Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 112 The Don Quixote Family

Chapter 112 The Don Quixote Family

This unexpected sound was followed by a terrifying attack, which directly aimed at Hayden's chest at this moment.

He reacted quickly and retreated back, while turning his body to the direction of the attack.

In this dimly lit, humid environment, and relatively closed cargo hold, the sudden attack was even more dangerous.

The scene before Hayden's eyes seemed to be slowed down: the wooden bulkhead was broken by something and sputtered debris, followed by visible tiny air waves, wrapping a touch of silver hidden in the darkness.

He didn't see clearly what the thing that was coming towards him was at the first moment, but he didn't feel flustered either, it was just a little accident.

"Iron block..."

Hayden tensed all the muscles in an instant, ready to receive the attack that was about to hit him, and then touched the sleeve Shirayuki behind with his right hand.


There was a sound produced by the collision of the blade and the steel.

The unexpected silver light hit Hayden's iron-like chest at this time, and after the sound, a small cluster of sparks burst out.

With a swish, although it was a fleeting spark, it instantly brightened the dim picture in front of Hayden's eyes for a second.

Hayden didn't miss the opportunity either, his eyes caught the clear picture in front of him.

It was a giant human being who was attacking him!
Even though he was bending over to attack him, his raised back still touched the ceiling in the cargo hold here, and with his own height of about 1.8 meters, he estimated that his height might not be as high as here. The cargo space is half the height.

It is also conceivable that there is a big gap between the size of this unexpected enemy and Hayden.

Feeling the body strengthened by the iron block, Hayden still felt the huge force from this attack - this is not the force that ordinary pirates would have.

I'm ashamed... where did this guy come from...

Hayden had no time to think about anything else.

Fighting in this closed and dark environment is a very unfavorable combat environment for him.Although it may be delusional, this environment may be a favorable situation for the attacker.

Hayden, who was thinking about all the possibilities so quickly, didn't plan to fight him here again.

Hayden took advantage of the time when the attacker was about to catch up with the next attack, he kicked his feet on the ground, and instantly activated like a spring. The top of his head smashed through the upper deck, and rushed out of the cargo hold with a bang.

Let's fight at another place where the sun is shining...

Hayden, who saw the light immediately, adapted to the changes in the light to the eyes in a second in a crisis situation.

At this moment, he had pulled out the sleeve Baixue on his back, put on a posture of holding a knife, and faced the big hole he had made from the deck just now, with a vigilant expression.

After all, the first hand just now made him instantly understand that the person who attacked him was definitely not a guy to mess with, but he still had another thought in his mind.

Are all the pirates in the North Sea so fierce?Why is it even more powerful than the pirates I met on the great route...

Hayden couldn't figure it out.

Similarly, Hayden's momentum just now naturally aroused the reactions of many big men in uniform on the deck.

The big men looked at the situation of the navy in front of them, and they didn't have to think about it. Something must have gone wrong, and it seemed that they couldn't just get away with it.

They did not know where they pulled out their weapons, whether they were spears or swords, and stared fiercely at Hayden, but strangely, they did not move.

But since the people hidden on the boat shot at him in the navy uniform, it means that they have now become enemies.

If they were all enemies, Hayden would of course kill them, but the guy below the cabin was more important now, so he ignored the crowd who pointed their weapons at him and surrounded him.


At this time, a voice dragging an old man's voice came from the broken hole.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clatter, and the guy who looked huge under the blurred outline also jumped up from the cargo hold, and stood on the deck with a bang.

When Hayden saw how big this man was, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This guy is too tall...

He was so tall that he even felt like Mr. Zefa, Lieutenant General Garp, and those high-level naval officers who were tall and tall.

Although the aura of this person cannot be compared with those, there is still an inexplicable feeling surrounding this person.

Hayden looked at the overall appearance of this person again, but suddenly felt as if he had seen this person before.

He couldn't help frowning, but he didn't want to ask this question, but murmured: "You guy...do you know what will happen after attacking the navy?"

While talking, Hayden kept staring closely at his eyes, and found that there seemed to be a slight smile and ferocity in his eyes.

"Navy, navy, I didn't want to do so many things at first. You just go there honestly, and it's fine if you don't get on this ship, hey..."

The man sighed and shook his head slowly, feeling sorry for the navy who was alone on their boat in front of him.

However, Hayden didn't expect this person to answer this way, but he didn't care what the person answered.

"Are you sure this is the last thing you want to say?" Hayden continued to ask, and at the same time he was ready to make a move, "Where's your name?" He raised his eyebrows a little curiously.

"Name?" The man who was taller than ordinary people in front of Hayden muttered, "That's right, let you know who killed you before you die..." This man seemed to be talking to himself, but he used everyone Spoken in an audible volume.

"Very good." The man opened his arms violently.

He was wearing two layers of clothing, the inner layer was a black windbreaker, showing his bare chest indifferently; the outer layer was a big red cloak with fluffy edges.

He wears a hat in the style of a pirate captain on his head, a pair of sunglasses on his face, and an arrogant smile that has not changed since the beginning.

"My uncle's name is Diamanti, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family..."


The keyword 'Don Quixote' hit Hayden's memory in an instant, and he suddenly became cheerful, recalling this vague memory.

The person in front of him is Doflamingo in the original novel, the highest cadre in his family, Diamanti.

Seems like the Banner Man who ate the fluttering fruit?
Hayden can only recall to this extent, as for any more information, it will be blank.

Suddenly, Hayden thought again, what is this guy doing here? Shouldn't he be with that flamingo? It seems that they don't have the habit of splitting up at this time.

At the same time, he immediately raised his vigilance to the maximum.

This person's strength is definitely not comparable to the pirates he has encountered before.

The top cadres of Doflamingo's family, even if they go to the great route with their current strength, they will be able to stand up soon.The reason why they are still in Beihai is not because of lack of strength.

But... that's fine too.

Hayden suddenly became excited when he thought of this.

So, in Diamanti's eyes, he thought that the navy would be frightened when they heard the name of their Don Quixote family.

But I didn't expect that the navy actually had a smile on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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