Chapter 212
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Hayden rolled in the middle of the pit floor, growling and roaring.

Not only because of the damage caused by that guy on the chest, but also because of the strong impact on the back without any defense.

On the chest and back, two great pains sandwiched Hayden in the middle, as if they wanted to cut him off with a snap.


Even at this moment, immersed in such pain, Hayden didn't think that he was directly defeated by this pain and fell into a coma like before.

The pain made his consciousness clearer.

Hayden resisted the pain that was scurrying all over his body, and opened his eyes to search for the figure of the demon.

At this moment, the devil is falling rapidly from the clouds above.

Every time he flapped his wings, his figure disappeared from Hayden's sight for a second, and then he shortened the distance by a long distance.

Then, the figure Hayden was looking for came to him in the next instant.

The devil stepped on Hayden's chest mercilessly, and with a "bang", it gave Hayden another heavy blow.


Hayden let out a short wailing immediately, and with the shout, there was still a lot of blood coming out of his mouth.

The ribs in the body also burst open under this heavy blow, making a sound.

Looking at the condescending demon in front of him, there is nothing that can be called emotion showing on this demon.

His rage at the moment was not aimed at Hayden, or his attitude towards every moving object he saw.

The demon held Hayden's body firmly and pressed him to death in the center of the pit with one leg.

Hayden wanted to fight back, but the two Zanpakutō in his hand were knocked down to that place at this time.And now he was pressed to death by this guy and couldn't move on the ground.

After a second of silence.

Hayden was wondering about the guy's next move, and then he saw the red light in the demon's open mouth.

It was very faint at first, but it magnified several times in the blink of an eye.

Demon Xu condensed an astonishing spiritual pressure in a short period of time, he wanted to release Wang Xu's flash directly, and Hayden's move ended here.

--not good! ! !
Hayden instantly realized the crisis of his life.If this trick goes on, he will really die!Not the death of death, but the death of ashes, the kind that leaves no residue.

The high temperature of the red flash immediately affected the surrounding environment, and even the white bones on the surrounding ground were sizzled by the high temperature.

Hayden had no time to think about it.

The hands that touched the ground were clenched tightly, and they were fisted and hammered toward the body at this moment.

The two huge forces on the fists were released in one breath, transmitted to the bone ground below him, and passed to each bone.

boom--! ! !
The ground under Hayden and the demon's empty body suddenly produced a violent collapse.With Hayden at the center, the ground of bones splits like a spider web.

The devil's movement was suddenly interrupted by this unexpected movement, and the movement of accumulating spiritual pressure stopped immediately.

And this pause was exactly what Hayden wanted to achieve.

Due to the collapse, Hayden's body escaped from Demon Xu's grasp for a moment, Wang Xu's flash was also no longer a threat at this moment, and he immediately left the pit with Shunpo.

Hayden's figure appeared not far from the circular pothole.

His breath at this time was completely disordered, and the violent heaving of his chest showed that his physical strength was basically exhausted.

Standing on the spot and taking a few deep breaths, Hayden, while paying attention to the movements of Demon Xu, searched his mind for the locations of the two Zanpakutōs he was knocked down.


Hayden hoped that the moment just now would give him three or four seconds to search.

However, two seconds later, Demon Xu chased after him again, without giving Hayden a chance to breathe.

"Fuck!" Hayden cursed secretly, and wanted to leave the place in a blink of an eye.

Although the location of the Zanpakuto has not been found yet, it is better than standing still and being beaten.

But then.

In order to chase Hayden's demon, his current movement speed has been increased to a certain level, and Hayden, who is about to leave Shunpo, his current speed is only the speed just started.

Hayden, who disappeared in place, was captured by the demon in the sky at his original position, and was caught by him with his back to the demon.

The wrist of the right hand was suddenly grasped firmly by the demon, just like catching a chicken, being hung in the air by the demon.

——It's over, it's over! ! !

at this moment.

The panic in Hayden's heart completely spread out, spreading all over his internal organs, like countless ribbons wrapping the inside tightly.

Then, before Hayden could react immediately, the next moment, the demon's movements did not stop.

The tail on the demon's back seemed soft and flexible, but at this moment it turned into a steel whip with the hardness of steel. With a "snap", after tearing the air, it immediately cut off Hayden's right arm neatly.


Hayden howled as his body fell.

A large amount of blood then spewed out like a fountain, splashing into the sky.

In the pain of being cut off in an instant, coupled with the pain that most of the bones in his body were crushed before.

Hayden's howling only lasted for a few seconds, and then his aura plummeted as if he had lost his life.

Then, there was a bang.

He couldn't exert any strength, and he fell from a high altitude on the land of bones, smashing a circular hole that was much smaller than before.

After landing.

Hayden, who was still awake, had to get up as fast as possible this time.Otherwise, there would be no chance for him to escape this time.


Hayden couldn't utter complete words at this moment, he could only roar indistinctly like a beast.

He touched his forehead to the ground, and then tried to get up in a caterpillar pose.

The fresh blood gushing out of the right arm soon covered the ground all over his body, and flowed down along the tiny gaps between the white bones.

Hayden barely straightened up in an extremely embarrassing posture, but he knelt on the ground and straightened up.

However, before he wanted to go any further, he stood up on both feet.

The next moment, the figure of Demon Xu appeared in front of him again.

Hayden was lowering his head, and at the moment he could only see his lower half.However, he didn't even have the strength to raise his head immediately.

In the line of sight, there seemed to be a double image of the demon's legs, as if the head had suddenly become two, swaying back and forth in front of him.

At this moment, Hayden had countless thoughts flashing through his mind, but none of them could get him out of the dead situation in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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