Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 199 Kill the Yellow Ape!

Chapter 199 Kill the Yellow Ape!


Hayden, who lost consciousness for a moment, involuntarily let out this strange sound from his mouth, spurting a lot of blood from his mouth, splashing the sky.

He had just endured a violent impact that he had never felt in his entire life, as if a planet had exploded in his stomach.

Hayden's body was immediately sent flying by the intense shock wave generated by the explosion.

His figure was like a shooting star across the sky, heading straight towards another small island, and at the same time, there was a sound like a cannonball breaking through the air on his body.

Almost a short one or two seconds.

Hayden, who was knocked into the air, had already slammed into the original small island and an abandoned house on a nearby small island.

At this moment, Hayden's body was really like a cannonball, directly destroying the house and turning it into ruins.

He happened to be buried under the debris of the house.

The houses are all built of bricks and stones, and each brick and stone has a considerable weight.And Hayden happened to be buried under these ruins, which may weigh more than ten tons and are said to be missing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In this house that was bombarded by Hayden, there were still some small gravel, sand and other things on the ruined walls, which slowly slid down on the roof covering the ruins of Hayden.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down for a while.


Beating Hayden into such a yellow ape, his figure slowly came to the ruins.

In his knowledge and perception, the little ghost has not lost his life yet, but he seems to have temporarily lost consciousness.

Noticing this situation, the yellow ape had no intention of continuing to attack.

He fumbled out a phone bug from his inner pocket, then picked up the phone bug's microphone.

The phone bug's message instantly crossed the distance of space and was transmitted to a warship.

"...Gajia." The person on the other end of the phone bug picked up the phone.

"Moxi Moxi, is he a general of the Warring States Period?" Huang Yuan first asked slowly...

at the same time.

Hayden was crushed by more than ten tons of heavy bricks and stuck in the gap.

At this time, he woke up with a jolt, and his consciousness began to flow back into his brain like a tide.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

After waking up, his first reaction was to cough hard, as if his throat was stuck.

Feeling as if he was coughing up something, he quickly covered his mouth with his right hand, but...

The entire forearm of his right hand is gone now, and the place where his palm should have been is now empty.

"Damn!?" Hayden cursed immediately.

His right hand was actually cut off by Huang Yuan! ! !
"Fuck! I fuck! I fuck!"

At this moment, his chest heaved violently like a blower, his breathing gradually became heavy, and the anger in his heart was as violent as a tornado.

Stimulated by this anger, the feeling of being pulled when he just woke up once again appeared in his chest.

"Cough, cough, cough!!!" He coughed up blood uncontrollably again.

This time, he reached over his mouth with his left hand.

But he felt that what he spit out seemed to be not just his own blood, but also some fragments inside his body.


Hayden, who was still somewhat vague when he was just waking up, was completely mobilized at this moment.The consciousness of the brain has automatically blocked the pain in the right hand and stomach.

Close your eyes.

Consciousness is extremely clear at this moment.

The huge stone slab in front of him, the huge stones on the huge stone slab, the dust on it, the small stones on it, the terrain, the breath in the surrounding air, and... the yellow ape who is guarding outside .

open one's eyes.

Hayden's eyes were full of determination.

I began to recall the previous scene in my mind, recalling the scene that I was about to enter the sea just a second ago.

Just a little bit, just a second away...

Hayden determined the distance between him and his life safety just now.

Well, now just do it again.

This time, as long as I go a little faster, a little faster, and surpass the limit of my speed!
Realizing the gap in strength between himself and the yellow ape outside, Hayden, who lost an arm, did not give up.He still has one more chance, a must-have chance to succeed.


Hayden supported the huge stone slab in front of him with his left hand, and a burst of sand and dust shook off the surface of the stone slab. He couldn't help squinting his eyes, looking at the stone slab in front of him.

Then, all the strength in the body was poured into the left hand, and he began to push it up, clenching his teeth and concentrating.

He was pressed on the bottom floor, and he did not know how many tons of stone slabs were there, but he slowly lifted them up with one hand.Other objects pressing on the stone slab around them shook and made a dull sound.

At the same time, Hayden lay flat on the ground, and when pushing the stone in front of him, his body began to slowly move towards the right side.

Looking at the right hand that no longer has a small arm in front of him, staring at the bloody fracture, his heart slumped, and he directly propped himself on the sandy ground.

"--Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The great pain from the fracture made him tremble uncontrollably while shouting out.

"Fuck him!!!"

Hayden continued to support the stone slab above, while supporting the ground below him until there was room for him to change into a half-kneeling state.

Then, he instantly changed his body shape, using his back to temporarily support the stone slab above his head, so as to free his right hand.


Hayden panted heavily and rested for a while.

Usually such a simple thing, in the current situation, it is so horribly consumed...

Thinking to himself, Hayden used his intact left hand to perform a simple answering method, and gave basic hemostasis treatment to his right hand and the wound on his stomach.

Fortunately, the two Zanpakusao are still on his body.

Hayden, who was healing, was thinking in his heart, and glanced at the two Zanpakudao pinned to his left waist.

Feeling the yellow ape outside, there is still no movement yet, but he feels a little strange.

It's impossible for that guy not to know that I'm here now, right?Their knowledge and color should be able to achieve this level...

Hayden couldn't think of any reason to stop him from attacking him now.

Glancing at the watch on his left hand with a broken dial, the pointer on it was unexpectedly still working, showing the current time—six o'clock in the afternoon.

Then, the hemostasis treatment was completed.

Hayden, who was drenched in sweat, finally felt better at this moment.

Then, half-kneeling, he supported the huge stone slab on his body with his left hand again.

Slowly exerting force, the stone slab, together with all the heavy objects pressing on it, was immediately lifted up gradually by Hayden.

next second.

- Boom! ! !
In front of Huang Yuan, the ruins in front of him suddenly seemed to have exploded underneath, huge fragments rose up, and tiny bricks and stones splashed.

Hayden, covered in injuries, slowly walked out from a gap he opened.

Stepping on the top of the ruins, staring at the front at this moment, the yellow ape holding a phone bug in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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