Chapter 385 Yoyo 10 Years Up
In the blink of an eye, it has been 10 years.

It is on an incomparably vast continent that an eternal tower stands.

Right now Ren Taixu is in the tower here.

Not long after, a man dressed as a servant appeared in front of Ren Taixu.

"Deacon, the Scarlet Wizard has arrived!"

Ren Taixu nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Go down, I'm going down to greet you."

Not long after, the attendant left, Ren Taixu also sighed a little.

time flies!


But it started 10 years ago when Ren Taixu got the treasure of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Naturally, he chose to return to Daqi, his hometown.

"Nature, devour, curse!"

This is the authority of the three gods, and it is also the three high-level rules.

"It's a pity that it's a bit repulsive to my humanity!"

Accompanied by Ren Taixu's sigh, he finally made up his mind.

"In this case, let's turn it into my background."

Due to humane reasons, Ren Taixu didn't want to sacrifice the basics for the last, and specially controlled these three powers.

Even his practice thinking still favors oriental monks.

"There are not many ways, but proficiency is enough."

The wizards of the wizarding universe here practice many avenues, but they are rarely proficient, which is also the reason why the power of Hunyuan has not appeared.

There are not many ways.

Even many great masters of Hunyuan just build a Dao, and run their Dao through all kinds of worlds, and only when the torrent gathers in one body can they prove Hunyuan.

But like a wizard, he practiced many avenues.

"It's a bit of a waste of time!"

One avenue is not yet proficient, let alone several avenues.

It's just a waste of energy in vain.

After thinking it over clearly, Ren Taixu simply extracted the essence of the three avenues and poured them into the human way.

Of course, this is a bit of a waste.

Especially among the laws, many of them are spread out in vain.

"Forget it, one gain and one loss."

"Besides, it's not a waste. After all, it's my world, my Daqi's world, and it would be good to have more background in the Dao."

Tens of years passed in the blink of an eye, and Ren Taixu completely digested the huge power of these three avenues.

He clenched his fist lightly, feeling the power in it.

Ren Taixu gradually raised a smile when he felt the deep inside of himself.

"Is this the Great Luo Jinxian?"

That's right, the three avenues are help after all, and Ren Taixu has become a Da Luo Jinxian, ranking ninth rank!


"The next step is to evolve my original humanity and become a quasi-sage."

"Of course, this is the opportunity to study the origin of the blood of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes."

After having this idea, Ren Taixu began to worry about the scholars in Daqi.

Ren Taixu has self-knowledge, he knows that he is not very good at research, so he should leave it to professionals.

"Legendary creature, legendary bloodline, the research value is very high."

"Able to bear the authority of the law, the blood can accommodate the law!"

"I'm thinking, maybe the next step is to evolve the laws in the blood, maybe there are already innate gods doing this."

"After all, it is an innate god, and it is uniquely blessed!"

While Ren Taixu sighed in his heart, he also made up his mind to study clearly the secrets contained in the blood of the mother of ten thousand snakes.

Before Ren Taixu was touched, he knew that this was an opportunity for him to become a quasi-sage.

After all, the best way for Ren Taixu to evolve the Dao is to integrate his blood and laws, and gradually perfect his "Dongxu Jing".

Thereby integrating one's own strength and reaching the threshold of proving the Tao with strength.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the research of all the scholars of Daqi has finally produced many results from the study of the blood of the mother of ten thousand snakes.

Ren Taixu took over these achievements and perfected his own "Dongxu Jing".

To achieve the unity of the blood.

In the depths of the torrent of humanity, a figure stands alone and peerless.

It was Ren Taixu!
I accepted those achievements and integrated them into my fundamental law "Dongxu Jing".

At this time, Ren Taixu had already perfected his own fundamental law, and began to try to penetrate the law into his blood.

"Humanity and I are like blood, and today is the blood that truly achieves me."

Following the momentum of humanity, Ren Taixu's body also gradually changed slightly.

"In the past, I advocated the creation of one hundred and eight thousand physical gods to control all kinds of secrets in the physical body, but now it seems that this is not necessary."

"I have the Dao of Origin, and when the blood runs through, it will naturally be supernatural powers."

"It's better to turn all these gods into the foundation of my acupoints, and lay the foundation for me to prove the way with strength!"

Following Ren Taixu's thoughts, the gods in the yellow court of his physical body gradually smiled, leaving only the most original essence.

Ren Taixu absorbed these essences slowly, perfected his acupoints, and strengthened his foundation.

After a long time, Ren Taixu's power also exploded.

Gradually, human nature merged and merged into Ren Taixu's blood.


The years are ruthless, I don't know how long it has passed, Ren Taixu's blood trembled, and the breath of humanity was in it, Ren Taixu's whole person seemed to be holy.

"At the beginning of the ancient times, who would seek the way?"

"There is a god in the sky, and they are born with the same way."

"Is this the tracing of the origin of the gods in this world?"

At this time, Ren Taixu completely transformed himself into an innate god in his own world.

All that a god has, he is existence.

Extraordinary blood!
Eternal life!
Endless resilience!

The law in the blood!

Of course, the appearance is similar, but the essence is different.

After all, the essence of Ren Taixu is Daluo Jinxian, not a god.

Now it can only be said that it has a body similar to that of a god.

"He is an innate god, but I might as well say that he is an acquired god, a god who has been transformed by himself."

"However, my acquired god is no worse than the innate god, and even surpassed too much in terms of the Dao of origin."

"Okay, my foundation is complete."

"But it's very quiet and thoughtful!"

Not long after, along with Ren Taixu's avatar split up and stayed behind Daqi.

Ren Taixu went towards the chaos again.

"Since the body of the gods has been achieved, it is time to take a look at the land of the gods."

"The nine universes were all born from the World Tree, but this World Tree is unusual."


The land of the gods has now entered the era of the twilight of the gods.

With the sleeping of many gods and the invasion of wizards, this process is still accelerating.

No one knew about Ren Taixu's coming.

It's just in the extreme west of the Holy Luo Continent.

A sect called "Holy Spirit Cult" was established.

The teachings of this sect believe that when the time is chaotic, the son of the Holy Spirit appears to create the universe, and what they believe in is a god with brilliant facial features and incomparably holy—the Holy Spirit.

Legend has it that this Holy Spirit is the holder of all authority in the world.

War, civilization, disease, good and evil...

With the gradual chaos in this area, the churches of the Holy Spirit Cult showed their holy methods one after another, and the congregation of the Holy Spirit Cult continued to expand.

At this time, in a wine shop in the world, Ren Taixu drank a cup lightly.

Then he felt the changes in the rules in his blood, and gradually smiled.

"Is this the way of faith?"

"The way of the gods!"

"It's no wonder that the gods are so keen on it, it has such benefits!"


That's right, the Holy Spirit Sect was established by Ren Taixu, and Ren Taixu naturally believed in it.

He is the lord of humanity, and it is not wrong to hold all kinds of authority in the world.

I feel that this belief can actually help the power of the law in the blood of the gods to be improved and purified.

The power that can help the gods dig out the blood, no wonder many gods are collecting beliefs.

"I follow the human path, which is the best way to collect beliefs!"

"On the contrary, this belief can actually help me perfect my bloodline, and even evolve my humanity, but I never thought of it."

"But it's just right, this is the evolutionary road, a further opportunity!"

Finally said that incense belief is poisonous?
This is true. After all, these beliefs contain all kinds of thoughts of living beings. Long-term use will make the monk's mind and soul unreachable. Thoughts are not pure, but they will become the shackles of the monk.

But for me, it doesn't matter.

After all, Ren Taixu's fundamental way is humanity.

When human nature forms a torrent, no matter how many living thoughts are, it will be washed away by one side.It is exhausted.


Huge wars broke out among several large kingdoms and dozens of small kingdoms in the world.

With war, bloody.

Many cults are developing in secret. At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Holy Spirit Sect is also popular in the world.

Due to the twilight of the gods, the gods of various sects pay less attention to the human world. At this time, they can get the favor of the gods, and the Holy Spirit Cult, which has repeatedly performed miracles, is extremely conspicuous.

On the way, the congregants of the Holy Spirit Cult also received the will of the Holy Spirit!

——The Son of the Holy Spirit came to the world to rule the world!

Not long after, the Son of the Holy Spirit descended from heaven.

This son of the Holy Spirit has many supernatural powers, all kinds of good fortune, and the support of millions and tens of millions of followers of the Holy Spirit.

In just a few decades, the entire continent has been swept away, and dozens of kingdoms have truly completed the unification of this continent.

At the same time, the Church of the Holy Spirit has also become the only religious order in this continent, and is believed by billions of people.

At this time, Ren Taixu had completed the trick of incarnating as the son of the holy spirit.

He has ruled this continent, and his faith is growing violently every moment.

Little changes gradually appeared in the depths of Ren Taixu's spiritual sea.

A sacred and brilliant breath appeared on him.

"This is the breath of the authority of faith in the world."

"Faith can also evolve authority!"

"Many in the East are believed in, and the ghosts and gods bred are like this."

But the way of faith is a small way after all.

Of course, Ren Taixu paid more attention to the evolution of the Dao in his blood.

Blessed by luck, Master Ren Taixu's evolution of human nature is very fast, almost every day is a change.

"If things go on like this, after decades of humane evolution, I will be able to fully understand me, and I will be able to break through Da Luo's restrictions and become a quasi-sage."

Decades are not too long, Ren Taixu can afford to wait.

At this time, Ren Taixu encountered an unexpected visitor.


With the East China Sea of ​​the Saint Luo Continent, a huge wave swept the entire coast.

A man riding a giant whale holds a trident!

The huge wave directly overturned the temple of the holy spirit.

"I am Posena, the son of the sea god Poseidon. You must believe in me, the son of the sea, after the Holy Spirit Church."

"As for the holy spirit, it's just a little evil god who doesn't know where it came from. You should abandon the darkness and follow the light!"

He failed to ignite the divine fire and achieved the seventh level.

But his status is honorable enough.

There was a lot of pride in Poseina's words.

This is the courage given to him by his father, the main god Poseidon. Except for the other eight main gods, and even the king of gods, he is not afraid of anyone at all.

A little holy spirit?

I don't know where the evil god came from, so what if I stole his faith?

Do you still dare to offend yourself?

I am the son of the God of the Sea!
At this time, Ren Taixu was naturally aware of the Second Patriarch's thoughts, at the moment the Second Patriarch made waves, he knew it.

However, upon hearing the words of the second generation ancestor, Ren Taixu just showed a contemptuous smile.

Daluo Jinxian corresponds to the ninth level, and even supernatural powers surpass it!
Now he is only one step away from the quasi-sage, why be afraid of him?
"The so-called main god is only the ninth rank, so why should I be afraid of it?"

"Even if Poseidon is here, he wouldn't dare to bully me!"

"If you don't punish me, other gods will think I'm easy to bully."


Thinking about it, Ren Taixu waved his hand immediately.

Immediately, a chain was bred on the sky, and it was full of thunder.

When the chain was rolled, the Son of the Sea and the Giant Whale were bound together, at the same time, a whip of thunder above the sky kept whipping Posena!

"It hurts! How dare you!"

"My father is Poseidon, the god of the sea!"

With the addition of thunder, even the seventh level is extremely painful.

What's more, this second generation of gods?
At this time, Posena, the Son of the Sea, felt great pain all over his body.

At the same time, another majestic voice was heard.

"I know your identity, so what?"

"I am the Holy Spirit, even Poseidon would not dare to deceive me!"

"Let your father personally come and make amends!"

"If you dare to speak wild words again, I will give you a hundred lightning whips!"

Feel the hardness in Ren Taixu's words.

The second generation of gods immediately did not dare to be presumptuous, and did not dare to say a single harsh word.

Enduring the power of thunder.

He secretly pondered the trump card and background of the holy spirit in front of him.

Suddenly thought of something, showing a wry smile.

"The power of thunder, could it be the illegitimate son of the god king?"

"If this is the case, I will suffer for nothing."

It's no wonder that Posena thought so, it was really the power of thunder that Ren Taixu used.

Among the gods, only Zeus, the king of gods, holds the power of thunder.

It is also likely that the blood of Zeus' illegitimate son contains the power of thunder and can cast thunder.

And this is not without precedent.

The illegitimate child of the god king has become a topic of jokes among the gods.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, two human heroes and gods appeared between heaven and earth.

The power is powerful, the authority is extremely powerful, and it has the divine power no less than the main god.

When these two gods return to their positions, they will be the girl who has achieved wisdom and war, and the god of the sun.

That's right, these two are the illegitimate children of the God King.

Even with these powerful sons and daughters, although God King Zeus is absurd, he is still able to secure his position as the head of the God Realm.

Thinking in this way, Poseina looked at Ren Taixu even more wrongly.

Thinking about what Ren Taixu said before.

"Even Poseidon dare not bully me!"

Posena immediately used his associations, and with the backing of the lineage of the God King, his father really did not dare to bully others.

My life is miserable!

How did you meet the illegitimate son of the God King?

Isn't it said that the god king is already dead?
No, the wife of the god-king is strict.

There have been no illegitimate children for hundreds of thousands of years!

How come I met you by such a coincidence?
Ren Taixu had no intention of killing Posena, after all, what he needs now is to spend decades safely and become a quasi-sage.

There is no need to offend Seagod and die.

After all, who doesn't have a friend yet, Ren Taixuka can't guarantee that he has fought several master gods to join forces.

However, Ren Taixu is not afraid of Seagod.

He is also a god now, an acquired god.

Not a wizard, will not be hostile by the gods, the identity is here.

In addition to being strong, he only punished Poseidon with a small punishment, and I believe Poseidon will not do anything.

But if let Ren Taixu know that Posena has already given him an identity.

The illegitimate son of God King Zeus!

It is impossible to say that this child of the ocean will be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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