Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 204 Absolutely 0...

Chapter 204 Absolute Zero.
He has been stranded on this small island.

The surrounding environment at this moment is full of things that block his vision, either houses or huge protruding tree roots.

Hayden didn't know how far his current location was from the sea, how big this small island was, and where the edge of the island was.

Therefore, he could not roughly know how long it would take him to reach the sea surface.

In such a critical situation without knowing the time.

The subconscious in Hayden's brain has been telling him, "The time you need to arrive is definitely not something you can do."

And this made him feel extremely frightened.

The injury that Huang Yuan gave to himself before, at this time, also aggravated again because of the violent activity just now.

Hayden glanced subconsciously at the broken part of his right arm.

The hemostatic treatment done by Huidao before has lost its effect, and the speed is accelerating drop by drop, bleeding out.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hayden couldn't help coughing twice.

The severe injury caused by the yellow ape on his chest also started to become serious at this time. Under the intense tearing sensation, he even felt that it was difficult for him to breathe now.

The usual rhythm of breathing was completely disrupted by the injuries on his body.

Looking at the two natural monsters on the left and right, who were approaching him step by step, Hayden didn't know where he could escape now.

However, he still has one last resort - absolute zero.

Lower your own body temperature to absolute zero, and then as long as you are hit by his attack, the body of the enemy hit by this skill will freeze instantly, and eventually you will be frozen to death.

However, this unbelievable ability naturally comes at a cost of trouble.

The master of Zanpakutosode Shirayuki in Shinigami, Kuchiki Rukia's limit of entering the absolute zero state is four seconds, and a little more than four seconds will cause damage to the body.

The current Hayden, he estimated that he should not have reached Kuchiki Rukia's level in this absolute zero state.

And in this state of less than four seconds, maybe even less than three seconds, it means that he can only release one move after performing it.

After one move.

Although the current life and death are no longer in Hayden's grasp.

However, after this move, the real life or death depends entirely on the disposal of Zhan Guo and others.


Hayden still doesn't know the conditions of their nature abilities.

After all, they can be elementalized only under their own conscious and active control.

Still, after eating the natural fruit, he has been in a state of passive elementalization, even when he has not reacted, he will become passive elemental after being attacked.

If it's the first type, at absolute zero, he still has a one-thousandth chance of winning.If it is the second type, everyone knows the answer...

——Sode Shirayuki, everything now is in your hands...

Hayden stared at the pure white ice blade held in his left hand, praying for himself in his heart.

Looking at Akainu and Uncle Kuzan on the left and right, Hayden said silently without any expression on his face: "...absolute zero."

Whispering fell.


On Hayden, who was exuding defeat all over his body at this moment, in the blink of an eye, a powerful force erupted under the circumstances that seemed impossible to have any remaining strength.

——Negative eighteen degrees...

Hayden immediately lost the ability to control his current body.

The pain in his right arm, the tearing sensation in his chest, and the burning sensation all over his body seemed to dissipate and disappear with the cold air emanating from his body at this moment.

The body stiffened and the blood stopped.

at the same time.

Akainu and Kuzan on the left and right, and Zefa, Sengoku, Kizaru and others standing aside.They instantly sensed an ominous aura emanating from this brat.

Seeing the unusual movements of the kid in front of him, Akainu immediately began to accelerate the formation of lava.In order to prevent accidents, he prepared to make an early move, unleash the most powerful attack, and directly kill Hayden here.

Kuzan, who was also walking in the direction of Hayden, saw Hayden's actions at the moment, and a bad thought flashed in his eyes.

- minus fifty degrees...

The sticky grass under Hayden's feet was immediately frozen by the icy breath on his body.Starting to take him as the center, towards the surrounding earth, the trend of spreading and freezing.

The earth with a diameter of more than ten meters, seemed to have turned into a transparent ice layer like a mirror in just one breath.

The small island under his feet was affected by Hayden's freezing ability, causing quite a shock. It seemed that the ground would not be able to support the invasion of cold air in the next second, and cracks would appear.

The temperature keeps dropping.

at this moment.

Even Akainu and others, they all began to be affected by Hayden a little bit.

Kuzan looked at Hayden's appearance now, and he suddenly recalled the first time he met this brat. The movement made by this brat at that time was almost exactly the same as the current situation.

At the same time, he also remembered how powerful the kid's moves would be at that time.

At that time, this little devil could make such a big commotion. Now that ten years have passed, how powerful this little devil will be after it is completed...

Kuzan immediately thought of this, he couldn't let Hayden complete this move.

Although it is impossible for Hayden to attack them without armed arrogance, after this move is completed, it is estimated that half of the Chambord Islands will be directly destroyed...

Kuzan watched Hayden's eyes froze, and the freezing ability was ready in an instant.

While Kuzan was thinking.

Akainu on the other side.

At this time, a huge mass of magma had condensed on the right wrist, and while the magma was churning, it made a bubbling sound.

There were a few small balls of magma splashed out from his body, and when they fell on the ice at this moment, they didn't feel hindered at all, and directly melted through the ice and melted into the grass.

"Little devil, give up now! An unarmed attack is purely futile." Akainu looked into his eyes, Hayden, who seemed to be preparing to attack, said solemnly.

With a stiff neck, Hayden slowly turned to the direction of the red dog, watching the red dog approaching him step by step, "I hope you can stay awake after trying my trick..." He spit out a cold air that was visible to the naked eye talking.

After all, the final preparations for Absolute Zero are about to be completed.Hayden himself slowly lowered the body temperature to a terrifying level.

Slowly raised the sleeve Baixue of his left hand, raised his arm, and pointed the tip of the knife at the sky.

next moment--

At a speed that ordinary people can't understand, the situation on the field changes instantly.

A red dog's figure suddenly flashed in front of Hayden, and the lava fist on his right wrist, which was as big as a giant's fist, aimed at Hayden's chest and blasted away instantly.

Hayden felt the super high-temperature heat wave blowing towards his face, and seeing the horrific attack of the red dog in front of him, he didn't panic at all, and just stood there motionless.

Because, his absolute zero is almost complete.

The corners of Hayden's mouth raised a slight arc silently, and the raised sleeve Bai Xue fell naturally slowly, and at the same time slightly opened his lips and read: "Absolute Zero"

At this moment, Hayden's words suddenly stopped at the word "zero", and he couldn't pronounce it completely.

(End of this chapter)

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