Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 159 The Clearance Completed

Chapter 159 The Clearance Completed
Boom! ! !

The sword energy pierced through and slanted up into the sky.

In just two seconds, the sword energy rushed into the clouds hanging high in the sky.


The sword energy that finally had no impact energy collapsed in the clouds at this moment, and exploded in the clouds with an energy that was many times higher than that of ordinary shells.

The explosion aroused a huge momentum, and suddenly all the thick clouds in the sky were blown away.


The sky above the head within the encirclement circle of Neptune group suddenly became clean.Some of the light that was blocked by the clouds was also projected immediately, and projected in the dimmed field of vision blocked by the Neptune group.

"Hey, hey, isn't this man's strength a little too exaggerated..."

"Didn't you use your real strength when you fought against Master Snake just now?"


All the members of the Nine Snake Pirates on the deck couldn't help talking, except for their Serpent Princess, they had never seen anyone with such power.

Did this guy hold back when he was with me just now?

As Hancock continued to shoot pink arrows, he thought to himself.

On this man's body, she suddenly felt the tremendous pressure that hadn't appeared before. This guy's strength was like a different person in the blink of an eye.

However, next.

What she thought was not 'with a guy of this level of strength, the people in her crew will be fine', what she thought was, 'You guy dared to hold back with my concubine just now! ? '

Her mood suddenly turned sour.

However, at this time, she couldn't allow her to continue thinking about these unnecessary things.

The crisis of sea kings did not cause the number to drop suddenly because of this man's sudden exertion.

During this period of Hancock's thinking.

After Hayden's move in the sky, he didn't stop at all, and continued to slash towards the sea kings in other directions.

However, although Hayden's slash has already killed some sea kings.

At this time, the Neptunes surrounding them didn't seem to have any obvious changes in the senses and eyes of everyone on the ship.

What did the Neptune group that surrounded them look like at the beginning? Now, except for the body of the Neptune whose head had been beheaded, it smashed into the sea and dyed a large area of ​​sea water red.

It was what it was before, and it will be what it is now after a period of time.

The spiritual pressure consumption of the huge slash was a bit beyond Hayden's previous expectation, and his breathing became a little short for a while.

Hayden didn't dare to stop and attack at this time, so he took a break for a few minutes.

In the current crisis situation, even a dozen seconds cannot be delayed. If there is a slight negligence, the boat below will definitely be smashed into pieces immediately.

A strong ship that can carry a hundred people will be destroyed into countless pieces without any effort, just like the fate made out of paper.

Hayden's figure has been scurrying back and forth in the sky, as if he didn't know how to stop, and he made a slash that could cut through a sea king with a size of [-] meters.

Sword Qi exuding white light filled the heads of the Nine Snake Pirates in an instant.

What Hancock is doing now is basically the same, regardless of his own physical strength, as if he has unlimited ammunition, the pink arrow is launched in a 360-degree rotation.

Like Cupid's arrow of love, the arrow is actually covered with a frightening petrification ability, and then it fills the entire sky.

Hayden and Hancock.

At this moment, the attacks of the two of them seemed as if they had practiced cooperation a long time ago, and the attacks of the two were harmonious and tacit.

Hancock's rain of arrows hit the lower half of a Sea King, petrifying an entire area in an instant, while temporarily freezing the Sea King's movements.

Then Hayden, aware of this situation with his keen eyes, before his figure rushed towards the partially petrified sea king, his slash had already slashed past the sea king in one step. Good head to make an attack.

The cooperation between the two is tacit and harmonious.

And this also increased the power of their offensive.

Slow time passed bit by bit.

In the defense and attack of all of them, the Neptune group that surrounded them finally had a significant change at this moment.

The sea kings who blocked them so tightly that they could barely see the surrounding light were basically wiped out by the attacks of Hayden and Hancock.

Now there are only "two or three kittens" left, and these are also Hayden and Hancock, they have not yet attacked the few remaining sea kings.

It is only a matter of time before the crisis they are facing is completely resolved.


Hayden waved his sleeves, Baixue chopped off the last sea king in sight at the moment, he said while standing high in the air and panting.

This is the end.

Hayden, Hancock, and the Nine Snake Pirates joined forces to clear all the Neptune groups surrounding the Perfume Snake.

Afterwards, the sea area no longer looks like the normal sea.

The temperature in the sky has dropped below zero at this time, which is completely different from the temperature in the sea area immediately outside this sea area, as if this is a different space.

The floating crystal ice crystals, like countless tiny diamonds, dotted the world at this moment.

The calm azure sea under the boat was now also stained blood red by the large amount of blood gushing out from the sea kings.It is not an exaggeration to say that they cannot see the original color of the sea in a radius of several kilometers.

The remains of dead sea kings floated on the surface of the surrounding sea. Even after the sea kings were cut off and died by Hayden, their remaining bodies were still huge.

Above this sea area, it is like small islands rising suddenly.


On the sea that was dyed red, the remnants of Neptunes looked more like a big pot of tomato and seafood soup in Hayden's eyes.

Use the sea as a basin, use the sea as the base soup, add special tomato sauce from Neptune, and add large pieces of meat.

Finally, use the freezing of Sode Shirayuki as a means of cooking, and decorate it with the ice crystals slowly falling from the sky.


Hayden, standing in the sky, looked hungry.

He boarded Hancock's boat just to get a stutter.

After experiencing this intense consumption, the hunger in his heart naturally became stronger.

The deflated stomach made an 'earth-shattering' sound at this moment, and Hayden looked down at his stomach. His stomach had been retracted so much that it couldn't shrink anymore, and his muscles were so hungry that they wrinkled together.

He couldn't help covering his stomach with his hands, "I'll make you full soon..." He said comfortingly to his stomach.

Now, under the condition of having a common enemy, Hancock should let me have something to eat...

Hayden thought beautifully in his heart, and then landed towards the Perfume Snake below.

(End of this chapter)

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