Chapter 18
Left Army, Marshal Battalion.

"Urgent report from the front line, vanguard Luo Lie will go down to Acropolis and Xiangkou in one day."

"Haha! Whose subordinate is this Luo Lie, so brave and good at fighting?" asked a white-haired old man. Although the old man's hair was gray, there was an indescribable arrogance in his brows.

This person is the General of the Left Army, Huang Xiaoyuan.This is an old general of the same generation as King Yan. He is a soldier and has experienced hundreds of battles. Otherwise, King Yan would not have given him the soldiers on the left with such confidence.

"Reporting to General, this Luo Lie is the captain of my subordinates, he is the best at fighting." Fu Tianyou, the general of Huwei Zhonglang, said beside him.

"Oh, no wonder, it turns out that you, a tiger idiot, have a bit of your prestige." Huang Xiaoyuan laughed, and couldn't help teasing Fu Tianyou.

Fu Tianyou also laughed loudly, "General, I didn't bring this Luo Lie out. He used to be the centurion of Yan Yunqi, and later he was transferred to my command."

"It turned out that Champion Hou trained him. Aren't you also from the champion Hou's bodyguard? Haha, Champion Hou's subordinates are full of people who are good at fighting!"

Fu Tianyou also smiled.

"Okay, let's get down to business, the army is marching, and I ordered Luo Lie, I want him to capture Huicheng within seven days." Huang Xiaoyuan ordered.

Fu Tianyou said anxiously: "General, Huicheng is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Besides, there are Xiangcheng and Jingcheng surrounding each other. I'm afraid the two cities will send troops to support them."

"No problem, I immediately dispatched two armies to attack Xiangcheng and Jingcheng respectively. They are the horns of each other? I want these three cities to become isolated cities." Huang Xiaoyuan waved his hand. "At the same time, the army marched out, rushed ahead of the three groups of people, captured Wuchao, and gathered in Wuchao."


Acropolis, Luo Lie's tent.

"The military department came to order me to take Huicheng in seven days." Luo Lie said.

Hearing this, Cao Sima asked: "Huicheng doesn't need to guard the city. The garrison of Huicheng is no less than three thousand, and our troops have less than two thousand soldiers. Moreover, Huicheng, Xiangcheng, and Jingcheng are each other's horns. , the remaining two cities will surely be reinforced. How can the general overcome them.”

"No problem, the general will send two other troops to attack Xiangcheng and Jingcheng. By then, the three cities will be isolated, and even if they are besieged, he will be besieged to death. The three cities will be in his pocket." Luo Lie said confidently.

After all the Sima left, Luo Lie sighed.Yan Zhong asked: "The general is not sure?"

"Huicheng is comparable to the guard city, and the defenders of Huicheng surpass our army. Besides, they have the power of the city, so it may be difficult to take them down." Luo Lie shook his head.

"Then just now, the general still boasted?"

"The general is the courage of the soldiers. We don't have the advantage in the first place. Once the momentum is lost, we will have no chance." Luo Lie explained.

"Hou De, I still need your help tomorrow." Luo Lie ordered.

On the second day, Luo Lie's troops rushed to Huicheng.

"The enemy army has a large number of soldiers, a strong city wall, and high morale. It must be defeated first." Luo Lie said.

"Whoever can step forward to call the battle will lose their morale."

Zuo Houde recalled Luo Lie's order yesterday, clasped his fists and saluted, "This subordinate is willing to go!"

"Okay! I will fight with you personally."

Luo Lie looked around and said, "If you win, please give your best applause."

Zuo Houde, wearing heavy armor and holding a cold gun, rode in front of the city, calling for battle.

"I am Zuo Houde of Youzhou, is there anyone who is willing to fight with me?"

"I am Zuo Houde of Youzhou, can there be a hero from Qingzhou to fight to the death with me?"

"Could it be that the man in Qingzhou died just now?"

The guard on the wall was surnamed Gao Mingyuan, and Gao Yuan said: "Look at his army formation, there are no more than [-] soldiers and horses at most, how dare they attack my city of Hui. Come, beat the drums! Send troops!"

From time to time, the gates of the city were opened wide, and more than a thousand soldiers came out of the city to fight.

Gao Yuan saw Zuo Houde in front of the formation, and ordered the left and right, "Who can kill him?"

A yellow-faced man clasped his fists and stepped out, "The last general will definitely behead him."

Looking at it from a high distance, he is a fierce general in the army.

The Chinese army made way for a passage, and galloped out. Wearing fish-scale armor, a yellow-faced man, holding a generous sky-painted halberd, pointed at Zuo Houde: "Youzhou boy, remember clearly, the one who beheaded you, Qingzhou Huang Yuan Bully!"

Zuo Houde didn't say much, carrying a spear in his hand, and immediately drove his horse to charge, and the two soldiers met each other in a short while.
Huang Yuanba and Zuo Houde passed by.No, it was Huang Yuanba's horse that ran over. Huang Yuanba fell off the horse strangely and fell on the meadow in front of Zuo Houde. As soon as he landed, his mouth and nose bleed and he became dizzy.

Luo Lie, who was the closest, couldn't see anything clearly, let alone the soldiers of the two armies who were further away.

At that moment, Zuo Houde stabbed straight with a long spear in his hand, the blade of the spear lifted the halberd, and the point of the spear pierced through Huang Yuanba's shoulder socket, Huang Yuanba was thrown off the horse with a single shot.

Before Huang Yuanba could open his eyes, Zuo Houde came to him on horseback, stabbed with the spear, the tip of the spear sank into the soil.

He drew his sword and cut off the head, raised the head with one hand, Zuo Houde immediately raised his spear, turned around to look at his barracks, and raised his spear.

The army shouted in unison: "Cai!"

Zuo Houde raised his spear horizontally, and the army shouted again: "Cai!"

He raised his arms again and again, and the army shouted louder: "Cai!"

The voice shook the sky and reached the sky.

Luo Lie looked at the enemy generals in the formation, and said to the left and right: "The enemy's fighting spirit is slack, and he is poor." Belittling the enemy in words can most boost morale.

Before Gao Yuan saw it clearly, Huang Yuanba fell off the horse and gave the head. He couldn't help being angry, coughed a few times, and looked around: "The child is rampant, who will kill him?"

They didn't even see how Huang Yuanba fell from the horse, and there was no one to fight for a while.Gao Yuan slammed his fist on the armor skirt and said, "Hateful!" Gao Yuan didn't dare to force him, the morale of the army was lost, and Ming Jin withdrew his troops.

The enemy army wanted to retreat, but Luo Lie refused to agree. Luo Lie led [-] cavalry and started to charge.

Seeing the cavalry rushing into the formation, the enemy army was even more flustered. They only wanted to escape into the city, and the entire army formation was completely disintegrated.The defenders of the city did not dare to shoot arrows, for fear of hurting their soldiers and horses.

"Today is the day for a man to serve his country!" Luo Lie shouted.

During the scuffle, Zuo Houde quickly opened the gap and rushed towards Gaoyuan Zhanqi.The soldiers and horses in the city had already seen Zuo Houde's bravery in the previous battles before the battle. At this moment, no military officials led people to take the initiative to encircle and suppress, on the contrary, they avoided as much as they could.

He drew his sword and cut off Gaoyuan's battle flag with one blow, and shouted: "The thief general is dead, and he has not surrendered yet."

The surrounding soldiers also shouted: "Not yet surrendered! Not yet surrendered!"

Gao Yuan had already arrived outside the city gate, "Not good! Go back to the city!"

Luo Lie took aim at Gao Yuan, rode straight forward, and in a short while he was in front of Gao Yuan. He stabbed with his silver spear, drew his sword and slashed, and lifted Gao Yuan's head.

Shouting: "The head of the enemy general is here, don't surrender! Don't surrender!"

The surrounding soldiers yelled together: "The head of the enemy general is here, don't surrender! Still don't surrender!"

Luo Lie led the soldiers and rushed into the city: "Order the whole army, those who surrender will not die."

Seeing Gao Yuan's head cut off, the soldiers in the city did not resist at all, dropped their weapons, and surrendered with their heads in their hands.

Today's battle was really a fluke. The enemy generals died too quickly in front of the battle, and the morale of the enemy army was lost. It happened that our cavalry rushed into the battle, cut down the banner, and even beheaded the enemy generals before rushing into the city and forcing The enemy surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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