Chapter 171
At this moment, the two of them were standing on a hillside covered with weeds. There were no houses or farmland around them. Apart from being able to see the village in the distance, it could be said that there was nothing.

Tang Tang listened to her question, nodded and answered in a very serious manner.

"Yes, I'm just bored by myself, so I'll drag you out to circle around."

"I'm so touched, it's really an honor to be able to think of me when I'm bored."

Li Tengfei said so, but he reached out and rubbed Tang Tang's already long hair with his hand.

"Don't rub my hair, it's messed up..."

Tang Tang dodged backwards, avoiding the palm extended to his head.

She didn't mind the other party rubbing her hair, after all, whether at home or outside, she was almost used to adults rubbing her hair.

The main reason is that when she went out today, she only wanted to wander around, so she didn't bring her own small comb.

It messed her up, and she'd have to go home with a mess of hair in no time.

When she thought of the probing gazes from her family, she couldn't help but feel dizzy.

Seeing her resistance, Li Tengfei no longer insisted.

"Okay, okay, I won't rub your hair. I know, you should pay attention to your hairstyle."

"Hmph, it's good to know."

Tang Tang looked at the other party with a smile in his eyes, until he turned his head to look elsewhere in embarrassment, and then retracted his gaze in satisfaction.

for the rest of the time.

The two wandered around the village aimlessly for a long time, and they didn't go home together until it was getting late.

Because considering that the Tang family has been very busy these two days, Li Tengfei didn't intend to disturb her.

After sending Tang Tang to the gate of Tang's house and saying goodbye to him, he went back to his residence directly.

Two days passed in a flash.

On this day, Tang Tang, who came back from school, saw a large group of people surrounding the gate of his courtyard before he entered the gate.

"What's going on here?"

In this regard, she only hesitated for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow is the wedding day of my eldest sister. Isn't it normal to have guests at home today?"

Father Tang didn't go home with her today, but left early, so she walked back with her classmates from the same village.

Just as she was patting her head and muttering to herself while standing on the village road, Tang Yue, who was a step behind her, trotted over and patted her heavily on the shoulder.

"Xiaotang, what are you doing here in a daze? Why don't you go back when you get home?"

Tang Tang turned to look at Tang Yue behind him, and was about to answer when the other party ran forward excitedly.

"Wow, relatives are here."

Tang Tang, who was left behind, scratched his hair and didn't know whether to lament the other party's explosive personality or lament the other party's easily distracted attention.

"Xiaotang, go home."

Tang Xuefeng came from behind her, and after saying this, he walked slowly towards the door of the house.

Tang Tang looked at his second brother who passed by him, blinked his eyes and couldn't react.

Whether it was before or now, the second brother still has such a lukewarm attitude towards her.

If she didn't know that her second brother had such a personality, she would have suspected that the other party hated her, after all, the two of them had very little contact time.

She spends more time with Mei Wanqiu than this second brother, so think about how she and Mei Wanqiu get along in normal times.

Sometimes, she also envied the warmth of the second brother and third sister when they got along, but she knew in her heart that the twins were close to each other, and although her surname was Tang, she was still an outsider without blood relationship after all.

"Xiaotang, listen to your second brother and go home."

Yuan Xiaoxi's voice came from behind her, and Ling was distracted when she suddenly noticed that there was a person behind her who hadn't left.

She turned her head to look at the person behind her and smiled slightly.

"Sister Xiaoxi, I'm going home first, see you later."

"Okay, see you later."

Yuan Xiaoxi waved to her.

Tang Tang trotted towards him with his schoolbag on his back.

"I'm home……"


She nodded to the person who greeted her, and walked in quickly.

Perhaps because of her special status, except for the people she knew in Murakami, no matter whether it was Tang's father's Yuanqu or Tang's mother's relatives, they didn't pay much attention to her.

But fortunately, she feels that she is not a child, and she doesn't care at all how she is viewed by others.

In her eyes, the evaluation of unrelated people is not enough to shake her mood.

Today is a good day, the elder sister is getting married tomorrow, and she will leave the house tomorrow. If she wants to see each other in the future, she has to go to brother-in-law Ji Ran.

Although the distance between the two is not too far, this is not a problem of distance in the first place.

"Big sister, big sister..."

After entering the room, she ignored the others and called out to the person she was looking for.

"What happened?"

Tang Hui looked at her in a hurry, and couldn't help but look her up and down.

Tang Tang raised his head and looked at the other party, showing a big smile.

"Sister, I just miss you..."

Tang Hui also laughed when she heard her answer.

"You child, why did you think of saying this today?"

"I just miss you." Tang Tang put his arms around the elder sister's waist, acting coquettishly rarely.

Come today, she may not have the opportunity to get so close to this elder sister who takes care of herself so much in the future.

Once married, the other party will take care of their own family and their own children.

And she will only be an inconspicuous one among the other's many younger brothers and sisters, even if she still loves her, she can't compare with the present.

"Okay, let's go back to the house and do your homework. I'm busy at home tomorrow, so you probably won't have time to do your homework."

Tang Hui smoothed her hair and reminded her jokingly.

After being reminded by the other party, Tang Tang suddenly remembered tomorrow's day.

Although there is a one-day holiday for New Year's Day, there is only one day, and school will start the day after tomorrow.

And knowing that it was the day when the eldest sister got married, the family must be very busy, and she promised that the eldest sister would go to see off her relatives tomorrow.

In rural areas, the steps of getting married are similar, because the banquet is held at home, and the two parties rarely do it together.

Tomorrow the groom will come here to pick up the bride, and then he will go to the man's hall to get married.

The banquet held by the woman's side mainly entertains the relatives of the woman's side, while the banquet held by the man's side only entertains the relatives of the man's side, and the person who sees off relatives must go to the man's side with the bride, and will not come back until at least noon after lunch.

In order to play without any scruples tomorrow, after she answered, she walked straight into the room with her schoolbag on her back and closed the door behind her back.

When she was doing her homework, she couldn't help but cast her eyes on the happy characters in the house and the grilles on the window frames.

The red color is very eye-catching, which makes people feel happy but also a little melancholy.

"What do you think?"

Tang Tang shook his head, looked down at the book, and started to do his homework.

There were noisy chatter outside the door, and inside the door was the rustling of her pen tip scratching the paper.

Two different voices are separated into two worlds by a door.

(End of this chapter)

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