Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 219 Destroying the False Flash of the Islands

Chapter 219 Destroying the False Flash of the Islands

The sudden rage of the demon Void Spirit Pressure is not without reason.

This time.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of the last few times, in order to attack, hit where you want to hit.

Surrounded by fiends swaying like flames, he opened his mask suddenly, and a red and black ball of light swelled rapidly in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sound like a whistling wind spread throughout the world here.

This is an overly powerful Reiatsu, which affects the sounds in the surrounding environment.This is the spiritual pressure accumulated on the light sphere, which even burned out the influence of the spiritual particles in a large area of ​​air nearby.


This is also unprecedented, and it is even more terrifying than the previous flashes. Zhan Guo and others have not seen it before, and the devil has never issued such a flash - Wang Xu's flash.

"Hey, hey, isn't the energy on that thing a little too exaggerated?!"


"What should we do now!?"

Right across from the ever-increasing ball of light, Zhan Guo and the others were a little frightened by the movement of this guy in front of them.

Kuzan and his three naturalists are not worried about their own safety.

Sengoku and Zefa are also confident that they can withdraw from the range of the explosion before the explosion affects them.Even if they resist hard, the two of them are sure.

However, even at this level, they still can't see through whether Hayden's transformed thing has used all its strength.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to judge whether they should bear the attack that can be avoided, minimize the damage, and stop that guy.

And if they get out of the way, it will be just like the situation that none of the five of them want to see.

The energy accumulated on that ball of light can destroy and annihilate these dozens of small islands behind them at will, treating the archipelago like a few small stones on the side of the road.

There are two choices, one is the Chambord Islands and the other is themselves.

Then, only a short second passed.

Warring States was the leader among the five, and he immediately decided on a strategy to deal with it.

"Block that thing together!!!"

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice with no expression on his face.

The order falls.

Beside him, Zefa, Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino were immediately ready to meet the huge impact in front of them.

The phantom beast Buddha form of the Warring States period appeared, and Zefa had already covered his whole body with a layer of super-high-strength armed domineering color.

Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino also immediately displayed their respective abilities in their hands, and at the same time added armed domineering.

Five people stood in a row in the air.

The two navies with the highest combat power stand in a row with the three who are about to be promoted to the highest combat power.

If there are people who dare to watch a show near the confrontation that is more terrifying than hell.

Then when he saw the highest combat power of the navy, standing together and using their abilities, he would definitely think that these navies were preparing to attack the overlord of the new world without any scruples.

In the eyes of the devil at this moment.

They stood in a row and looked majestic, as if they thought their selves were not clear enough, and the five of them were not big enough targets.

Then, his movement of accumulating spiritual pressure suddenly stopped.

The red and black spiritual pressure ball, its size stops at about ten meters in diameter.

And in this huge ball of light that exudes fear just by looking at this thing, the energy contained in it will be instantly annihilated if it just touches a little edge of this thing.

In other words, this sphere of light is the eraser of the world.

"get ready!!!"

Sengoku immediately shouted when he saw the situation ahead.

For the five of them, now it's up to them to see who is more powerful.

The next moment, the next moment when time seems to stop flowing.

The accumulated Demon Xu suddenly emitted Wang Xu's flash.

Right in front of this huge ball of light, a thick, long red flash suddenly shot out.

The expected light ball attack method instantly changed to the previous flashing mode in front of the five people of the Warring States Period.

Of course, the false flash is originally a ray-like attack method.

It's just that Wang Xu's flashes released by Momoxu at this moment require too much spiritual pressure. In addition to the particularity of the moves, it is more convenient to accumulate the required spiritual pressure in advance.

The demon is controlling this elusive flash, which is difficult to control, and is going to use this blush as a sharp blade to cut off the five people standing in a row from left to right.

The burly flash of rays reached the end of his line of sight.

Then, Wang Xu's flashes showed no scruples.

In an instant, it shot through the object in a straight line to the left of the Five Warring States.

Then, like a gigantic laser blade, it severed everything that stood in its way to the right after messing around in its path.

Behind the five of them, the Yalkiman mangroves on countless small islands were cut off neatly by this huge laser, as if they were not huge trees that were bigger than the islands, but a dozen or so trees. It was cut off like a sapling.

The Yalkiman mangroves, which had taken an unknown number of years to grow, all fell down.

next moment.

The terrifyingly powerful Wang Xu flashed and hit Kuzan on the far left.

This huge thick flash of light was immediately frozen for a few seconds.

Then the huge amount of energy from the light sphere behind it suddenly increased the output power, and then melted through the ice that had frozen the front end, and suddenly annihilated Kuzan's body.


Wang Xu flashed back to the terrifying length again, and shot through the Yarkiman red tree that was originally protected by Kuzan.

Then he teleported to the right, hitting Sakalski.

After a few seconds of being offset by the lava spewed by Sakaski, the situation of Kuzan was repeated again.

Then Polusalino, the same situation happened for the third time.

Then there is Zefa, the five-second scene where the physical body and the majestic energy collide with each other.

And this flash of Wang Xu, which is difficult for Demon Xu to control, if he shoots it straight from the beginning, he can still control it.

However, once he controlled the crosscut like this, the thought of this terrifying beam of light continuing to move to the right was not something he could grasp instantly.

Wang Xu's flash only stayed on Zefa for five seconds.

Afterwards, he continued to slash towards the last person, Zhan Guo who had transformed into a giant Buddha.

Wang Xu flashing head-to-head with the Warring States incarnation of the Buddha, the collision of the two created waves of storms, sweeping towards the surroundings.

The same thing that happened to Zefa continued.

Wang Xu, who couldn't stop at this moment, started to move to the right under the resistance of the Warring States Period, where he no longer needed to attack.


Wang Xu's flash of light was completely removed from Zhan Guo's body, and then he seemed to have completely broken free from the shackles, and like a deflated balloon, the thick and terrifying beam of light began to sway around.

Shoot to the sky, shoot to the sea, shoot to the island
Until the energy of the light sphere behind it was exhausted, it seemed that the world was about to come to an end, and it finally calmed down.

If the picture at this moment is described with a map.

That is the illegal area from zero to No. 19, the naval area from 69 to 79, and the hotel street area from 50 to [-], and even the area around No. [-].

All the Yalkiman mangroves in these areas were cut off by this one, the only one attack.

The entire range of the Chambord Islands.

Only the areas from No. 49 to No. [-], and the illegal areas around No. [-] in the warring area, were not damaged to such an extent that they could almost be called destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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