Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 209 Fighting with the virtual in my heart

Chapter 209 Fighting with the virtual in my heart


Hayden was taken aback.

Immediately, his eyes focused on the two red shadows, and he immediately realized that the red light was the light reflected from the eyes of the guy in front.


Just when Hayden was thinking about whether this guy had any reason.

The devil gave no sign at all.

His figure suddenly broke through from the white dust that hadn't dissipated, and wanted to rush directly in front of the creature in front of him, in front of Hayden.

It was unreasonable, and there was no communication at all.


Hayden immediately crossed his hands to block the attack of the guy in front of him.

The demon's slender claws then drew five sparks on Hayden's blade, and a huge force was transmitted from the demon's arm to Hayden.

- Bang!

There was a loud noise, followed by an explosion of air waves.

Hayden suffered the attack, his body was directly knocked out by the demon attack.

Feeling the scenery on both sides flashing by in a flash, feeling the gust of wind blowing from the ear because the body was blown away.

Although Hayden was very disturbed, the thought he had already decided in his heart did not waver in any way. Since he had to beat this guy to have a chance of survival—then beat this guy.

A firm look flashed in Hayden's eyes, and then he leaned back and forced his back.

Condensed the spirit sub-blocks under his feet, and stretched until he stood in the air to stop the backward trend.


Just after Hayden had just stood firm.

next second.

He immediately noticed something in his line of sight, a slender red flash, crossing the countless bone hills in front of him at this moment, crossing the space, and coming straight to his direction.

"Virtual Flash!"

The name of this thing flashed in Hayden's mind, and the next moment he quickly left the place where he stood in the air the last second.

- Whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, this slender red flash passed Hayden.

Just brushing against his body, Hayden then felt that this flash of light carried a frightening heat and power.

And the speed of this false flash.

Since he was sent flying just now, at least a distance of more than 1000 meters away, in less than a second or two, he has reached his current position.

The speed of this false flash far exceeded what Hayden had imagined in his mind before.

His eyes subconsciously followed the distant flash and looked over.

Then I saw that the false flash that missed him flew all the way to the end of the horizon before disappearing.After disappearing, the time on the horizon stopped for a beat, and immediately set off a semicircular explosion.

When the explosion happened, Hayden's heart stopped for a beat before it resumed beating.

"The power of this flash." Hayden murmured with a dignified expression, and his eyes quickly turned to the direction where the flash came from before, that is, in front of him at this moment.

This is likely to be just the power of a false flash, it is so terrifying.Hayden couldn't imagine how amazing this guy's strength was.

Although on the one hand, the stronger the demon's strength, the stronger the boost to him.However, the strength displayed by the demon now clearly exceeds the range that Hayden can control.

next second.

Before Hayden liberated his two Zanpakutō.

At this moment, in the sky ahead, there was a loud explosion of air suddenly, and the momentum of the movement was stronger than the lightning that had always existed above the head.

— That guy is coming! ! !
This thought flashed across Hayden's mind, and driven by this strong thought, he instantly released the two Zanpakutō in his hand.

The ribbon of Sode Shirayuki flutters around her, and the thousands of cherry blossoms of Senbonzakura swirl behind her.

Like teleportation.

One second after the air explosion sounded, the figure of Demon Xu suddenly appeared only five or six meters away from Hayden.

"First Dance·Moon White!!!!!!"

Hayden immediately shouted, and the sleeve Baixue in his hand quickly drew a beautiful arc in the air in front of him.

A burst of extremely cold air immediately drew an extremely complete circular space with the body of the demon Xu at this moment as the center of the circle.

The cold air was like a strong wind, whistling and circling back and forth until reaching the sky.

A towering icicle formed in the sky and suddenly appeared in this world where there were only bones.

The demon Xu's body was frozen within the icicle, and he was frozen motionless for less than a thousandth of a second.

boom! ! !
The devil's phantom seemed to be unimpeded by anything, the mere thought of wanting to move forward was enough to free his body from the terrifying icicle.

Hayden, who was just five or six meters away, wasn't surprised at all.

Rather, he would be surprised if this guy could be dealt with with just this level of attack.

After releasing Moon White, Hayden's movements did not stop.

Grasping the ribbon of Sode Baixue with his right hand, he immediately let Sode Baixue spin in front of him, spinning so that he was facing the pure white disc in front of the devil.

At this moment, the speed of the rotation had reached a terrifying level, even Hayden himself did not dare to easily touch the edge of the current disk.

But, it's just not over yet.

Senbonzakura, who turned into countless cherry blossoms behind her, also joined the whirling SodeShirayuki little by little at this moment.

Blade covered blade.

Sode Shirayuki exuding a cold air, just like that, directly set off a violent tornado.

Then, looking at the demon who escaped from the trap——

"Extreme Cold · Ice King Wheel · Snow Sakura Storm!!!"

Hayden growled and growled.

In one breath, the attack that has condensed a super-high concentration of spiritual pressure at this moment was released towards the demon.

at once.

A column of ultra-low cold air mixed with cherry blossoms spewed out from Sode Shirayuki's sword body, and the spinning Sode Shirayuki seemed to open the door to a different world.

And the opened door released the frightening wandering dragon in that world.

The huge silver-pink dragon's big mouth instantly swallowed the demon in front of it in one gulp.

Afterwards, Youlong's forward trend didn't stop, and it flew to the distant horizon with the demon Xu swallowed by it, intending to ride the red thunder directly to the sky.

"Whoosh. Whoosh."

At this moment, Hayden, who was out of breath, stopped the infusion of spiritual pressure, and the sleeve Baixue in his hand also slowly stopped spinning.He couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and squinted his eyes to look in the direction of his attack.

The attack just now seemed to have had an effect on the demon, but I don't know how effective it was.
This blow he unleashes is one of his nirvana.

If this attack had no effect on the demon, then his other attacks should be no different.

Hayden stared at the sky in front of him at this moment, staring at the sky after the dragon in the sky broke up.He prayed in his heart that the demon was harmed.

Don't expect to cause fatal injuries to that demon, even if it reaches the level that this attack will cause to himself.

Then, before he could check for another second.

In the distant sky, like the empty sky, a circular outline visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, as if the air in that space had been detonated by something.

——The movement of that guy.
Hayden immediately understood what he saw.

(End of this chapter)

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