Chapter 85 Changes
Amidst the pain, Kan Feng finally noticed something different.

He found himself getting more and more resistant.

The first time, he was beaten to death within half a day.

It was the fifth time now that he found that he had resisted the whipping of the armored man for a whole day, and he hadn't died yet.

Of course, this also means that he has to suffer for a longer period of time.

For this kind of pain, he is obviously more able to bear it than before.

At least, he now knew that no matter how hard he was beaten, there was no threat of death.

Some people say that what humans fear most is facing death.

And once a certain painful thing escaped the shadow of death, his fear level would drop significantly.

This is what Kan Feng realized after several "deaths".

The pain was still unbearable, and every time the whip fell, he still howled miserably, but it was just a howling of pain, and there was no smell of death in it.

Out of the corner of his eye, the whip in the armor man's hand was raised again, but it did not fall for a long time, which made Kan Feng, who was ready to howl, open his mouth wide open for a long time.

What do you mean, no more calls?
Yes, this time he finally guessed right.

do not fight.

There was the sound of heavy footsteps, followed by the harsh slam of the cell door.

The cell instantly became very quiet, which made Kan Feng uncomfortable for a while.

Only the sound of his heavy breathing remained.

His body, which had been beaten to pieces, was still bleeding.Kan Feng, who was a little dizzy in the past, suddenly found that he had adapted to the strong smell of blood.

Licking his chapped lips, Kan Feng turned his eyes around.

He found something unusual, the top of the cell was abnormal, it was not black metal like the walls and feet, but a smooth substance like glass.

Kan Feng's eyeballs rolled, and he had a guess in his mind.

In fact, above his head was a room that was much larger than the cell, and the basement in the middle of the room corresponded to the cell where Kan Feng was.

It's just that the floor, seen from the room, is completely transparent, making Kan Feng inside clearly visible to the people in the room like a specimen.

Heavy footsteps sounded at the door of the room.


The sound of urn and urn echoed in the room.

"How about it?"

Prince Caesar looked away from Kan Feng's body and landed on the armored man.

"He has never admitted to knowing Her Royal Highness Princess Vivian."

If Kan Feng was in the house, it must be strange that the man in armor speaks very neatly, and there is no such thing as before.


"And what?"

The prince's expression changed, and he asked a question.

"And I found that the whole little guy named Kan Feng has a different body from ours."

"What's the difference?"

"His body is much weaker than ours."

"What a difference, huh!"

"No. I found that with each injection of healing potion, his body is getting stronger and stronger. After I destroyed and rebuilt five times, I found that his body is rapidly approaching his peers. Until now So far, his body has basically reached the physical strength of his peers."

"Oh, like this?"

Prince Caesar sat on a large chair, with one arm resting on the armrest and his chin in his hand, thoughtfully.

"You mean, if his body continues to be destroyed and rebuilt, his physical strength will be further improved?"

The armored man was silent for a while before continuing.

"No, I don't think so. He should be infinitely close, not beyond."

"You mean, his body was originally very weak, but by absorbing our healing potions, he gradually reached the physical strength of ours and his peers?"


After the man in armor answered, he stood there straight and didn't make a sound.

"That's it, it's interesting, very interesting. Okay, thank you for your hard work, you can go back."

After speaking, Prince Caesar got up and walked out.

It was again in the palace that Kan Feng saw immediately after waking up.

"Brother Huang, I speculate that Kan Feng came from a world with a much lower energy level than ours. This is based on the strength of his body after being destroyed and recovered during the torture process."

"You keep talking."

The emperor on the throne was obviously very concerned about Kan Feng's question, and his eyes were fixed on Prince Caesar.

The queen on the side held the armrest tightly with both hands, leaning forward to look at Prince Caesar.

"You know, the effect of our healing medicine, as long as it is not brain-dead, multiple injuries can quickly recover to the original. Ordinary people, after the body is destroyed, the strength of his body after recovery is unchanged. But this Kan Feng Otherwise, his physical strength will increase every time he recovers, until he is getting closer and closer to our peers here."

After looking up at the emperor's expression, Prince Caesar quickly withdrew his gaze, and he continued.

"This proves that he is likely to come from a world with a low energy level, so he will have this performance."

Without waiting for the emperor to continue urging, he continued.

"That is to say, if His Royal Highness Vivienne is still alive, it is very likely that he will be drawn into a world with a low energy level by the vortex of spiritual energy. And this person is the key. Only through him can we reopen the channel." A space-time channel to that world."

The more he said, the more excited Prince Caesar became.

And the emperor on the throne finally had an expression on his face, his eyes seemed to emit two lethal rays of light, staring straight at Prince Caesar.

"You mean, through this man named Kan Feng, we might discover another world? If so..."

The Emperor slapped the throne hard.

"This Kanfeng, we must control it well."

Prince Caesar also stepped forward excitedly.

"Brother, I..."

Unexpectedly, the Emperor took his hand and stopped his request.

"No need, since you have become a villain, don't get close to him anymore, and you should change someone."

As he spoke, he turned to look at his wife.

"Queen, it looks like I'll have to work for you again this time."

The empress stood up and saluted the emperor, and a gentle voice sounded in the hall.

"Your Majesty, my concubine will fulfill her mission."

At this moment, Kan Feng was sitting in the middle of the cell, breathing heavily.

Just now, as the armored man left, the instrument of torture that restrained him automatically released him and retracted to the cell wall.The entire prison cell turned into a boxy "box" again, without a single extra item.

Kan Feng could only sit on the cold metal floor, the wound on his back made him twitch non-stop.Under the body and buttocks, there is a puddle of sticky things.

Without looking closely, Kan Feng knew that this was the blood that had flowed out of his body in the past few days.

Until now, he didn't know how he "lived" again, resurrected from death again and again.This experience was unique, but he didn't want to experience it again.

As long as you are not a psychopath, no one will play the death game.

In this extremely quiet environment, he became very sensitive to every change in his body.

This is when he felt that the muscles were tightening at the horrible wound on his back, and the blood from the wound seemed to stop flowing.

Soon, he felt the wound start to itch. After feeling it carefully, he found that the wound seemed to be healing? !

How can there be such a change?

You know your own body best.

I remember that before, he had a small cut on his finger, and it took several days to heal.Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it. The wound on his back was deep, big and long.But now such a terrible wound on his back has begun to heal in a short period of time.How could this not surprise him.

In the end, he could only attribute it to the fact that there was still some kind of medicine used to treat the injury in his body.After all, I was on the verge of death several times and came back to life. It should be because of some kind of powerful medical method, which should include medicine.

 Adventure in different time and space, hehe! [smirk]

(End of this chapter)

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