good and evil value is +20."

Although the value is not much, Kan Feng is still very happy.The increase in the value of good and evil proved that he was right to help Yan Ziao.But immediately he was stunned by the prompt of Fortune No. [-].

"Host, remind you that the current good and evil value is negative 190, and there are 6 hours left before the time limit for your good and evil value to become positive after completing the mission."

"Huh? How much?"

"Host, remind you that the current good and evil value is negative 190, and there are 6 hours left before the time limit for your good and evil value to become positive after completing the mission."

Caishen No. 190 repeated it again, and Kan Feng finally confirmed the fact that his good and evil value was still negative 6.But this is not the most important thing, the important thing is that there are only [-] hours left before the time limit for completing the task!


Could it be that something terrible is about to happen to him?

Cold sweat came out of his forehead like rain.

Kan Feng's face was extremely pale and ugly.

Liu Jinfeng, a notary who was returning in the same car, was very careful, and she noticed the strangeness of Kan Feng sitting in the passenger seat.

"Mr. Kan, are you okay?"

"Oh? Ah! It's okay, it's okay!"

While Kan Feng answered, he continued to sweat profusely.While speaking, his tone could not help but tremble a little.

No idea!


Too worried!

At this time, Kan Feng felt his heart sinking, sinking, sinking to the bottomless abyss.

No way?
If this task cannot be completed, do you need your own arm, leg, or some important part?
Subconsciously looking down at herself, Ji Lingling shivered.

And this scene happened to be seen by Liu Jinfeng, and the female notary couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.But she still asked with concern.

"Mr. Kan, are you sure you're really all right?"

Shaking his head distractedly, Kan Feng didn't answer.

At this time, his mind was running wildly, thinking about how to earn 190 good and evil points in just six hours.

any solution?
any solution?
What is the solution?

I don't want to lose my arms, I don't want to lose my legs, I don't want to lose...

But what can be done?

He was very depressed, very depressed, that he would forget such an important thing.Half a month, or even a shrunken half a month, a 14-day period.

I wasted 13 and a half days by myself!

Fortunately, the time I agreed with Tianhua Enterprise was set for two weeks.There is exactly half a day left to complete the agreement.Otherwise, there is no chance at all.

When Kan Feng was at a loss, his mobile phone rang.

Subconsciously took out the phone and pressed answer.

"Hello! Mr. Kan Feng?"

A female voice came from the phone, which sounded familiar.

Kan Feng frowned, unable to remember who it was.

"Hehehe! Mr. Kan, you are so forgetful, why did you just turn around and forget your subordinates?"

There was a trace of deliberate coquettishness in the familiar voice.

"Jiang Haijiao?"

faint!What does this woman want?
Why did he suddenly want to call himself, the enemy of their boss?

"Heck! I admire your investment vision. I'm calling to give you some news."

"what news?"

"Our boss, this time because of you, we have lost a lot."

Kan Feng frowned again, isn't this nonsense?

"According to our statistics, his losses in the stock market alone reached a staggering 500 million."

"Ah? How come there are so many?"

Before Kan Feng could ask, the notification sound of Caishen No. [-] sounded.

"Host, your current good and evil value has increased by 300."

what? !

"How many?"

Kan Feng asked subconsciously, but Jiang Haijiao, who was on the other side of the phone, thought he was asking her, and immediately repeated it.

"It's thirty-five million."

"Host, your current good and evil value has increased by 300."

Kan Feng didn't have time to talk to Jiang Haijiao who was in ceramics, so he hung up her phone and focused all his attention on Caishen No. [-].

"Fortuna No. [-], so I have completed the task of turning good and evil into positive values?"

Kan Feng asked excitedly.

"Host, your current good and evil value is 110."

"Ah! Great!"

Kan Feng chattered in the car, startling the other three people and one wolf in the car.


"Idiot Kan Feng, why make such a fuss over such a trivial matter."

Vivian was obviously dissatisfied with Kan Feng for disturbing her dream.Originally, he was sleeping soundly on Kan Feng's shoulder. In his dream, he returned to Xiubit, and returned to his father and relatives, but he was suddenly awakened by Kan Feng.

After figuring out what was going on in her mind, she snarled fiercely.

"How can this be considered a trivial matter?"

Of course Kan Feng objected.This is a major event to avoid the loss of parts on his body. This is not a major event, what else can be considered a major event?
"Idiot Kan Feng, do you think that if it is not something you do, it will be beneficial to the completion of the mission of God of Fortune No. [-], can it remind you?"

Kan Feng glanced at the mobile phone in his palm in surprise. At this time, the image of the cartoon God of Wealth No. [-] was nodding to him.

No way?
Kan Feng looked over his shoulder again, it was Vivienne who hadn't fully woken up yet.

Could it be that there is some connection between Vivian and God of Fortune No. [-]?
Otherwise, how did Vivienne know that God of Fortune No. [-] would remind her?
Wiping off a cold sweat, Kan Feng discovered that God of Fortune No. [-] and Vivienne tended to be in the same boat.

He still doesn't know that Zhang Wei has laid a lot of trouble and offered a heavy reward, asking Wu Fu to take him down violently.

(End of this chapter)

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