Chapter 29 Reincarnation
Zuo Houde took his family and trilogy, and a group of more than a hundred people slowly went to Zhuojun.

There are more than 300 miles in Youzhou in Zhuojun County, which is still relatively far away, and the road is bumpy. Zuo Houde specially arranged a relatively comfortable carriage for his family.

Zuo Houde was not in too much of a hurry, so he was still delayed on the road for a while, and it took a full month for the group to reach Zhuojun.

There are more than ten counties under Zhuojun County. Although they are not very rich, the county town is still very large, and the population in the market is also large. Zuo Houde arranged his family in the garrison general's mansion, and arranged his trilogy to live in the mansion. Next, Zuo Houde arrived at the yamen where the county lieutenant was.

Zuo Houde came to the county to be a garrison general, and in name he belonged to the county lieutenant, but in fact, the military formed its own branch, and the county lieutenant couldn't control Zuo Houde, but Zuo Houde still wanted to visit this nominal Boss, after all, the two will have to cooperate more in the future.

Hearing the arrival of Zuo Houde, the garrison general, the county lieutenant was very polite: "I didn't know the general came, but I couldn't greet him, but I ask the general to forgive me!"

It was only now that Zuo Houde had a clear look at the appearance of the sheriff. The sheriff looked about 50 years old, but he was square and upright, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was wearing an official uniform, and he looked mighty and extraordinary. At the same time, Zuo Houde saw the sheriff walking He acted resolutely, and couldn't help asking: "I'm Zuo Houde, don't you know the name of the county lieutenant? I see that the gentleman walks like a sergeant, but I don't know that the gentleman is from the army?"

The county lieutenant chuckled: "My humble Zhu Haicheng, I used to serve in the army for several years, and then went to a local area to be an admiral, and then I became a county lieutenant through hard work."

"So that's how Zuo came to visit Sir today, and he also wanted Sir to introduce to me the situation in the army in Zhuo County. In the future, we will cooperate with Sir."

Zhu Haicheng waved his hand: "There are more than [-] troops stationed in Zhuo County, most of them are sons of good families. It's all right, the general can just go forward."

When Zuo Houde heard this, he didn't doubt it. He only asked this question because he was more cautious. King Yan's recruitment was very strict, and he couldn't enter the barracks if he wasn't from a good family.

So Zuo Houde exchanged pleasantries with Zhu Haicheng for a while before leaving.

On the second day, Zuo Houde brought his own trilogy, went to the barracks, and called the soldiers to assemble.

After the 700 people in the military camp gathered at the school grounds, there were no fewer people, and no rebellious sergeants were late on purpose. Zuo Houde understood that in real life, it is almost impossible for subordinates to give a new boss a blow. It's almost the same from a boss to a subordinate, let alone in the military, where military orders are very strict.

Zuo Houde asked them to disband, and at the same time recruited two school lieutenants from the army.

"The last general, Huang Yuanhui, has met my lord."

"The last general, Li Zhannan, has met your lord."

Huang Yuanhui is a man with a yellow face, while Li Zhannan is an old man with gray temples.

"Okay, there is no need to be polite, you go down separately and train your soldiers." Zuo Houde also waved his hand, signaling them to leave.


In the camp of the Chinese army, Zuo Houde sat in the military tent by himself, and began to look at his golden fingers.

Name: Zuo Houde
Level: Level 2 (0+/1000)

Lifespan: 125
Power: 3.12
Agility: 3.23
Intelligence: 1.28
Skills: Level 3 breathing technique (the remaining one can be added skills)
Effect: strengthen the body, prolong life.Energetic
Skills that can be added: medicine, swordsmanship, calligraphy, archery, spearmanship, riding

Talent: Reincarnation

Luck: 34
Ever since Zuo Houde became General Yang Wei, Zuo Houde had more than 34 points of Luck. After Zuo Houde hesitated for a while, he thought that even if he had consumed [-] points of Luck, he would still have [-] points of Luck left. Luck, even higher than myself at the beginning, so I upgraded myself.

At that time, Zuo Houde was still worried that there would be a situation where he was "uncoordinated with virtue" and would become unlucky. After so long, there was no change, so Zuo Houde was relieved.

This upgrade, in fact, has not changed much, except that there is an extra skill slot, and there is another line of talents called reincarnation.

Speaking of it, Zuo Houde can't think of any other skills he needs at the moment, and he can't add them at will, otherwise it would be a waste, so he reserved this skill slot.

Afterwards, Zuo Houde focused on this talent called "Reincarnation". When Zuo Houde focused on this talent of reincarnation, Zuo Houde finally knew the ability of this talent.

Just like the meaning of the two words "reincarnation", Zuo Houde can spend his luck to reincarnate to other worlds and live another life.After knowing this talent, even Zuo Houde was ecstatic in his heart. You must know that Zuo Houde's lifespan has been increasing because of the skill of "breathing".

But Zuo Houde can clearly feel the limitation of this skill. After this skill reaches level 3, it cannot be upgraded. Zuo Houde is not clear about the reason, but it can be seen that this skill is limited. .

But the talent of this reincarnation is simply that as long as one has luck, one can reincarnate infinitely and live countless lives.

Of course, Zuo Houde can't use the talent of reincarnation at present, and the talent is gloomy at present, which should be the reason for the lack of luck value.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Zuo Houde came to Zhuo County. After a month, Zuo Houde gradually realized that the barracks was still running well without him, so he completely let go of it to his subordinates I am now a school lieutenant, and I go to the barracks every day to order it, and then I can go home.

Zuo Houde gradually got used to this kind of life of clocking in and leaving get off work every day, but Zuo Houde's nickname "clicking to general" was spread in the barracks, which described Zuo Houde leaving get off work as soon as he clocked in every day. nothing to do.

Zuo Houde smiled after hearing this, anyway, it doesn't matter to Zuo Houde, in Zuo Houde's view, it has no effect on him, not only does it not affect his promotion and fortune, maybe it can even add points to King Yan—— I am not greedy for military power.

Moreover, Zuo Houde had planned it long ago. He would be lucky to make meritorious deeds on the battlefield in the future, and the world is not unified. Marching and fighting are indispensable, so there are still many opportunities for him to make meritorious deeds in the future.

Therefore, Zuo Houde mostly stays with his wife at home. Of course, Zuo Houde has not given up on his own training, and he will train with his followers at home every day.

Zuo Houde felt that his martial arts had improved a little. Of course, what surprised Zuo Houde the most was that his vision training had achieved remarkable results. He could see mosquitoes flying ten steps away.Zuo Houde's archery skills, under such a vision, can even shoot the falling willow leaves from a hundred steps away, with a hundred shots and a hundred hits, it is simply Yang Youji's rebirth.

(End of this chapter)

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