Chapter 156
Time is at this moment, slowly passing by second by second.

The feeling of time passing by in the past slowed down at this moment, and the feeling was extremely clear.

Hayden and the Kyuubi Pirates were trapped in a swarm of sea kings in the calm zone, which was not a suitable place for them, nor for anyone else.

At this moment, most of the sky is covered by the sea kings surrounded by groups, losing the bright sight condition.

Hayden turned around to look left and right, but he still couldn't find a gap in the direction of the encirclement, allowing their ship to pass through the encirclement.

The dignified atmosphere pervading the Perfume Snake was so strong at this time that it seemed as if someone opened his mouth, the breath would take advantage of the situation and make him feel suffocated.

Hancock was standing on the bow deck at this time, and she looked up at the sky around her, at the group of sea kings that surrounded them.Despite her orders to move on, she didn't know which direction to take them at this moment.

Hayden jumped from the giant snake's head to Hancock's side.

"Any ideas? Now is the time to come up with a good idea." He casually asked Hancock.

Hancock heard the question, and then turned to look at the man.

"Make a way!"

Without the slightest hesitation, she made a domineering decision.


"Open a way?"

Hayden, who was also looking at the surrounding sky, muttered to himself, he didn't think this group of sea kings would let them pass so honestly.

It's easy to do if they just open a way, killing a sea king is easy for them, and Hancock herself can do it without too much effort.

Don't look at the group of sea kings who surrounded them have not yet launched an attack.

Although I don't know when it was, this group of sea kings didn't surround them with the same mentality as watching animals. They would definitely attack the Perfume Snake.

And this group of large sea kings, which numbered at least dozens of heads, launched an attack at the same time, and the most powerful Hayden and Hancock on the ship joined forces, and they couldn't handle it.

Followed by.

The sea kings surrounding them began to move.

Dozens of huge sea kings slowly moved their huge bodies.

Although in the eyes of everyone on the ship, the movement speed of this group of sea kings seemed a little slow, but in fact, their speed had exceeded the limit that ordinary people could hardly imagine.


Hayden looked at the attack that was about to hit them on the head, and he cursed.

Similarly, he was not the only one who was reacted by this Neptune-like action.

The crew members of the Nine Snake Pirates on board, including Hancock's two sisters, their expressions became more frightened at this moment.

They don't need to try, they know that their attacks are probably a bit exaggerated for this level of Neptunes to use the metaphor of tickling.

"be ready!"

Hayden at the bow didn't pay attention to the movement of the people on the deck, he reminded Hancock next to him.Now only his and Hancock's attacks can harm these Neptunes.

Hancock glanced at Hayden, she didn't reply, and then responded with her actions.


Hancock's fingers lightly touched her red and tender lips, and pulled out an enlarged version of the pink love heart from her mouth. The heart instantly swelled up like a hot air balloon, until the heart was so big that it was covered with the perfume Snake. Half way through.

Hayden also took action immediately, all the spiritual pressure on his body was transferred to his hands, and his hands were stretched towards the stern of the ship.

For him now, as long as he can protect the ship, the job of opening the way is handed over to Hancock, and the attack power of her moves should be able to solve it.

at this time.

Dozens of sea kings all opened their big mouths that could swallow the ship in one bite, and collectively attacked the Perfume Snake.

At the same time, their collective actions also caused big waves on the sea surface, and they followed the Neptunes to attack the Perfume Snake.

It is also because each sea king does not want their own kind to snatch the "snacks" in front of them. It can be said that they are scrambling to be the first to increase their speed.

For a moment, the encirclement quickly closed, and they were about to be completely trapped.

At this critical moment, Hayden simply told Hancock next to him:
"Get ready to open the way, I will block the attacks of these monsters!"

The non-joke look on his face made Hancock have no doubts about the decision.

At this moment, she strangely believed this strange man immediately.However, it seems that this is the only way for her now.

Hayden's words fell.

Hancock immediately turned the attack of the super-large captive arrow to the bow of the ship, which is the direction it has been going forward.

Hayden immediately made preparations.

"The proud son of heaven, the iron city wall, the dragon's walk, the lion's roar, the tiger's roar, the wolf's run, cut off the world before it collapses..."

In order to achieve the highest level of power in the future, he chanted Duan Kong's chant.

In the next second, the Neptune's rush food came!

Dozens of large sea kings suddenly rushed towards their ship, and the simple action of breaking the air even produced a great momentum.

The result of adding dozens of heads is naturally even more terrifying.

"Lord Snake Princess..."

"It's over, it's over..."

"Master She Ji will definitely find a way..."

The people on the deck have nothing else to do at the moment, they can only pin all their hopes on Lady She Ji standing at the bow.

As for the man standing next to Lord She Ji, he raised his hands to the sky with nothing. They didn't understand what this man would do in this situation.

Followed by.

The sea king's attack has already touched the topmost mast of the Perfume Snake.

This moment is also the time for Hayden and Hancock to unleash their moves.

"Captive Arrow!!!"

". Binding Dao: 81 Breaking the Void!!!"

In an instant, the moves of the two were released at the same time.

The super-large arrow of the captive was ejected by Hancock, and countless pink sharp arrows appeared in an instant. The density and ferocity of the attack was even more violent than that of a torrential rain.

In an instant, the sea kings in the fan direction in front of their ship were petrified.

And Hayden's emptiness at this time is naturally not at the usual level.In the past when using this trick, he always gave up singing, but now it is different.

Hayden injects his Reiatsu into the No. 80 Guidou, which is difficult to release in a complicated way, so that it can have the effect of describing and chanting four times.

Binding Dao 'Break the Air', this is a skill that can suddenly raise a special defense wall.

Hayden built four special defense walls at the stern, sides, and roof of the ship to envelop the Perfume Snake inside and firmly protect it.


Except for the attack from the sea kings from the bow direction, the attacks from all other directions bombarded the special defense wall in the air.

There was a roar.

(End of this chapter)

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