Chapter 284

He Qing came to Tang Tang and the other two because he saw that the two of them did not hold any grudges.

And the higher-ups have already said that as long as she is forgiven, she will not be punished.

Regarding the school's demerits, He Qing is even more afraid of the punishment of the gang elder sister.

In the morning, when she learned that the head teacher was looking for her, she didn't care at all, but when the elder sister came over, she started to get scared.

Tang Tang didn't know what the person in front of her was imagining, but seeing the increasingly ugly expression on the other person's face, and thinking about the senior girl she met during recess this morning, she already had a vague guess in her heart.

"Student He Qing, if you come to us just to talk about this matter, then I can only say: we can't do it."

After she said these words, Xia Yurou quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, why let it go like this? You were very arrogant yesterday..."

"Forget it, don't waste time with her, let's go back to the classroom."

Tang Tang pulled his friend along and was about to walk towards the classroom.

"You two are not allowed to go."

He Qing yelled and rushed over to catch the two of them.


Tang Tang slapped the person's arm away with his backhand, and pulled his friend beside him behind him.

"He Qing, that's enough! I don't want to continue discussing this matter with you. Let's follow the school's regulations."

"No, you have to go and help me speak in front of Big Sister, otherwise I..."

Tang Tang refused without waiting for He Qing to finish speaking.

"Then this is your own business, and I will not get involved."

"But it's not because of you..."

"He Qing, I'm afraid you said something wrong, right? I asked you to bring people to block us? I asked you to join that gang? I asked you to fight?"

Tang Tang spoke word by word, and approached the other party step by step.

She was a few centimeters taller than He Qing, and when the other party stood decadently, it naturally created a condescending scene.


He Qing met her gaze and subconsciously stepped back.

Tang Tang glanced at the other party lightly, and then pulled Xia Yurou closer: "Rourou, let's go back to the classroom and read, don't waste time here."

"it is good."

Xia Yurou replied quickly, and walked forward.

Tang Tang smiled and followed quickly.

"Hey, I said you two..."

He Qing wanted to say something more, but the two of them had already walked away.

Although Tang Tang heard the shout from behind, he was not ready to turn around.

After returning to the classroom, after the two of them were looked at curiously by the students, nothing happened.

During self-study in the afternoon, teacher Feng, the head teacher, walked into the classroom.

After half a day of investigation, the ins and outs of the whole matter can be said to be very clear.

The school's notification of He Qing's demerits usually comes out on Mondays. In the class, Teacher Feng only asks the students to study hard, to pay attention to safety on the way home, and other topics.

Amidst the doubts on the faces of the students in the class, this matter was quickly revealed.

Tang Tang and Xia Yurou, as the masters of this matter, knew the cause and effect of the matter, but they had no intention of publicizing it.

After all, by next Monday, the whole school will know about it.

The afternoon passed quickly, and it was time to leave school in a blink of an eye.

But when Tang Tang packed her schoolbag and was about to leave, a senior girl blocked her and Xia Yurou's way.

Tang Tang looked at the other party suspiciously: "Sister, what are you?"

The girl looked at her calmly and made an inviting gesture.

"Our eldest sister asks you to go there, and I will give you a satisfactory answer to what happened yesterday."


Tang Tang hesitated when he heard the words.

She still has to go to work, and she failed to do it yesterday afternoon because of that incident. If she doesn't go today, she will worry about whether her job can be kept.

At this time, a person came in from the window.

"Hey, are you still leaving?"


"Yanyan, you are here."

After Tang Tang and Xia Yurou saw the person coming, they greeted each other one after another.

Bai Yan smiled, then ran in from the classroom door.

After looking the two of them up and down, he blinked and asked, "Are you two going home?"

"I have something to do now, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back."

When Tang Tang said these words, he couldn't help sighing.

Upon hearing this, Bai Yan turned her head to look at the strange woman next to her.

"This classmate, who are you?"

"I was sent by the eldest sister to send a message, let them go over there."

"Oh..." Bai Yan nodded, indicating that she understood.

But Tang Tang looked at the person in front of him, and then turned to look at his friend Xia Yurou beside him.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind.

She pulled her friend back suddenly, and looked at him sincerely: "Rou Rou, it's up to you this time."

"Ah, ah?"

Xia Yurou froze for a moment, unable to react.

Tang Tang didn't give the other party a chance to respond, and hurriedly explained: "You know that I still have to work there, right? You can represent me and meet Senior Sister Wushuang together, okay?"

"Okay, okay."

Although Xia Yurou was still a little dazed, she still complied with her request.

Tang Tang smiled when he heard this, and then turned his gaze to Bai Yan.

"Yanyan, I will trouble you to run with Rourou today."

Bai Yan patted her heart and assured her again and again: "No problem, just put your mind at ease."

"Thank you." Tang Tang thanked, and then turned to look at the previous senior. "Sister, I really have something to do, can I let my friend go?"

When she asked this sentence, she also showed that no matter whether the other party agreed or not, the matter had been decided unilaterally by her.


After hearing her words, the senior sister sighed helplessly, but nodded slightly.

"Okay, just one representative."

"Thank you very much then." Tang Tang thanked him first, then smiled and patted his friend Xia Yurou on the shoulder. "Then I'll go first, see you tonight."

Xia Yurou waved to her: "Go and do your work. See you tonight..."

Tang Tang nodded, put his schoolbag on his back, left the table, and walked slowly outside the classroom.

The reason why she was assured that her friends would go alone was because she understood that since the Wushuang senior sister said she would give them an answer, she would definitely do it.

Besides, she let Bai Yan accompany her, so she didn't have to worry about any troubles.

As for the result of the treatment, when she returns to her residence at night, she will naturally know from her friend.

At this time, she still had to think about how she told the boss that she didn't go to work yesterday when she went to the small supermarket.

After slowly walking out of the school gate, she looked back at the school gate behind her, shook her head and smiled.

"I don't know what he has been busy with recently, and he can't see people very much."

During the recent period, Li Tengfei suddenly became busy, and even had less time to eat with her.

(End of this chapter)

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