Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 114 Confronting Diamanti

Chapter 114 Confronting Diamanti
Dozens of shells flew in the air for a few seconds, and soon reached the sky above the attacking ship.

call out!call out!call out!
It was a terrible sound, it was a roar, it was a howl that swept and pierced the air.

The shell immediately hit the ship, which is the unnamed ship Hayden boarded-the ship of Diamanti, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family.

"The shells are coming!!!"

"Steer the rudder! Turn the rudder!"

"Bombardment! Bombardment!"

Although the sudden drop in temperature affected the physical sensations and shocked the big guys in their hearts, they still reacted quickly to the very familiar sound of the incoming shells.

At this time, they didn't care about the navy surrounding the deck of the ship at this moment, and each hurried to deal with the incoming shells.

After all, the navy and their boss are there to deal with it, but if they don't find a way to deal with the incoming shells and damage the ship under their feet, then it will be really bad.



Shells fired from a warship not far away smashed into the sea around the ship.

The water splashed soaring into the sky with a bang, and the huge explosive force shook the unknown ship, which was not too big, and the ship immediately became wobbly.

However, at this moment, on the deck where Hayden and Diamanti were confronting each other, the water splashed above their heads seemed to be instantly frozen, and a white mist enveloped the entire space with a bang.

There was not a single drop of water, and it fell on Hayden, including Diamanti.

This guy……

Diamanti's keen senses also immediately realized this matter. Although he still had the original arrogant smile on the surface, at this moment he began to think in his heart.

What is the origin of this navy? Is this freezing ability natural, or something else? Guys with this strength should not have heard of it?
This ability to affect the surrounding environment without making a move...

Diamanti knew nothing of the navy before him.

On the deck that was constantly shaking due to shelling, Hayden's body did not shake at all.However, because of the shelling, his attack was temporarily interrupted.

Hayden turned his head slightly to feel the direction of the shelling.

After paying attention for a few seconds, he immediately frowned, a little speechless.

Why didn't the group of idiots get hit by a single shot...

In this short period of time, in fact, two rounds of shelling have already been fired.

But in Hayden's feeling, this ship has not been bombarded once, and all their shells hit the sea.

Hayden's complexion suddenly became a little ugly, it seems that when I go back, I have to teach those stupid people...

At this time, Diamanti on the opposite side also noticed the face of the navy in front of him.

"It seems that your group of sailors are really useless..." Diamanti stared at Hayden and sneered.

Diamanti also knew that their shells had never hit the ship once, and he knew why the navy in front of him had such an expression when he thought about it in his mind.

"Hmph..." Hayden looked at Diamanti's mocking words, but he didn't take it seriously, he would be dead anyway, so it doesn't hurt to let him say a few more words now.

But he doesn't intend to wait any longer, since he doesn't make a move, then I will.

at once.

Hayden slammed on the deck, and a circular miniature air wave erupted under his feet. His body was activated immediately, and he charged straight at Diamanti with the knife.

Diamanti naturally did not stand still, and of course he did not want to avoid the navy's attack.Holding the western sword in his hand, he was facing Hayden who was rushing straight to meet him.

In this first move, the idea of ​​both sides is to test the strength of the opponent first, and then adjust the next move in an instant.

In an instant.

Hayden's pure white Sode Shirayuki blade collided with the western sword-style blade in Diamanti's hand.

There was a "clang".

The imposing auras of the two also collided at one point.

One side is the swordsmanship that has been practiced for at least ten years, and the other side is the ice blade blessed by the icy breath.

However, it can be said that a very large part of a swordsman is the user's strength, arm strength, wrist strength, foot strength...

If both sides of the war are swordsmen, then the side with the superior strength will naturally also have the overall advantage.

Among Hayden and Diamanti, Diamanti's strength is much greater than that of Hayden.

"I rely on..."

At this moment, Hayden had to do his best to block it with Sode Shirayuki, preventing Diamanti's sword from falling to his side.

The first time the two sides played against each other, they fell into a stalemate.

As soon as Diamanti slashed on the navy knife, he noticed that the strength of the navy didn't seem to be as strong as the movement he made.

And Hayden didn't expect that his strength would lose to this Diamanti.

"Navy... If you let go now, I can still give you a chance." Diamanti said relaxedly as he looked down at the navy, who was not as tall as him, gnashing his teeth.

Hayden, who raised his head, gave Diamanti a hard look. Not only did he not like the feeling of losing, he also didn't like looking up at people.

But he didn't say what he thought in his heart, but responded silently with his own actions.

Then Hayden pushed Sode Shirayuki hard, and Diamanti was slightly pushed back by the unexpected force, but it was not a serious problem.

The confronting swords separated immediately, and Hayden took a few steps back to create some distance, then raised his free left hand, pointing the tip of his index finger at the left chest where Diamanti's heart was in front of him at this moment.

"Broken Road Four, Bai Lei!"

The spirit particles gathered at Hayden's fingertips penetrated instantly.

In an instant, it turned into a beam of thin thunder that shone with dazzling blue light and made a hissing sound, like an electromagnetic cannon, and shot towards Diamanti across a trajectory.


This unexpected attack immediately caught Diamanti by surprise, and he instinctively avoided the attack aimed at his heart.

However, the distance between Diamanti and Hayden was not too far at this time.

The unexpected situation coupled with Bai Lei's unique attack speed.

Even though Diamanti reacted in an instant and wanted to avoid the attack, Bai Lei still hit his body.

The thin lightning pillar pierced directly through his left shoulder, directly piercing through his left shoulder.


Immediately, Diamanti felt the huge pain transmitted to his brain from his left shoulder, and subconsciously covered the wound with his hand.

The entire left arm was immediately paralyzed in Diamanti's consciousness, unable to perceive the existence of his left hand.

What's more, the covered wound didn't bleed like a normal wound.Diamanti, who was in shock, naturally felt that it was abnormal, so she moved her palm away to check the condition of the wound.

Then, in his eyes, a hole the size of an egg suddenly appeared on his left shoulder, and the edge of the wound was instantly scorched by lightning.He seemed to smell the smell of barbecued meat in his nose.

At this moment, Hayden's faint voice suddenly sounded, slowly drifting into Diamanti's ears.

"Well...I didn't expect you to be able to avoid the vital parts..."

(End of this chapter)

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