Chapter 398 Space Adventurer.

In the vast deep sea.

The gigantic golden-horned behemoth with its whole body as black as ink lay there without the slightest breath.

Inside the Golden Horned Beast.

The crystal ball covered with a large number of strange golden secret lines is emitting a very faint golden light. It seems to be the same as before, but in fact, some changes have taken place.

"It turns out that it's so difficult to win the house! Babata, how long will it take to fully control the body of this golden-horned monster?"

Luo Feng's consciousness said.

"Don't worry, you have a rare opportunity now, be patient! Take your time," Babata said.


At this time, Ren Taixu also noticed Luo Feng's "retreat".

Looking at the direction of the deep sea from a distance, he showed a bright smile.

"Do you want to seize the golden-horned beast?"

Time flies, and it is two years in a blink of an eye.

In the past two years, the situation on Earth has undergone considerable changes.

In the final battle, both Hong and Thunder God were only a little out of strength and did not suffer too much damage.

But there are countless strong people who died in the catastrophe caused by the golden horn monster.

Especially on the other side of the ocean, countless modern cities were devoured by the golden-horned beast, and countless troops and soldiers were killed and injured.

All this means that the global situation is about to be reshuffled.

Ren Taixu doesn't interfere with foreign matters at all, he mainly sits in the military and acts as a military umbrella for the government.

While waiting for time to pass.

Finally Luo Feng ended the "retreat."

"Meet the teacher." After Luo Feng left the customs, Ren Taixu recruited him to see the changes in his disciple.

Of course, Ren Taixu didn't notice the slightest change.

After all, even though it is a loss, the essence of the soul is the same.

It's just that Luo Feng's cultivation has improved.

There was a smile in Ren Taixu's eyes.

"Planet sixth level, not bad! Not bad! This retreat is worthwhile."

"Okay, go and see your son, this retreat is all missed!"

Hearing that, Luo Feng also felt a little regretful.

He also didn't expect that the seizure would take so long.

Not long after, Luo Feng saw his family and started his first space adventure.


months later.

In the vast starry sky of the solar system, a flying saucer-shaped silver-gray spaceship has approached the earth.

"What a beautiful planet, azure blue, the color that makes people's heart beat."

The spaceship control room.

Tall and handsome, the captain wearing a silver combat uniform showed enjoyment, looking at the azure planet displayed in the virtual exterior scene in front of him, "It's so fascinating, I love it, yes, I love it! Because it It can bring me status and money!" The other crew members on the side had already howled excitedly, how could they sigh lyrically like the captain.


This is a planet without an owner, what a wonderful thing for space adventurers like them!
Not long after, the spacecraft connected to the earth's signal and determined its value.

The silver-gray spaceship instantly turned into a streamer of light, across the ocean, and flew directly to the continent of Huaxia in Asia.

"Luo Feng, Luo Feng, a spaceship has entered the alert area!!!" Babata warned.

Luo Feng opened his eyes suddenly, his whole body covered with fright, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Spaceship, who else on earth can drive a spaceship besides your own spaceship?
Could it be that in the vast universe, adventurers from other planets finally discovered the earth?

But logically, the coordinates of the dark universe corresponding to the star field where the earth is located have long been covered up by the teacher with space secrets.

"It's a spaceship, and it's a C-class spaceship!" Babata shouted anxiously. "

"How could there be a spaceship?" Luo Feng was anxious and angry.

"I don't know, and these people are still heading towards the barracks"

"These people must have gone to the teacher!" Luo Feng was furious.

"Come on!"

Luo Feng ordered indifferently.

Lightning figures shot up from the corridors, windows, and balconies of the castle, densely packed figures, like countless arrows shooting towards the sky, trying to cover the world, densely packed figures quickly spread all over the place. a piece of sky.

These are the slaves that Luo Feng bought in the universe, many of them are stellar masters.



The seven cosmic adventurers full of superiority originally wanted to capture Ren Taixu, the number one powerhouse on earth.

But at this moment, the faces of the seven people were full of fear.

Feel the strong surrounding yourself and others.

"This, this..." The seven adventurers were completely dumbfounded.

Originally they were only backward and weak natives in their hearts, but suddenly there were so many powerful and powerful people!
"A star-level seventh-level psychiatrist?"

"Tier seven?"

"There are three star-level seventh-level psychiatrists!!!"

Brono Arashiyama and others looked at the text displayed on the screen of their own intelligent optical brain and auxiliary optical brain in horror.

God!The strongest captain among them is only the sixth-level star rank, and he is only a warrior!
A star-level seventh-level psychiatrist is enough to kill their entire team of adventurers, let alone three!

"Master." The dense figures saluted Luo Feng on the rooftop respectfully.

"Master?" The seven space adventurers looked at Luo Feng in astonishment.

Luo Feng pointed at them indifferently: "Catch them, rebels, kill them!"


The slave guards responded respectfully.

Immediately, the entire guard surrounded the seven adventurers, and the first company of the green-skinned woman shouted the universal language, and assisted the optical brain to quickly translate the voice: "I surrender!"

"I surrender." The chimpanzee man also said.


"We surrender."

"Don't kill us."

Of the seven space adventurers, six of them chose to surrender immediately.

Although the adventurers are dancing on the edge of the blade, they are not fools. Nearly a thousand powerful guards led by three star-level seventh-level psychiatrists can easily wipe out dozens of adventure teams like them!

Resistance has only one result - 'death', so these six people chose to surrender.

"Why, why is this..." Brono Arashiyama's handsome face was distorted.

How could it be like this?
What a bright future he has!How did it suddenly become like this?

Didn't the human beings on this planet almost perish in the face of the golden-horned behemoths of the 'star rank first order'?

How could there be so many star-level powerhouses all of a sudden?
And the most important thing is that among these star-level people, he can tell at a glance that some of them are not earthlings at all!

"Death, or surrender."

The three strong men of the Black Mongolian tribe looked at Brono Lanshan indifferently.

"I..." Brono Arashiyama gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Surrender."

Since then, the seven space adventurers have all surrendered, without even the courage to resist.

"Meng Yi, lead the first team and order the spaceship to surrender." Luo Feng ordered.


A small team quickly rose into the sky.

The silver-gray spaceship in mid-air was about to run away when the situation was not good, but at this time, a black spaceship also appeared out of thin air, and quickly intercepted the silver-gray spaceship. "The people on Earth actually have spaceships!" At this moment, the space adventurers were all bitter, and they hadn't found this news before.

"We surrender."

"Surrender, don't kill us."

The silver-gray spaceship stopped quickly.

The two spaceship maintenance personnel knew that it was too easy for the astral-level seventh-level psionicist to kill their two planetary-level little fellows by means of a "spiritual attack".Moreover, the intelligence of their spaceship is under the command of the captain, and it is impossible to take them away regardless of the captain.

Although Ren Taixu understood everything in front of him, he pretended to be surprised.

"Luo Feng, are these all?"

At this moment, Luo Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, troublesome adventurers are solved.

Listen to your teacher's questions.

Luo Feng smiled immediately: "It's okay, the problem is solved, those people just now are space adventurers."

"And these around me are the slaves I bought. I forgot to tell the teacher before. The disciple was lucky enough to get a relic inheritance. There is a spaceship, and he can go to leave the earth."

Ren Taixu's eyes were filled with "joy" when he heard the words.

"I finally have the chance to visit other planets!"



"Your name is Brono Lanshan?" Luo Feng looked at the extremely handsome space adventurer captain.

"Yes." The captain stood up straight, beside him were Meng Er and Meng San who were escorting him, the captain's eyes were a little cold.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that two or three years ago, you would fall into the catastrophe of the extinction of the entire race because of a star-level first-order starry sky behemoth, but in just two or three years, you have so many strong people."

The captain looked at Luo Feng with complicated eyes: "You have a spaceship! Then you must have been to other planets in the universe. You bought these powerful men of the Black Mongolian tribe?"

Brono Arashiyama is not stupid, of course he can guess it.

"Smart." Luo Feng looked at them.

"It's ridiculous that I still treat you as natives." Brono Lanshan hated it.

If he had known that this earth had such a strong strength, he would not have shown up at all... Instead, he was slowly waiting for the family fleet in space.Once the family fleet arrives, the earth cannot resist at all!

However, based on the information he has collected, he is sure that there is no combat power beyond the stars on Earth.

Yes, very sure!

If there is a peerless powerhouse, how could the golden-horned behemoth cause such a big disaster?
If there is a peerless powerhouse, why haven't all the secret places on the Internet been discovered?

With so much information, he is sure that there is no star-level combat power on earth!But, but... Fate tricks people! ! !

"Fate tricks people." Brono Lanshan secretly hated him.

"How many of you came to Earth?" Luo Feng asked, "How did you come to Earth?"

A trace of longing arose in Brono Lanshan's heart.

"These people on earth don't even know that there is my family fleet behind them. I am forbearing now. When the family fleet arrives, I will wipe them out. With luck, I still have hope of surviving." Burrow is full of desire for life.

"There are nine of us."

Brono Lanshan said in a low voice, "We entered this void star field because we accidentally broke into a wormhole. According to the old star map in the past, we knew that there were two living planets in this void area. At that time, we were excited. Ruokang, finding a planet represents incomparably huge wealth in the universe. So our adventurer team is heading towards this."

"Oh, a wormhole?" Luo Feng, Hong, and Thor looked at each other.

No wonder!
Otherwise, even if light travels from the edge of the void area, it will take about a thousand years to fly here!Only the 'wormhole', this kind of irregular existence, will allow a spaceship to suddenly enter this star field.

"Just the nine of you?" Hong Ye asked.

"Yes." Bro nodded, "We won't trust other people. How can we easily tell others about the discovery of the planet."

Luo Feng and Ren Taixu nodded slightly in their hearts.

What Bro said also made sense.

"Meng Er, mentally hypnotize the other six people, ask them carefully." Luo Feng said cautiously.

After giving an order, he quickly soared into the sky, Ren Taixu also followed, and flew towards the silver-gray spaceship together.


Burrow's face changed instantly, as did the faces of the other six adventurers.

They have been taking risks between life and death for a long time, and they are good at seizing any opportunity to escape. Once the captain said that, they knew what to do!
Only by relying on the 'family fleet' at the back, they have a little hope of survival!
If even this point is exposed, these earth natives will never spare them.

They don't say, but the intelligent optical brain 'Atuka' can communicate with Bu Luo's consciousness, and after Bu Luo orders, Atuka will not disclose the news.

Listen well... It's a pity that the other party has a powerful psychiatrist who can easily hypnotize the first and second levels of the planetary level and the astral level.

Silver-gray spaceship, in the control room.

Luo Feng and Ren Taixu entered the control room.


The first-class guard saluted respectfully, and beside him were two space adventurers in charge of spaceship maintenance who were being escorted.

"En." Luo Feng nodded, flipped his hand and took out a chip card.

Insert it directly into a groove in the console.

"Start invading, Luo Feng, watch mine."

Babata began to hack into the spacecraft's intelligence system.

Immediately, a child's head appeared on the console screen, shouting: "Stop the intrusion, stop the intrusion immediately..."

"Wahhaha, it can only be regarded as an ordinary intelligent optical brain. In terms of intelligence, it can't catch up with the intelligence of that Black Dragon Mountain x81." Babata's evil head appeared on the screen, and Babata bared his fangs very proudly, and quickly invaded the system continuously. , to take full control of the entire spaceship.

"Master, master, the captain just lied. Their adventurer team is just a forward, and there is a huge fleet of the Nuolanshan family behind them." Meng Er, who was in charge of the hypnotic interrogation, rushed into the spaceship like lightning and shouted anxiously.

Luo Feng's face was ashen, he already knew it!

"Luo Feng, get rid of him first, and torture and interrogate him." Ren Taixu also said angrily.

"Yes, interrogation! Interrogate everything about the Nuo Lanshan family." Luo Feng's eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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