Chapter 8
The special case team was transferred to a secret investigation, and Lin Qingcheng did not have to go to the police station to work every day.


She made an exception and didn't go for a run, so she woke up naturally when she fell asleep.

There was a knock at the door,
Lin Qingcheng raised her eyebrows.

It was Lin Nan, holding a box made of pear blossom wood in his hand.

"Professor Lin, you haven't eaten yet. Mr. Gu asked me to come over to deliver your meal. He has a meeting today, so he will come to accompany you later."

Since watching Lin Qingcheng's interview program, Lin Nan's tone of speech is even more respectful.

"Oh, Special Assistant Lin, let me tell you, Mr. Gu, I'm going to rest for the next few days, and I want to wander around by myself so that he doesn't have to come over."

Lin Qingcheng's face was indifferent and his tone was cold.

In the meeting room of Gu's Building.

Gu Jingxuan was sitting on the large boss chair, frequently turning the pen in his hand, obviously absent-minded.

Lin Nan walked in gently, lying on his ear and whispering something.

After hearing this, Gu Jingxuan got up abruptly and strode out.

Everyone was stunned...

Lin Qingcheng was wearing that long black trench coat, and she was wearing a black casual outfit, which was loose and loose. It could be seen that her body inside was too thin.

Big light brown waves casually draped over her shoulders, a cold and beautiful face, a soft white and slender neck, and the natural arrogance and sensibility fused into her blood and blood, weaving a unique charm.

When going out, she picked up a gleaming golden fish scale belt on the hanger and tied it around her waist. Although it looked a bit nondescript, only she knew in her heart what an expensive self-defense weapon it was.

The weather wasn't great.

The gray weather, with a thin layer of spring rain floating.

The rain was like silk, light and thin, without any rustling sound, more like a cloud of mist, covering the entire magnificent capital city.

Lin Qingcheng waved and stopped a taxi.

"Ma'am, where are you going?"

Looking at this beautiful woman in the driver's mirror, he asked very politely.

"Excuse me, is there a Shuangfengshan cemetery here? I'm going there."

Lin Qingcheng looked at the address in the phone and asked softly.

"Oh, yes, miss, you are going to..."

"I'm going to visit my relatives, please stop by the flower shop, I'm going to buy a bunch of flowers."


After a while, the taxi stopped on the side of the road, and Lin Qingcheng got off.

turn around...

The drizzle fell on the body with natural and smooth lines, and the black car appeared deep and dignified in the haze.

Lin Qingcheng raised her eyebrows and walked into the flower shop.

Holding a large bouquet of Bai Baihe in her hand, she walked out of the flower shop with an indifferent expression, and got into the taxi again.

"Mr. Gu, Professor Lin, this is..."

Lin Nan asked in surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense and keep up."

When the cold voice came, Lin Nan hurriedly speeded up.

A man in a black windbreaker drove quickly on a luxurious motorcycle, and rushed up after the taxi.

Lin Qingcheng quickly noticed the motorcycle following behind, and her heart trembled slightly.

"Lin Nan, pay attention to that motorcycle, Qingcheng seems to be being targeted."

There was a cold light in Gu Jingxuan's dark eyes.

The cemetery arrived, but the motorcycle disappeared.

Lin Qingcheng walked out indifferently holding flowers.

The taxi drove away, and Gu Jingxuan stopped not far away, staring at Lin Qingcheng closely.

Lin Qingcheng looked at the location on the phone and searched around.

Suddenly, a black image descended from the sky and appeared in front of her.

The man in front of him covered his face, only revealing a pair of sinister eyes.

"Jenny, it really is you. It's been a long time."

It sounded like a voice from a cemetery, eerie.

"Lu Li, is that you? Why have you been such a cowardly turtle, taking advantage of the rain to come out to get some air?"

Lin Qingcheng lowered her head and smelled the strong fragrance of Bai Baihe, and said indifferently.

"Lin Qingcheng, stop talking nonsense, this is the cemetery, and I will send you to accompany your relatives today, okay?"

"Really? Do you have this ability?"

Lin Qingcheng threw away the flowers and raised her fists.

Lu Li frantically threw his fist at her, the two hit each other with one punch and one kick.

"Mr. Gu, should we go up and help?"

Lin Nan's face was pale, and he asked in a low voice.

"Need not,"

When the cold voice came, Lin Nan trembled in his heart.

[What's wrong with this master today, his woman is fighting with someone, and he can hold his breath? 】

Lin Qingcheng's kung fu was so good that Lu Li was about to be overwhelmed. He quickly pulled out a dagger from his waist and swiped it viciously.

Lin Qingcheng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He stretched out his hand, and the golden belt around his waist instantly turned into a soft sword, like a small golden snake. It swung quickly and swung at Lu Li.

[Fuck, this, what kind of kung fu is this?What weapon? 】

[Fuck, this amazing operation is really cool. 】

Lin Nan forgot about the big BOSS beside him, and looked at it fragrantly.

"Ah, ah,"

With the screams, Lu Li's mask was pulled away, and several bloody cuts were cut on his face.

He threw away the dagger and fled in a hurry.

Lin Qingcheng retracted her belt, wrapped it around a few times and held it in her hand, and shouted loudly:

"Lu Li, I know you didn't run away, listen to me, come to me if you want to survive. If you persist in your obsession and fall into the hands of a wealthy family, you will be lost forever."

The chilling voice echoed over the cemetery for a long time,

Lu Li hid behind a pile of stone tablets, covering his bloody face, his eyes glaring fiercely.

Lin Nan ran over,
"Professor Lin, umbrella."

He handed her the umbrella in his hand respectfully, Lin Qingcheng came back to his senses and stretched out his hand to take it.

Gu Jingxuan stood silently beside the car with an umbrella in his hand. He was tall and tall, and he could see his perfect and elegant facial features from a distance.

A cold aloofness is extended from the innate nobleness of a person, which invisibly exudes a huge oppressive force.

Lin Qingcheng stood still in front of him, looking up at the tall man in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

"This kind of thing is not allowed to happen again, remember."

The unbelievable voice slowly dispersed in the rain and fog.

He turned sideways, opened the car door himself, looked at Lin Qingcheng, and said, "Get in the car."

Lin Nan beside her hurriedly took the umbrella in her hand, and there were still blood stains...,
After that, Gu Jingxuan got into the car from the other side.

"Chief Lu, I met Lu Li just now. He was seriously injured. Immediately dispatch and arrest him in all hospitals and pharmacies in the capital. If only he shows up, arrest him immediately. Be careful, a young man can completely disguise himself as an old man. .”

"Okay, Professor Lin, you're all right..."

Lin Qingcheng's voice was icy cold, and before Lu Yong could finish speaking, he hung up the phone.

Immediately, there was a silence in the carriage, Lin Qingcheng kept tilting his head, looking at the city wrapped in rain and fog outside the car window.

"Are you OK,"

Gu Jingxuan turned his head and looked at her nervously.

Lin Qingcheng shook his head indifferently.

The rain curtain outside the car window is gradually getting bigger,
There was silence in the carriage, and the rain outside gathered together and slid down the window like a curtain of rain, gradually blurring the scenery outside.

(End of this chapter)

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