Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 140 The Strange Big Man

Chapter 140 The Strange Big Man

Yesterday, after Hayden and others returned to the Navy headquarters, Lieutenant General He took Corazon and Luo to report to General Sengoku about the mission.

Due to Hayden's injury, Hayden was ordered to go directly to the Naval General Hospital to have a complete body check first, to confirm if there was anything missing on the ship due to incomplete equipment.

Hayden didn't think there was anything on him that wasn't detected.

He believed in the efficacy of the system's medicine, but... Just in case, he still went to the Navy General Hospital honestly.

vertical day.

Hayden wakes up in a hospital bed.

He did not do this voluntarily. Of course he wanted to go back to where he lived on the island. No normal person would be willing to sleep in a hospital.

However, he was forcibly held down on the bed by the nurse's hand, and he insisted that he must stay in the hospital for observation for at least two days after the examination.

Sister, although I know my appearance, it is easy for people to fall into my handsome vortex, but your brother is not such an honest person...

Hayden was up early in the morning at the hospital.

Taking the name of the crowing of a rooster raised somewhere outside the hospital, I got up after smelling the rooster.

At this time, Hayden listened to the movement outside the ward, and it seemed that there were sparse and slight movements, and it seemed that there were people's footsteps.

What time is it now?
Hayden thought, squinting his eyes and looking at the wall clock on the wall facing him, the clock on it was pointing to six o'clock.

Well, we can go.If you don't leave, the people who make rounds will come.

Hayden changed out of his striped hospital gown and put on the navy uniform he wore yesterday, standard trousers, and a separate jacket.

It's just that there is no place to hang his two Zanpakutō, the straps that were originally used to fix the two Zanpakutō on his back were damaged long ago, so he had to hold the two Zanpakutō in his hands.

Looking at the dawning scene outside the window, Hayden was a little confused by the question of 'now that he is out of the hospital, what should he do next'.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do at this time.

go back to sleep...

I went to bed too early yesterday, and now I am full of energy.Not to mention that Hayden is not a normal person, and he doesn't need to sleep enough for a normal person to sleep eight hours a day.

If you go to exercise...

The injuries on his body are still not healed, and fighting Doflamingo has consumed too much of his mind.To be honest, he has just come back for a little time to rest, and he really has no interest in practicing.

However, the domineering practice tickled his heart.

However, is it not a good time to go to Teacher Zefa at this time...

Hayden stood on the window and thought for a while, he decided to go to Teacher Zefa to have a look.Anyway, at this point in time when they were in the elite camp, they had already woken up and started training.

On the way from the Naval General Hospital to the Naval Fortress.

Hayden watched a small group of sailors running past him from time to time, still shouting slogans.This reminded him of the time when he first joined the navy, running circles around Marin Vanduo.

Time flows.

From 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar to 1511 of the Haiyuan calendar, it seems that I have been in this world for more than nine years, ten years in a few months...

Hayden didn't know what the emotion in his heart was called, and walked silently on the road.

The road on the road, the houses on both sides, and the scene on the road ahead are all very ordinary.However, it is not the high-rise buildings of the original world, but a world with a combination of European town and Japanese style.

This world, which was unfamiliar but familiar to a certain extent, was about to be gradually imprinted on his heart.Occasionally, the longing for the original world revealed, but he forcibly suppressed it.

This was Hayden's world now, the real world.


Hayden walked to the interior of the naval fortress, this huge dojo specially used as the training camp for Admiral Zefa. He stopped at the door of this huge dojo.

There was a bandage from his chest to his stomach, and Hayden used the bandage as his inner clothing, and he simply wore a coat without zipping it up.

1.9 meters is not tall, holding two knives in one hand, he stopped at the door of the dojo.

The huge dojo is already in a 'busy' situation. Naturally, none of the sailors who can enter Teacher Zefa's training camp is a guy who likes to be lazy. Everyone expects their strength to grow quickly.

Standing at the door, Hayden didn't notice Mr. Zefa for a while.

There were a little too many students who were training this time, and he was a little confused looking for someone.

Is Mr. Zefa not here?
Hayden thought to himself, and he continued to look carefully from left to right.

at the same time.

While Hayden stood blankly at the door for a while, the trainees in the dojo naturally noticed a sailor standing at their door looking around.

Hayden did not carry any rank markings.The previous major general's clothes, as mentioned above, are long gone.The suit he is wearing now is a sailor uniform brought over from the Hezhong General's ship.

Moreover, he doesn't have the aura of a powerful person.His face was even less familiar to the students in the arena.

The students in the field didn't understand what a little sea soldier wanted by staying at their door.He has two knives in his hand. Did he send the knives to some guy?
Although the students in the field did not stop their training.

But there was a little sea soldier looking around at the door. For some reason, they suddenly felt awkward in their hearts, as if they were chained around their hands and feet, making them uncomfortable.

At this time.

A guy who was bigger than the other students, estimated to be more than four meters tall, and a guy with muscles all over his body, put down the ten-ton barbell in his hand and landed on the ground with a "boom".Strangely, he started walking towards the door.

"What is that guy doing at the door?"

"It's only been a few 10 minutes of practice, why didn't he practice anymore?"

"To the restroom?"

The other cadets watched as the man they knew stopped training strangely and headed for the door.They didn't know what this man was going to do. He didn't seem to have the habit of stopping in the morning before, right?

Then, in the eyes of all the students, this tall and tall man walked in front of Hayden in a few steps.


Hayden just started looking for Mr. Zefa for a while.He saw this person stop in front of him, a question mark slowly appeared above his head.

What is this man going to do?
Hayden thought this person was going to go out, but he didn't expect this person to stop in front of him.

Then, just when Hayden looked up at the man and was about to ask him, the man spoke first...

(End of this chapter)

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