Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 148 The Pirate Empress

Chapter 148 The Pirate Empress
The door is opened by someone.

Located in the center of the ship, the door of the palace-like cabin was opened by someone.


A woman with a slender figure paced out from the shadows of the cabin.The footsteps of the high heels "thump, thud, thump" seemed to be directly hitting Hayden's heart at this moment, and the beating of his heart kept up with the rhythm of the footsteps at this moment.

One step, two steps, until the owner of the footsteps stopped in front of the gate.

"Who the hell... dares to make a fuss on my concubine's boat and plan to leave?" the owner of the high-heeled shoes asked such a question in a low tone.Her eyes opened slightly, and then slowly turned to where Hayden was at the moment.


Hayden was upset.

An unprecedented impulse erupted in his heart, shocking his eyes into heart shapes, his mouth slightly opened, and he remained motionless.

Then, he felt a pang of hunger and thirst.

It seemed that the inside of his mouth turned into a desert in an instant, without a single drop of liquid, he felt that he could directly drink up the sea at this moment.

This made Hayden unable to control the owner of his high heels. Naturally, it was the "Pirate Queen" Boa Hancock, one of the three top beauties in the official One Piece world.

Because she is more well-known, she is also known as "the most beautiful woman in the world".

The ruler of the Amazon Lily Kingdom and the captain of the Kuja Pirates.

However, she not only has the world's most beautiful beauty, she also has superhuman strength that surpasses most people in the world.

Overlord-colored domineering, knowledge-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering, three-color domineering is complete.

Since the empress is on this ship, it means that she must be the captain of this ship now, and it also means that her strength is likely to have cultivated the three-color domineering.


Hayden thought to himself as he watched the Pirate Empress standing on the deck squinting at him.

The empress' clothes at the moment made him a little confused about where to look.

The upper body is a bright red open shirt, and the lower body seems to be surrounded by a patterned red cloth.Behind her was a fluffy white robe, and coiled a long red and white snake taller than her.

Generally speaking, it is enough to make all the men in the world 'moved' by the clothes.

At this time, her two sisters also came out from the cabin.

Second daughter, Boa Santasonia.A person with long green hair, snake fruit and python form ability.

The third daughter, Boa Marigruder.A man with long orange-yellow hair and the ability to form snake fruit and king cobra.

Now, the three highest fighting forces of the Nine Snake Pirates are standing in front of Hayden face to face.


Boa Hancock stared at Hayden, she said to herself.

In her eyes, this man is just like the previous men, disgusting and boring...

And the group of female pirates around her heard the question from Lord Snake, and they hurriedly reported the current situation to their Lord Snake.

"Master She Ji, this man jumped up from the sea just now. I didn't find any accomplices of this man. He seems to be acting alone."

Move alone in the windless zone?

Although Boa Hancock was arrogant, she quickly noticed something was wrong.

However, these are not important to her.

"Since it's a man, you can kill him casually." Hancock said coldly, "No one will be forgiven if he dares to disturb the peace of my concubine."

After finishing speaking, she flicked the white robe behind her, planning to go back to the cabin.

She thought it was something, the noise on the deck was really disturbing.

"Understood, Lady Snake."

The female pirates on the deck were already ready to go, responding to Master Snake Lady's orders.

Then, at least 34 rounds of arrows were aimed at the man standing on the side of the boat in front of them at the moment, and the fingers were just about to let go.

Just in this thousandth of a second.

"and many more!"

Hayden watched them prepare to attack, and he wanted to pause.One hand opened its palm in their direction and yelled.

And this strange move subconsciously stopped the female pirates on the deck who were about to attack.

Perhaps it was because only one person would not pose a threat to them, or because Hayden in front of them was the first man they met after they came out of the island.

Their arrows hang down, and the hands that draw the bows relax a little.

Similarly, Hayden's sound made Boa Hancock, who had already walked into the cabin with half his body, stop in his tracks.

After this sound, she didn't hear the sound of bows and arrows from her subordinates, and she was suddenly a little angry.

Hayden, who was called to stop, felt a little weird.

Don't you call yourself pirates?How can you still follow the enemy's words?
Although he really wanted to threaten them after a pause, and then beg for some food.But he really didn't expect it to stop.

That's fine too...

Hayden thought to himself, then pointed to the navy logo on his chest, and said, "Are you sure you want to attack a navy? And it's the major general of the navy headquarters."


For the empress's sake, he was going to let them go, as long as he let him go with some food, everyone would live in peace.

But actually intends to kill him?
Hayden could clearly perceive the killing intent on the sharp arrows.

If this is still the case, he is not going to let the pirate ship go.

"What kind of consequences will be caused by attacking a headmaster, I want you to think about it in your own minds."

Hayden continued.

However, without waiting for them to think, he directly told them the answer.

"I know you are the Nine Snake Pirates, people from the Amazon Lily Kingdom in the Windless Belt." Hayden first told them that he knew the true origin of their group, and then told them the consequences.

"After attacking a major general in the headquarters, it may lead to the subjugation of your Amazon Lily Kingdom..."

Hayden shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, as if what he just said was not about preparing to wipe out the lives of an entire kingdom.

He has been in this One Piece world for almost ten years, and he understands many truths.

Pirates are pirates.

He killed tens of thousands of pirates at will, and he will not be soft now.

But there is also a reason - strength is justice.

When his strength is reached, he can do whatever he wants, and no one can stop him.

Hayden doesn't think he is a navy now, he will honestly see any pirate and rush to clean it up. (unless for points)
To be honest, now, he feels that being a navy is meaningless.

When he first came to this world, after he joined the navy, he still wanted to make a big deal in the future, a revolution that would change the world.

Ten years from now, forget it...

However, this does not mean that Hayden intends to leave the navy, and he has an official position, which is usually very comfortable.

And after listening to Hayden's threat.

A group of female pirates on the deck looked at Hayden's young appearance. Although the navy logo on his body seemed to be real, but...

"Just you? Rear Admiral?"

(End of this chapter)

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